NARMS taxon details

Diaixis hibernica (Scott A., 1896)

104521  (

marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
(of ) Scott, A. (1896). On Scolecithrix hibernica, a new species of copepod, with some remarks on the distribution of the Crustacea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6)18:362-367, pls. 17-18. (xi-1896) [details] OpenAccess publication
Walter, T.C.; Boxshall, G. (2024). World of Copepods Database. Diaixis hibernica (Scott A., 1896). Accessed through: Costello, M.J.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Arvanitidis, C.; Appeltans, W. (2024) European Register of Marine Species at: on 2025-03-13
Costello, M.J.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Arvanitidis, C.; Appeltans, W. (2025). European Register of Marine Species. Diaixis hibernica (Scott A., 1896). Accessed at: on 2025-03-13
2004-12-21 15:54:05Z
2008-08-06 13:32:15Z

original description (of ) Scott, A. (1896). On Scolecithrix hibernica, a new species of copepod, with some remarks on the distribution of the Crustacea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6)18:362-367, pls. 17-18. (xi-1896) [details] OpenAccess publication

basis of record Boxshall, G. (2001). Copepoda (excl. Harpacticoida), <B><I>in</I></B>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels,</i> 50: pp. 252-268 (look up in IMIS) [details] 

additional source Corral-Estrada, J. (1970). Nota sobre la presencia en el Atlantico de dos especies recientes de Calocalanus (Copepoda, Calanoida). [Note on the presence in the Atlantic of two recent species of Calocalanus (Copepoda, Calanoida).]. <em>Vieraea: Folia Scientarum Biologicarum Canariensium.</em> 1:12-20, pls. 1-3. [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Sars, G.O. (1902). Copepoda Calanoida, Parts V & VI, Scolecithricidae, Stephidae, Tharybidae, Pseudocyclopiidae. <em>An Account of the Crustacea of Norway, with short descriptions and figures of all the species. Bergen Museum.</em> 4: 49-72, pls. 33-48. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Vervoort, W. (1965). Pelagic Copepoda. Part II. Copepoda Calanoida of the families Phaennidae up to and including Acartiidae, containing the description of a new species of Aetideidae. Atlantide Report, Danish Expedition to Coasts of Tropical West Africa 1945-1946 8:9-216. [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Paulmier, G. (2014). Copepods Calanoida (Neocopepoda, Gymnoplea) in Normandy and Brittany waters of the English Channel and the Atlantic. Sections of Amphascandria and Isokerandria. Les copepodes Calanoida (Neocopepoda, Gymnoplea) dans les eaux normandes et bretonnes de la Manche et de l'Atlantiques. Sections of Amphascandria and Isokerandria. <em>Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux.</em> 149, n. ser.42(1):1-22. [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Hansson, H. (2004). North East Atlantic Taxa (NEAT): Nematoda. Internet pdf Ed. Aug 1998. (look up in IMIS) [details] OpenAccess publication

ecology source Brun, P., M.R. Payne & T. Kiørboe. (2017). A trait database for marine copepods. <em>Earth System Science Data.</em> 9(1):99-113., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 

