WoRMS source details
Okutani, T. (1975). Deep-sea bivalves and scaphopods collected from deeper than 2,000 m in the northwestern Pacific by the R.V. "Soyo-Maru" and the R.V. "Kaiyo-Maru" during the years 1969-1974. Bulletin of the Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory. 82: 57-87.
Okutani, T.
Deep-sea bivalves and scaphopods collected from deeper than 2,000 m in the northwestern Pacific by the R.V. "Soyo-Maru" and the R.V. "Kaiyo-Maru" during the years 1969-1974
Bulletin of the Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory
82: 57-87
Abra profundorum japonicum Okutani, 1975 accepted as Abra profundorum (E. A. Smith, 1885) (original description)
Cuspidaria abyssopacifica Okutani, 1975 (original description)
Polyschides kaiyomaruae Okutani, 1975 (original description)
Spinula pelvisshikokuensis Okutani, 1975 accepted as Bathyspinula pelvisshikokuensis (Okutani, 1975) (original description)
Xylophaga (Neoxylophaga) knudseni Okutani, 1975 accepted as Xylophaga knudseni Okutani, 1975 (original description)
Cuspidaria abyssopacifica Okutani, 1975 (original description)
Polyschides kaiyomaruae Okutani, 1975 (original description)
Spinula pelvisshikokuensis Okutani, 1975 accepted as Bathyspinula pelvisshikokuensis (Okutani, 1975) (original description)
Xylophaga (Neoxylophaga) knudseni Okutani, 1975 accepted as Xylophaga knudseni Okutani, 1975 (original description)