WoRMS source details
Acinetoides greeffii Plate, 1888 accepted as Hypocoma parasitica Gruber, 1884 (basis of record)
Acinetoides zoothamni Plate, 1888 accepted as Hypocoma parasitica Gruber, 1884 (basis of record)
Ancistrocoma Chatton & Lwoff, 1926 (basis of record)
Ancistrocoma myae (Kofoid & Bush, 1936) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Ancistrocoma pelseneeri Chatton & Lwoff, 1926 (basis of record)
Ancistrocoma pholadis Chatton & Lwoff, 1926 (basis of record)
Ancistrocoma thorsoni Fenchel, 1965 (basis of record)
Ancistrocomidae Chatton & Lwoff, 1939 (basis of record)
Anisocomides Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Anisocomides zyrphaeae (Chatton & Lwoff, 1926) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Colligocineta Kozloff, 1965 (basis of record)
Colligocineta affinis Kozloff, 1976 (basis of record)
Colligocineta finleyi Kozloff, 1976 (basis of record)
Colligocineta scolelepidis Kozloff, 1976 (basis of record)
Crateristoma Jankowski, 1967 (basis of record)
Crateristoma kindi Jankowski, 1967 (basis of record)
Crebricoma Kozloff, 1946 (basis of record)
Crebricoma carinata (Raabe, 1934) Kozloff, 1946 (basis of record)
Enchelys O.F. Müller, 1773 (basis of record)
Enchelys pisi Delphy, 1938 accepted as Hypocomella krzysiki (Jarocki, 1934) Raabe, 1970 (basis of record)
Enigmocoma (basis of record)
Enigmocoma acinetarum (Collin, 1907) Jankowski, 1976 (basis of record)
Gargarius Chatton & Lwoff, 1934 (basis of record)
Gargarius gargarius Chatton & Lwoff, 1934 (basis of record)
Goniocoma Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Goniocoma macomae (Chatton & Lwoff, 1926) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Harmocoma Yankovskij, 1980 (basis of record)
Harmocoma rostellum (Deroux, 1976) Jankowski, 1980 (basis of record)
Heterocineta Mawrodiadi, 1927 accepted as Hypocomella Chatton & Lwoff, 1924 (basis of record)
Heterocineta krzysiki Jarocki & Raabe, 1934 accepted as Hypocomella krzysiki (Jarocki, 1934) Raabe, 1970 (basis of record)
Heterocoma (Chatton & Lwoff, 1939) Jankowski, 1975 accepted as Rhynchocoma Jankowski, 1975 (basis of record)
Heterocoma hyperparasitica (Chatton & Lwoff, 1939) Jankowski, 1975 accepted as Rhynchocoma hyperparasitica (Chatton & Lwoff, 1939) Jankowski (basis of record)
Holocoma Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Holocoma primigenius Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Hypocoma Gruber, 1884 (basis of record)
Hypocoma acinetarum Collin, 1907 accepted as Enigmocoma acinetarum (Collin, 1907) Jankowski, 1976 (basis of record)
Hypocoma ascidiarum Collin, 1912 (basis of record)
Hypocoma cardii Chatton & Lwoff, 1922 accepted as Hypocomella cardii (Chatton & Lwoff, 1922) Chatton & Lwoff, 1924 (basis of record)
Hypocoma parasitica Gruber, 1884 (basis of record)
Hypocoma patellarum Lichtenstein, 1921 accepted as Hypocomina patellarum (Lichtenstein, 1921) Chatton & Lwoff, 1924 (basis of record)
Hypocoma rostellum Deroux, 1976 accepted as Harmocoma rostellum (Deroux, 1976) Jankowski, 1980 (basis of record)
Hypocomagalma Jarocki & Raabe, 1932 (basis of record)
Hypocomagalma dreissenae Jarocki & Raabe, 1932 (basis of record)
Hypocomatidium Jarocki & Raabe, 1932 (basis of record)
Hypocomatidium jarockii Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Hypocomella Chatton & Lwoff, 1924 (basis of record)
Hypocomella cardii (Chatton & Lwoff, 1922) Chatton & Lwoff, 1924 (basis of record)
Hypocomella krzysiki (Jarocki, 1934) Raabe, 1970 (basis of record)
Hypocomella macomae Chatton & Lwoff, 1924 accepted as Goniocoma macomae (Chatton & Lwoff, 1926) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Hypocomella raabei Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Hypocomella roscoffiensis Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Hypocomidae Bütschli, 1889 (basis of record)
Hypocomides Chatton & Lwoff, 1922 (basis of record)
Hypocomides astartae Fenchel, 1965 (basis of record)
Hypocomides elsinora Fenchel, 1965 (basis of record)
Hypocomides hiatellae Fenchel, 1965 (basis of record)
Hypocomides modiolariae Chatton & Lwoff, 1922 (basis of record)
Hypocomides musculus Fenchel, 1965 (basis of record)
Hypocomides mytili Chatton & Lwoff, 1922 accepted as Isocomides mytili (Chatton & Lwoff, 1922) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Hypocomides zyrphaeae Chatton & Lwoff, 1926 accepted as Anisocomides zyrphaeae (Chatton & Lwoff, 1926) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Hypocomidium Raabe, 1938 (basis of record)
Hypocomidium fabius Raabe, 1938 (basis of record)
Hypocomidium granum Raabe, 1938 (basis of record)
Hypocomina Chatton & Lwoff, 1924 (basis of record)
Hypocomina carinata Raabe, 1934 accepted as Crebricoma carinata (Raabe, 1934) Kozloff, 1946 (basis of record)
Hypocomina patellarum (Lichtenstein, 1921) Chatton & Lwoff, 1924 (basis of record)
Isocomides Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Isocomides mytili (Chatton & Lwoff, 1922) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Parachaenia Kofoid & Bush, 1936 (basis of record)
Parachaenia myae Kofoid & Bush, 1936 accepted as Ancistrocoma myae (Kofoid & Bush, 1936) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Parahypocoma Chatton & Lwoff, 1939 (basis of record)
Parahypocoma collini Chatton & Lwoff, 1939 (basis of record)
Parasphenophrya accepted as Podophrya Ehrenberg, 1834 (basis of record)
Parasphenophrya sphaerii Mjassnikowa, 1930 accepted as Podophrya sphaerii (Mjassnikowa, 1930) Jankowski (basis of record)
Pelecyophrya Chatton & Lwoff, 1922 (basis of record)
Pelecyophrya tapetis Chatton & Lwoff, 1922 (basis of record)
Raabella Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Raabella helensis Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Rhynchocoma Jankowski, 1975 (basis of record)
Rhynchocoma hyperparasitica (Chatton & Lwoff, 1939) Jankowski (basis of record)
Rhynchophrya Collin, 1909 (basis of record)
Rhynchophrya cristallina Raabe, 1935 accepted as Gargarius gargarius Chatton & Lwoff, 1934 (basis of record)
Sphenophrya Chatton & Lwoff, 1921 (basis of record)
Sphenophrya cardii Chatton & Lwoff, 1950 (basis of record)
Sphenophrya dosiniae Chatton & Lwoff, 1921 (basis of record)
Sphenophrya myae Mjassnikowa, 1930 (basis of record)
Sphenophrya sphaerii Mjassnikowa, 1930 accepted as Podophrya sphaerii (Mjassnikowa, 1930) Jankowski (basis of record)
Sphenophryidae Chatton & Lwoff, 1921 (basis of record)
Stegotricha Bower & Meyer, 1993 (basis of record)
Stegotricha enterikos Bower & Meyer, 1993 (basis of record)
Syringopharynx Collin, 1915 (basis of record)
Syringopharynx pterotrachaeae Collin, 1914 (basis of record)
European waters (ERMS scope) for Ancistrocoma myae (Kofoid & Bush, 1936) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950
European waters (ERMS scope) for Ancistrocoma pelseneeri Chatton & Lwoff, 1926
European waters (ERMS scope) for Ancistrocoma pholadis Chatton & Lwoff, 1926
European waters (ERMS scope) for Ancistrocoma thorsoni Fenchel, 1965
European waters (ERMS scope) for Anisocomides zyrphaeae (Chatton & Lwoff, 1926) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950
European waters (ERMS scope) for Colligocineta affinis Kozloff, 1976
European waters (ERMS scope) for Colligocineta finleyi Kozloff, 1976
European waters (ERMS scope) for Colligocineta scolelepidis Kozloff, 1976
European waters (ERMS scope) for Crateristoma kindi Jankowski, 1967
European waters (ERMS scope) for Crebricoma carinata (Raabe, 1934) Kozloff, 1946
European waters (ERMS scope) for Enigmocoma acinetarum (Collin, 1907) Jankowski, 1976
European waters (ERMS scope) for Gargarius gargarius Chatton & Lwoff, 1934
European waters (ERMS scope) for Goniocoma macomae (Chatton & Lwoff, 1926) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950
European waters (ERMS scope) for Harmocoma rostellum (Deroux, 1976) Jankowski, 1980
European waters (ERMS scope) for Holocoma primigenius Chatton & Lwoff, 1950
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocoma ascidiarum Collin, 1912
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocoma parasitica Gruber, 1884
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomagalma dreissenae Jarocki & Raabe, 1932
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomatidium jarockii Chatton & Lwoff, 1950
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomella cardii (Chatton & Lwoff, 1922) Chatton & Lwoff, 1924
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomella krzysiki (Jarocki, 1934) Raabe, 1970
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomella raabei Chatton & Lwoff, 1950
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomella roscoffiensis Chatton & Lwoff, 1950
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomides astartae Fenchel, 1965
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomides elsinora Fenchel, 1965
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomides hiatellae Fenchel, 1965
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomides modiolariae Chatton & Lwoff, 1922
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomides musculus Fenchel, 1965
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomidium fabius Raabe, 1938
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomidium granum Raabe, 1938
European waters (ERMS scope) for Hypocomina patellarum (Lichtenstein, 1921) Chatton & Lwoff, 1924
European waters (ERMS scope) for Isocomides mytili (Chatton & Lwoff, 1922) Chatton & Lwoff, 1950
European waters (ERMS scope) for Parahypocoma collini Chatton & Lwoff, 1939
European waters (ERMS scope) for Parasphenophrya sphaerii Mjassnikowa, 1930
European waters (ERMS scope) for Pelecyophrya tapetis Chatton & Lwoff, 1922
European waters (ERMS scope) for Raabella helensis Chatton & Lwoff, 1950
European waters (ERMS scope) for Rhynchocoma hyperparasitica (Chatton & Lwoff, 1939) Jankowski
European waters (ERMS scope) for Sphenophrya Chatton & Lwoff, 1921
European waters (ERMS scope) for Sphenophrya cardii Chatton & Lwoff, 1950
European waters (ERMS scope) for Sphenophrya dosiniae Chatton & Lwoff, 1921
European waters (ERMS scope) for Sphenophrya myae Mjassnikowa, 1930
European waters (ERMS scope) for Stegotricha Bower & Meyer, 1993
European waters (ERMS scope) for Stegotricha enterikos Bower & Meyer, 1993
European waters (ERMS scope) for Syringopharynx pterotrachaeae Collin, 1914
In bivalves Sphaerium corneum; type race in brackish part of Neva estuary, Baltic sea. Later in french ponds (1042, ... [details]
In branchial cavity of pelagic tunicate Salpa mucronata or S. democratica; specific ectoparasite of commensal ... [details]
Neapel, on marine Zoothamnium. Described without knowledge of source 1063. Always recognized as synonym of Hypocoma ... [details]
Neapel, on marine Zoothamnium. Long time treated as independent species, now forgotten. Transferred inside ... [details]
On silt clam Mya arenaria- North Pacific and Europe. Regarded as valid species in 1042, 1058, 1025, 1086, 1087, 1090; ... [details]
On Macoma balthica (now "baltica"), Normandie, France, on branchial and palp epithelium. North Europe, to Murmansk. ... [details]
Freshwater race - 1058: more common in brackish estuary in Polish Baltic (1098). On gills of fouling euryhaline ... [details]
Sphenophrya sp. Single record on European oysters (Crassostrea angulata, 1064, in Spain) and on east-American ... [details]
Stegotricha sp. Second distinct species of Stegotricha, widespread in European oysters, was determined as ... [details]
Type host Pholas (=Barnea) candida, rock-boring bivalves, Normandie. Treated as subspecies of A. pelseneeri, as ... [details]
On branchiae of bivalves Abra nitida, south Sweden. May require new genus - with 2 ciliary systems, other ... [details]
In manton of rock-boring bivalves Pholas (=Zirfaea) crispata, Wimereux, France. Must we correct species name to ... [details]
On prostomial cirri of sabellid (tube-building) polychaetes Sabella pavonina in Salcombe, England, usually jointly ... [details]
Same host, locus, and sampling site as in C. affinis; both species occur together but demonstrate some antagonism. [details]
On polychaetes of another family, Spionidae - Scolelepis fuliginosa, on mud flats in Roscoff, France, abundant on 2 ... [details]
Freeswimming in mantle cavity of cirriped Balanus (Semibalanus) balanoides, Murmansk coast, Barents sea; single ... [details]
In manton of Mytilus edulis, on palps and branchiae: Europe and both coasts of USA. Descriptions in 1042, 1078, ... [details]
In mantle cavity of Cardium edule in Arcachon, France. Described as prostome (like Parachaenia). Symbionts of ... [details]
Sete, France; 2 dissimilar forms, on shells of suctorian Acineta papillifera (with mucous cover); on stalk of ... [details]
Sessile on branchial surface of Mytilus edulis, Mediterranean sea to Baltic. Also on M. galloprovincialis in Black ... [details]
On branchiae and palps of Macoma baltica, type host (1092, 1036, 1042); on Abra alba (1058, unseparable), northern ... [details]
On antapical surface of disc and legs of small ophiuran Amphipholis squamata; Roscoff, France. [details]
On branchiae and mantle tissues of bivalves Macoma (=Tellina) balthica, La Manche to Baltic sea. Description in ... [details]
On pericoronal circle of zooids of colonial sessile tunicates Botryllus sp. from leaves of Zostera in Sete, France. ... [details]
Shelf of European seas, widespread. Attached to zooids of colonial peritrichs Zoothamnium in periphyton; also on ... [details]
In bivalves Nucula nucleus, Banyuls, France. Ascribed to this genus with doubt by Raabe (1100). 3 right kineties ... [details]
In cockles Cardium edule, mainly on surface of interbranchial slits. West France. [details]
In common European pond snail Bithynia tentaculata; freshwater races are well described by Raabe (1096, !!00). More ... [details]
True Hypocomella have one-sided kinetome; in H. macomae kineties cover most of body surface leaving small "acilon" ... [details]
In cockles Cardium edule and C. lamarcki, south Scandinavia, Baltic sea. Proposed for "Hypocomella cardii Ch. & ... [details]
On branchial surface of cockles Cardium exiguum, Roscoff, France. Described without drawings as Hypocomella raabei ... [details]
Mantle cavity of bivalves Astarte montagui, SW Sweden. [details]
On Musculus niger, NE Danmark. Year before described as H. modiolariae (1057), although many differences were ... [details]
On rock-boring and nesting bivalves Hiatella (=Saxicava) arctica and H. striata in south Sweden (H. striata may be ... [details]
On Modiolaria marmorata (=Musculus marmoratus), Roscoff to Murmansk. Descriptions in 1042, 1058, 1100. Not "H. ... [details]
On green Musculus discors, SW Sweden. Common on Murmansk coast. [details]
In cockles Cardium edule or C. lamarcki (identification uncertain), Baltic (Poland) and Black seas (Bulgaria). ... [details]
In Mya arenaria; not redescribed after discovery. [details]
On branchiae of gastropods Patella coerulea, south France and Adriatic sea. Commonly noted and well restudied ... [details]
Manton of mussel Mytilus edulis, West France to Poland. Not "I. mytili" in 1094, 1095, from same host - later ... [details]
In ascidians - benthic Ascidia (Ascidiella) mentula, Ciona intestinalis, Clavelina lepadiformis. Second ascribed ... [details]
Trophonts constantly attached to branchiae of bivalves Tapes aureus; Roscoff and Banyuls, France; never on T. ... [details]
Proposed for species, well described but misidentified as Hypocomides mytili Chatton & Lwoff 1922 by Raabe (1094, ... [details]
On branchial surface of cockles Cardium edule and/or C. lamarcki, Roscoff to east Baltic; perfect descriptions in ... [details]
Many hosts, records and descriptions (1032, 1035, 1039, 1042, 1043, 1103 etc). Type host Dosinia exoleta in ... [details]
From Mya truncata, White sea (type host, 1088); on M. arenaria in north Europe. Synonymized with S. dosiniae in ... [details]
In lumen of digestive gland tubules of Crassostrea gigas in Canadian Pacific. In imported C. gigas in France (1050, ... [details]
On gills of pelagic mollusc Pterotrachaea coronata, Mediterranean coast of France. Inside Enchelys in 1073. ... [details]
Genus Heterocineta Mawrodiadi, 1927, is rejected by Chatton and Raabe, although with unacceptable reasons. Polish ... [details]
Even homonym-hunters overlooked that Heterocoma is homonym of lepidopteran insect dated 1918. Replaced name ... [details]
New genus was proposed in abstract 1070; unlike Hypocoma parasitica, it has deep thigmotactic hole. [details]
Hypocoma belongs to another family. Early authors ascribed to it different rhynchodids, until Chatton & Lwoff ... [details]
Long secant line in infraciliature distinguishes it from Hypocoma and Enigmocoma. New genus was proposed in 1071. [details]
Later type species of monotypic genus Isocomides (1042). Redescribed in 1042, 1058 and 1100. [details]
Described at first without drawings; in 1950, with perfect illustrations, declared as type of a new monotypic genus ... [details]
Redescribed several times under this name in Polish Baltic. This species and not disputable C. kozloffi must be ... [details]
Mistaken for prostome ciliate and described without knowledge of publications of Chatton & Lwoff on Rhynchodida. [details]
Synonym of previous name, described independently from Mytilus edulis in Polish Baltic. Generic name Rhynchophrya ... [details]
Parasphenophrya was introduced as subgenus of Sphenophrya for S. dreissenae (type) and S. naumiana (1072); now rank ... [details]