Deep-Sea name details

Hyalonema (Pteronema) Ijima, 1927

171539  (

 unaccepted (subgenus name preoccupied)


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marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
Ijima, I. (1927). The Hexactinellida of the Siboga Expedition. Pp. i-viii, 1-383, pls I-XXVI. <em>in: Weber, M. (Ed.), Siboga-Expeditie. Uitkomsten op zoologisch, botanisch, oceanographisch en geologisch gebied verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-lndië 1899- 1900 aan boord H.M. 'Siboga' onder commando van Luitenant ter zee 1e kl. G.F. Tydemann. 106 (Monographie VI) (E.J. Brill, Leiden).</em>
page(s): 50 [details] Available for editors  PDF available
de Voogd, N.J.; Alvarez, B.; Boury-Esnault, N.; Cárdenas, P.; Díaz, M.-C.; Dohrmann, M.; Downey, R.; Goodwin, C.; Hajdu, E.; Hooper, J.N.A.; Kelly, M.; Klautau, M.; Lim, S.C.; Manconi, R.; Morrow, C.; Pinheiro, U.; Pisera, A.B.; Ríos, P.; Rützler, K.; Schönberg, C.; Turner, T.; Vacelet, J.; van Soest, R.W.M.; Xavier, J. (2024). World Porifera Database. Hyalonema (Pteronema) Ijima, 1927. Accessed through: Glover, A.G.; Higgs, N.; Horton, T. (2024) World Register of Deep-Sea species (WoRDSS) at: on 2025-03-14
Glover, A.G.; Higgs, N.; Horton, T. (2025). World Register of Deep-Sea species (WoRDSS). Hyalonema (Pteronema) Ijima, 1927. Accessed at: on 2025-03-14
2005-07-10 18:05:41Z
2008-09-21 18:07:31Z
2012-07-29 09:02:03Z
2020-03-24 09:56:40Z
2021-07-19 11:28:02Z

original description Ijima, I. (1927). The Hexactinellida of the Siboga Expedition. Pp. i-viii, 1-383, pls I-XXVI. <em>in: Weber, M. (Ed.), Siboga-Expeditie. Uitkomsten op zoologisch, botanisch, oceanographisch en geologisch gebied verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-lndië 1899- 1900 aan boord H.M. 'Siboga' onder commando van Luitenant ter zee 1e kl. G.F. Tydemann. 106 (Monographie VI) (E.J. Brill, Leiden).</em>
page(s): 50 [details] Available for editors  PDF available

basis of record Tabachnick, K.R.; Menshenina, L.L. (2002). Family Hyalonematidae Gray, 1857. pp. 1232-1263. <i>In</i>: Hooper, J. N. A. & Van Soest, R. W. M. (ed.) Systema Porifera. A guide to the classification of sponges. Vol. 2 (Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers: New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow). (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors  PDF available

basis of record Tabachnick, K.R.; Menshenina, L.L. (2002 [2004]). Family Hyalonematidae Gray, 1857. pp. 1232-1263. <i>In</i>: Hooper, J. N. A. & Van Soest, R. W. M. (2002 [2004]) Systema Porifera - A guide to the classification of sponges. (2 volumes). Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers: New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow), 1708 + xvliii. ISBN 978-1-4615-0747-5 (eBook electronic version). [details] Available for editors  PDF available