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Morkhoven van, F. P. C. M. (1963). Post-paleozoic Ostracoda. Their Morphology. Taxonomy and Economic Use. Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam. 1–204 pp.
Morkhoven van, F. P. C. M.
Post-paleozoic Ostracoda. Their Morphology. Taxonomy and Economic Use
Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam
1–204 pp
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
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2014-02-18 09:40:33Z
2016-07-14 20:18:43Z
2016-08-03 13:22:39Z

Amphicytherura aculeata (Bonnema, 1941) † accepted as Schizocythere aculeata (Bonnema, 1941) † accepted as Apateloschizocythere aculeata (Bonnema, 1941) † (new combination reference)
Brachycythere (Brachycythere) acutocaudata (Alexander, 1929) † (new combination reference)
Brachycythere (Digmocythere) martini (Murray, Jr. & Hussey, 1942) † accepted as Opimocythere martini (Murray, Jr. & Hussey, 1942) † (new combination reference)
Brachycythere (Digmocythere) marylandica (Ulrich, 1901) † accepted as Opimocythere marylandica (Ulrich, 1901) Hazel, 1968 † (new combination reference)
Brachycythere (Digmocythere) russelli (Howe & Lea in Howe & Law, 1936) † (new combination reference)
Brachycythere (Digmocythere) triangularis (Reuss, 1855) † represented as  † (new combination reference)
Brachycythere (Digmocythere) watervalleyensis (Howe & Chambers, 1935) † (new combination reference)
Brachycythere acutocaudata (Alexander, 1929) † accepted as Acuminobrachycythere ledaforma (Israelsky, 1929) † (new combination reference)
Buntonia israelskyi (Howe & Pyeatt in Howe & Chambers, 1935) † (new combination reference)
Buntonia israelskyi israelskyi (Howe & Pyeatt in Howe & Chambers, 1935) † (new combination reference)
Buntonia israelskyi warneri (Howe & Pyeatt in Howe & Chambers, 1935) † (additional source)
Buntonia seguenziana (Ruggieri, 1958) † represented as Buntonia (Quasibuntonia) seguenziana (Ruggieri, 1958) † accepted as Quasibuntonia seguenziana Ruggieri, 1958 (new combination reference)
Bythoceratina ilex (Chapman, 1919) (new combination reference)
Callistocythere diffusa (Müller, 1894) accepted as Leptocythere (Callistocythere) diffusa (Müller, 1894) Schornikov, 1966 (new combination reference)
Callistocythere discrepans (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Callistocythere elegans (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Callistocythere mediterranea (Müller, 1894) accepted as Sagmatocythere mediterranea (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Carinocythereis antiquata (Baird, 1850) (new combination reference)
Carinocythereis antiquata antiquata (Baird, 1850) (new combination reference)
Carinocythereis aspera (Brady, 1865) (new combination reference)
Carinocythereis princeps (Terquem, 1878) † accepted as Carinocythereis princeps (Terquem, 1878) Wouters, 1974 † (new combination reference)
Carinocythereis senilis (Jones, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Carinocythereis triseriata (Terquem, 1878) † (new combination reference)
Cuneocythere (Cuneocythere) truncata (Brady, 1868) represented as Cuneocythere truncata (Brady, 1868) (new combination reference)
Cuneocythere truncata (Brady, 1868) (new combination reference)
Cyamocytheridea curvata (Lienenklaus, 1900) † accepted as  † (new combination reference)
Cyamocytheridea hebertiana (Bosquet, 1852) † accepted as  † (new combination reference)
Cyamocytheridea heinzelini (Keij, 1957) † (new combination reference)
Cyamocytheridea heizelensis (Keij, 1957) † (new combination reference)
Cythere maia (Benson, 1959) (new combination reference)
Cytheretta (Flexus) Neviani, 1928 † accepted as Flexus Neviani, 1928 † (new combination reference)
Cytheretta (Flexus) plicata (Muenster, 1830) accepted as Flexus plicatus (Muenster, 1830) (new combination reference)
Cytheromorpha diformis (Weber, 1937) † (new combination reference)
Cytheromorpha longiformis (Weber, 1937) † (new combination reference)
Cytherura forestensis Keij, 1957 † accepted as Semicytherura forestensis (Keij, 1957) † (new combination reference)
Echinocythereis marginata (Norman, 1862) (new combination reference)
Echinocythereis mirabilis (Brady, 1868) accepted as Rabilimis mirabilis (Brady, 1868) (new combination reference)
Eucythere (Rotundracythere) rotunda (Hornibrook, 1952) (new combination reference)
Hemicytheridea cancellata (Brady, 1868) (new combination reference)
Hemicytherura (Kangarina) Coryell & Fields, 1937 † accepted as Kangarina Coryell & Fields, 1937 † (new combination reference)
Hemicytherura (Kangarina) abyssicola (Mueller, 1894) accepted as Kangarina abyssicola (Mueller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Hemicytherura (Kangarina) abyssicola abyssicola (Mueller, 1894) accepted as Kangarina abyssicola (Mueller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Hemicytherura (Kangarina) abyssicola coarctata (Ruggieri, 1953) † accepted as Kangarina abyssicola (Mueller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Hemicytherura (Kangarina) quellita (Coryell & Fields, 1937) † accepted as Kangarina quellita Coryell & Fields, 1937 † (new combination reference)
Hemicytherura (Kangarina) radiata (Hornibrook, 1952) accepted as Kangarina radiata (Hornibrook, 1952) (new combination reference)
Hemicytherura (Kangarina) sinuata (Lienenklaus, 1894) † accepted as  † (new combination reference)
Hemicytherura (Kangarina) sinuatum (Lienenklaus, 1894) † accepted as  † (new combination reference)
Henryhowella sarsii (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Hermanites approximata (Bosquet, 1852) † accepted as Bradleya approximata (Bosquet, 1852) † (new combination reference)
Hermanites approximatus (Bosquet, 1852) † accepted as Bradleya approximata (Bosquet, 1852) † (new combination reference)
Hermanites excancellata (Neviani, 1928) † accepted as Hermanites excancellatus (Neviani, 1928) † (new combination reference)
Hermanites excancellatus (Neviani, 1928) † (new combination reference)
Hermanites hoernesi (Speyer, 1863) † (new combination reference)
Hermanites scutulata (Howe, 1951) † accepted as Hermanites scutulatus (Howe, 1951) † (new combination reference)
Hermanites scutulatus (Howe, 1951) † (new combination reference)
Hermanites weaveri (Howe & Law, 1936) † (new combination reference)
Kangarina radiata (Hornibrook, 1952) (new combination reference)
Kingmaina macroptera (Bosquet, 1854) Keij, 1957 † (additional source)
Microcytherura broeckiana (Brady, 1878) (new combination reference)
Microcytherura broeckiana broeckiana (Brady, 1878) (new combination reference)
Microcytherura macropora (Lienenklaus, 1894) † represented as  † (new combination reference)
Neocyprideis apostolescui (Keij, 1957) † (new combination reference)
Neocyprideis parallela (Lienenklaus, 1905) † (new combination reference)
Neocytheretta Morkhoven, 1963 (original description)
Neocytheretta goujoni (Brady, 1868) accepted as Alocopocythere goujoni (Brady, 1868) (new combination reference)
Neocytheretta snellii (Kingma, 1948) † (new combination reference)
Neocytherideis recta (Brady, 1878) (new combination reference)
Neomonoceratina bataviana (Brady, 1868) (new combination reference)
Neomonoceratina entomon (Brady, 1890) (new combination reference)
Neomonoceratina iniqua (Brady, 1868) (new combination reference)
Neomonoceratina koenigswaldi (Keij, 1954) (new combination reference)
Neomonoceratina mediterranea (Ruggieri, 1953) (new combination reference)
Neomonoceratina mediterranea mediterranea (Ruggieri, 1953) (new combination reference)
Neomonoceratina rhomboidea (Brady, 1868) (new combination reference)
Neomonoceratina rhomboideum (Brady, 1868) accepted as Neomonoceratina rhomboidea (Brady, 1868) (new combination reference)
Occultocythereis complanata (Bosquet, 1854) † accepted as  † (new combination reference)
Occultocythereis guinesensis (Bold, 1946) † (new combination reference)
Phlyctocythere fragilis (Sars, 1866) accepted as Loxocauda fragilis (Sars, 1866) (new combination reference)
Phlyctocythere pellucida (Müller, 1894) accepted as Loxocauda pellucida (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Platycythereis baillyensis Stchepinsky, 1955 † (additional source)
Platycythereis cancellosa (Alexander, 1934) † accepted as Platycosta cancellosa (Alexander, 1934) Bold, 1970 † (new combination reference)
Platycythereis costatana angula (Schmidt, 1948) Brown, 1957 † (additional source)
Pontocythere agricola (Howe & Hadley in Howe, Hadley et al., 1935) † represented as Pontocythere (Hulingsina) agricola (Howe & Hadley in Howe, Hadley et al., 1935) Swain, 1974 † (new combination reference)
Pontocythere ashermani (Ulrich & Bassler, 1904) † represented as Pontocythere (Hulingsina) ashermani (Ulrich & Bassler, 1904) Swain, 1974 † (new combination reference)
Pontocythere gosportensis (Blake, 1950) † (new combination reference)
Pontocythere grosjeani (Keij, 1957) † (new combination reference)
Pontocythere mayeri (Howe & Garrett, 1934) † (new combination reference)
Pontocythere rubra (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Pontocythere sulcata (Brady, 1886) (new combination reference)
Pontocythere turbida (Müller, 1894) accepted as Cushmanidea turbida (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Propontocypris (Propontocypris) dispar (Müller, 1894) represented as Propontocypris dispar (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Propontocypris (Propontocypris) maculosa (Müller, 1894) represented as Propontocypris maculosa (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Propontocypris (Propontocypris) mediterranea (Müller, 1894) represented as Propontocypris mediterranea (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Propontocypris (Propontocypris) monstrosa (Müller, 1894) represented as Propontocypris monstrosa (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Propontocypris (Propontocypris) setosa (Müller, 1894) accepted as Schedopontocypris setosa (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Propontocypris declivis (Müller, 1894) accepted as Schedopontocypris declivis (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Propontocypris dispar (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Propontocypris levis (Müller, 1894) accepted as Schedopontocypris levis (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Propontocypris maculosa (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)
Propontocypris mediterranea (Müller, 1894) (new combination reference)