WoRMS source details
Cicha, I.; Rögl, F.; Rupp, C.; Čtyroká, J.; Members of the "Working group on the foraminifera of the Central Paratethys". (1998). Oligocene-Miocene foraminifera of the Central Paratethys. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft. 549: 1-325.
Cicha, I.; Rögl, F.; Rupp, C.; Čtyroká, J.; Members of the "Working group on the foraminifera of the Central Paratethys"
Oligocene-Miocene foraminifera of the Central Paratethys
Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft
549: 1-325
Available for editors [request]
Due to the collision of the Indian subcontinent with Asia and the rotation of Africa the Paratethys came into being, an intracontinental sea from the western Alps to inner Asia. This new bioprovince is characterized by its particular geodynamic evolution and specialized aquatic faunas. The Central Paratethys, reaching from Bavaria to the Black Sea, marked by its connections to the Mediterranean, the Indopacific and its occasional total isolation, is shown to be a distinct subprovince deserving an independent stratigraphical concept of regional stages. This atlas is an attempt to present this area of sedimentation and its foraminiferal faunas. 28 scientists of 13 countries have worked on it for several years. The investigated time span includes the Eocene-Oligocene boundary and reaches up to the Middle Miocene (Sarmatian stage). Within the Pannonian stage only a few foraminiferids are known due to the increasing fresh water character of the Pannonian sediments. Within a brief introduction to the regional stratigraphy the correlation with the regional stages of the Eastern Paratethys and the Mediterranean is discussed. Short summaries about the geological development of the various basins of the Central Paratethys were necessary because of their different geodynamic and faunistic evolution. They are complete with range charts of regional stratigraphically important foraminiferal species, which sometimes differ from the compilated range charts of the subsequent atlas. The following areas are discussed: the Alpine Foredeep of Bavaria and Austria, the Carpathian Foredeep from Moravia to the Ukraine and its southern outskirts in NW Bulgaria, the Oligocene to Miocene Flysch sediments within the Carpathians from Moravia to the Ukraine, the basins within the Alpine-Carpathian arch in the Pannonian area and adjacent basins such as the Vienna Basin, the Styrian Basin, the Danube Basin, the South Slovakian Basin, the East Slovakian Basin, the Transcarpathian Basin, the Transylvanian Basin and marginal basins in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. The atlas itself presents a selection of about 600 of the most important species, arranged according to the system of LOEBLICH & TAPPAN (1987). Each plate is accompanied by a stratigraphical range chart of the figured species. New genera and species, first discribed within this atlas, are discussed in a systematcal part: Colominellinae POPESCU nov. subfam., Colominella POPESCU nov. gen., Paragaudryinella POPESCU nov. gen., Geminiella POPESCU nov. gen., Porosolenia POPESCU nov. gen., Lapugyina POPESCU nov. gen., Neugeborina POPESCU nov. gen., Gaudryinopsis austriacus RÖGL nov. sp., Planularia karolyi CICHA & RÖGL nov. sp., Lapugyina schmidi POPESCU nov. sp., Uvigerina popescui RÖGL, nov. sp., Svratkina cichai POPESCU nov. sp., Alabamina armellae POPESCU nov. sp., Cassigerinella spinata RÖGL nov. sp. A taxonomical index with original citation, type locality, repository and, in many cases, systematic remarks on the figured species is included. References and a regional and a taxonomical index complete the atlas.
Adelosina longirostra (d'Orbigny, 1826) (new combination reference)
Affinetrina voloshinovae subsp. pectiniformis (Bogdanovich, 1952) † (new combination reference)
Alabamina abstrusa (Franzenau, 1890) † (new combination reference)
Alabamina armellae Popescu, 1998 † (original description)
Almaena hieroglyphica (Sigal, 1950) † accepted as Pseudoplanulinella hieroglyphica Sigal, 1950 † (new combination reference)
Almaena osnabrugensis (Münster, 1838) † (new combination reference)
Alveolophragmium crassum (Reuss, 1867) † (new combination reference)
Alveolophragmium obliquicameratum (Marks, 1951) † (new combination reference)
Ammomassilina alveoliniformis (Millett, 1898) (new combination reference)
Ammonia viennensis (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Amphicoryna badenensis (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Amphicoryna ottnangensis (Toula, 1914) † (new combination reference)
Amphicoryna tunicata (Hantken, 1868) † (new combination reference)
Amphimorphina haueriana Neugeboren, 1850 † (additional source)
Angulogerina angulosa (Williamson, 1858) accepted as Trifarina angulosa (Williamson, 1858) (new combination reference)
Angulogerina globosa (Stoltz, 1925) † accepted as Trifarina globosa (Stoltz, 1925) † (new combination reference)
Angulogerina muralis (Terquem, 1882) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides affinis (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides badenensis (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides capitatus (Gümbel, 1870) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides granosus (Hantken, 1875) (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides transkarpaticus (Pishvanova, 1954) † (new combination reference)
Articulina sarmatica (Karrer, 1877) † (new combination reference)
Asterigerinata planorbis (d'Orbigny, 1846) accepted as Biasterigerina planorbis (d'Orbigny, 1846) (new combination reference)
Aubignyna kiliani (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Baggina arenaria (Karrer, 1867) † (new combination reference)
Bolivina budensis (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Bolliella navazuelensis (Molina Martinez, 1979) † accepted as Globigerinella navazuelensis (Molina, 1979) † (new combination reference)
Borelis melo subsp. curdica (Reichel, 1937) † accepted as Praebullalveolina curdica (Reichel, 1937) † (new combination reference)
Borelis melo subsp. haueri (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Budashevaella wilsoni (Smith, 1948) † (new combination reference)
Bulimina gutsulica (Livental, 1953) † accepted as Caucasina gutsulica (Livental, 1953) † (new combination reference)
Cassigerinella spinata Rögl, 1998 † (original description)
Ceratocancris eximius (Rzehak, 1888) † (new combination reference)
Ceratocancris hauerii (d'Orbigny, 1846) (new combination reference)
Charltonina budensis (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Cibicides amphisyliensis (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides austriacus (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides budayi (Cicha & Zapletalová, 1960) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides dalmatinus (van Bellen, 1941) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides lopjanicus (Myatlyuk, 1950) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides oligocenicus (Samoilova, 1947) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides ornatus (Cicha & Zapletalová, 1960) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides pachyderma (Rzehak, 1886) accepted as Cibicides pachyderma (Rzehak, 1886) (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides pygmeus (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides similis (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides ungerianus subsp. filicosta (Hagn, 1952) † (new combination reference)
Colominella Popescu, 1998 † (original description)
Colominella paalzowi (Cushman, 1936) † (new combination reference)
Colominellinae Popescu, 1998 † (original description)
Cornuspira plicata (Cžjžek, 1848) † (new combination reference)
Coryphostoma digitale (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Cribroparrella pteromphalia (Gümbel, 1870) † (new combination reference)
Cribrostomoides subglobosus (Cushman, 1910) (new combination reference)
Cycloforina serovae (Bogdanovich, 1952) † (new combination reference)
Cylindroclavulina rudis (Costa, 1855) † (new combination reference)
Cylindroclavulina rudislosta (Hantken, 1889) † (new combination reference)
Dentalina contorta (Hantken, 1868) † (new combination reference)
Dentalinoides approximata (Reuss, 1866) † (new combination reference)
Dimorphina ackneriana (Neugeboren, 1851) † (new combination reference)
Eggerella irregularis (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella artifex (Serova, 1955) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella dollfusi (Cushman, 1936) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella heteropora (Egger, 1857) † accepted as Cribrononion heteroporum (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella minuta (Reuss, 1865) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella subcarinata (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella subnodosa (Münster, 1838) † represented as Elphidium subnodosum (Münster, 1838) † (new combination reference)
Elphidium aculeatum (d'Orbigny, 1846) (new combination reference)
Elphidium flexuosum (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (additional source)
Elphidium hauerinum (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (additional source)
Elphidium josephinum (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Elphidium ortenburgense (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Elphidium reginum (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Elphidium rugosum (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Epistominella molassica (Hagn, 1952) † (new combination reference)
Escornebovina orthorapha (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Escornebovina trochiformis (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Fissurina cubanica (Bogdanovich, 1947) † (new combination reference)
Fissurina mironovi (Bogdanovich, 1947) † (new combination reference)
Floresina multicamera (Cushman & Parker, 1938) † accepted as Elongobula multicamera (Cushman & Parker, 1938) † (new combination reference)
Fontbotia wuellerstorfi (Schwager, 1866) accepted as Lobatula wuellerstorfi (Schwager, 1866) (new combination reference)
Frondovaginulina tenuissima (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Fursenkoina mustoni (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Gaudryinopsis austriacus Rögl, 1998 † (original description)
Gaudryinopsis beregoviensis (Venglinsky, 1957) † (new combination reference)
Geminiella Popescu, 1998 † (original description)
Geminiella gibbera (Buchner, 1940) (new combination reference)
Glandulina dimorpha (Bornemann, 1855) (new combination reference)
Globocassidulina globosa (Hantken, 1875) (new combination reference)
Globocassidulina oblonga (Reuss, 1850) (new combination reference)
Globocassidulina vitalisi (Majzon, 1948) † (new combination reference)
Globulina granulosa (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Globulina striata (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Grigelis pyrula (d'Orbigny, 1826) (new combination reference)
Gyroidina constans (Reiser, 1987) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidinoides altiformis (Stewart & Stewart, 1930) accepted as Gyroidina altiformis Stewart & Stewart, 1930 (new combination reference)
Gyroidinoides mamillatus (Andreae, 1884) † accepted as Gyroidinoides mamillata (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidinoides octocamerata (Cushman & Hanna, 1927) † (new combination reference)
Hanzawaia boueana (d'Orbigny, 1846) (new combination reference)
Hanzawaia crassiseptata (Łuczkowska, 1960) † (new combination reference)
Affinetrina voloshinovae subsp. pectiniformis (Bogdanovich, 1952) † (new combination reference)
Alabamina abstrusa (Franzenau, 1890) † (new combination reference)
Alabamina armellae Popescu, 1998 † (original description)
Almaena hieroglyphica (Sigal, 1950) † accepted as Pseudoplanulinella hieroglyphica Sigal, 1950 † (new combination reference)
Almaena osnabrugensis (Münster, 1838) † (new combination reference)
Alveolophragmium crassum (Reuss, 1867) † (new combination reference)
Alveolophragmium obliquicameratum (Marks, 1951) † (new combination reference)
Ammomassilina alveoliniformis (Millett, 1898) (new combination reference)
Ammonia viennensis (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Amphicoryna badenensis (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Amphicoryna ottnangensis (Toula, 1914) † (new combination reference)
Amphicoryna tunicata (Hantken, 1868) † (new combination reference)
Amphimorphina haueriana Neugeboren, 1850 † (additional source)
Angulogerina angulosa (Williamson, 1858) accepted as Trifarina angulosa (Williamson, 1858) (new combination reference)
Angulogerina globosa (Stoltz, 1925) † accepted as Trifarina globosa (Stoltz, 1925) † (new combination reference)
Angulogerina muralis (Terquem, 1882) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides affinis (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides badenensis (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides capitatus (Gümbel, 1870) † (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides granosus (Hantken, 1875) (new combination reference)
Anomalinoides transkarpaticus (Pishvanova, 1954) † (new combination reference)
Articulina sarmatica (Karrer, 1877) † (new combination reference)
Asterigerinata planorbis (d'Orbigny, 1846) accepted as Biasterigerina planorbis (d'Orbigny, 1846) (new combination reference)
Aubignyna kiliani (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Baggina arenaria (Karrer, 1867) † (new combination reference)
Bolivina budensis (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Bolliella navazuelensis (Molina Martinez, 1979) † accepted as Globigerinella navazuelensis (Molina, 1979) † (new combination reference)
Borelis melo subsp. curdica (Reichel, 1937) † accepted as Praebullalveolina curdica (Reichel, 1937) † (new combination reference)
Borelis melo subsp. haueri (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Budashevaella wilsoni (Smith, 1948) † (new combination reference)
Bulimina gutsulica (Livental, 1953) † accepted as Caucasina gutsulica (Livental, 1953) † (new combination reference)
Cassigerinella spinata Rögl, 1998 † (original description)
Ceratocancris eximius (Rzehak, 1888) † (new combination reference)
Ceratocancris hauerii (d'Orbigny, 1846) (new combination reference)
Charltonina budensis (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Cibicides amphisyliensis (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides austriacus (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides budayi (Cicha & Zapletalová, 1960) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides dalmatinus (van Bellen, 1941) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides lopjanicus (Myatlyuk, 1950) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides oligocenicus (Samoilova, 1947) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides ornatus (Cicha & Zapletalová, 1960) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides pachyderma (Rzehak, 1886) accepted as Cibicides pachyderma (Rzehak, 1886) (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides pygmeus (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides similis (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Cibicidoides ungerianus subsp. filicosta (Hagn, 1952) † (new combination reference)
Colominella Popescu, 1998 † (original description)
Colominella paalzowi (Cushman, 1936) † (new combination reference)
Colominellinae Popescu, 1998 † (original description)
Cornuspira plicata (Cžjžek, 1848) † (new combination reference)
Coryphostoma digitale (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Cribroparrella pteromphalia (Gümbel, 1870) † (new combination reference)
Cribrostomoides subglobosus (Cushman, 1910) (new combination reference)
Cycloforina serovae (Bogdanovich, 1952) † (new combination reference)
Cylindroclavulina rudis (Costa, 1855) † (new combination reference)
Cylindroclavulina rudislosta (Hantken, 1889) † (new combination reference)
Dentalina contorta (Hantken, 1868) † (new combination reference)
Dentalinoides approximata (Reuss, 1866) † (new combination reference)
Dimorphina ackneriana (Neugeboren, 1851) † (new combination reference)
Eggerella irregularis (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella artifex (Serova, 1955) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella dollfusi (Cushman, 1936) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella heteropora (Egger, 1857) † accepted as Cribrononion heteroporum (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella minuta (Reuss, 1865) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella subcarinata (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Elphidiella subnodosa (Münster, 1838) † represented as Elphidium subnodosum (Münster, 1838) † (new combination reference)
Elphidium aculeatum (d'Orbigny, 1846) (new combination reference)
Elphidium flexuosum (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (additional source)
Elphidium hauerinum (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (additional source)
Elphidium josephinum (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Elphidium ortenburgense (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Elphidium reginum (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Elphidium rugosum (d'Orbigny, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Epistominella molassica (Hagn, 1952) † (new combination reference)
Escornebovina orthorapha (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Escornebovina trochiformis (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Fissurina cubanica (Bogdanovich, 1947) † (new combination reference)
Fissurina mironovi (Bogdanovich, 1947) † (new combination reference)
Floresina multicamera (Cushman & Parker, 1938) † accepted as Elongobula multicamera (Cushman & Parker, 1938) † (new combination reference)
Fontbotia wuellerstorfi (Schwager, 1866) accepted as Lobatula wuellerstorfi (Schwager, 1866) (new combination reference)
Frondovaginulina tenuissima (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Fursenkoina mustoni (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Gaudryinopsis austriacus Rögl, 1998 † (original description)
Gaudryinopsis beregoviensis (Venglinsky, 1957) † (new combination reference)
Geminiella Popescu, 1998 † (original description)
Geminiella gibbera (Buchner, 1940) (new combination reference)
Glandulina dimorpha (Bornemann, 1855) (new combination reference)
Globocassidulina globosa (Hantken, 1875) (new combination reference)
Globocassidulina oblonga (Reuss, 1850) (new combination reference)
Globocassidulina vitalisi (Majzon, 1948) † (new combination reference)
Globulina granulosa (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Globulina striata (Egger, 1857) † (new combination reference)
Grigelis pyrula (d'Orbigny, 1826) (new combination reference)
Gyroidina constans (Reiser, 1987) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidinoides altiformis (Stewart & Stewart, 1930) accepted as Gyroidina altiformis Stewart & Stewart, 1930 (new combination reference)
Gyroidinoides mamillatus (Andreae, 1884) † accepted as Gyroidinoides mamillata (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidinoides octocamerata (Cushman & Hanna, 1927) † (new combination reference)
Hanzawaia boueana (d'Orbigny, 1846) (new combination reference)
Hanzawaia crassiseptata (Łuczkowska, 1960) † (new combination reference)