WoRMS source details

Cushman, J. A. (1937). A monograph of the foraminiferal family Valvulinidae. Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research Special Publication. 8: 1-210.
Cushman, J. A.
A monograph of the foraminiferal family Valvulinidae
Cushman Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research Special Publication
8: 1-210
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
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2014-07-24 11:14:22Z
2023-11-18 11:26:48Z
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Allomorphina allomorphinoides (Reuss, 1860) † accepted as Quadrimorphina allomorphinoides (Reuss, 1860) † (new combination reference)
Arenobulimina spicula (Reuss, 1844) † (new combination reference)
Bigenerina textularioidea (Goës, 1894) (new combination reference)
Bulimina jaekeli Franke, 1925 † accepted as Pernerina depressa (Perner, 1892) † (source of synonymy)
Bulimina trigonula var. inornata Chapman, 1904 † (additional source)
Cancris oblongus (d'Orbigny, 1839) (new combination reference)
Chrysalidinella costata (Heron-Allen & Earland, 1924) † accepted as Cifellia costata (Heron-Allen & Earland, 1924) † (new combination reference)
Chrysalidinella dimorpha (Brady, 1881) (new combination reference)
Chrysalidinella pulchella (Cushman, 1918) † (new combination reference)
Clavulina laevigata Goës, 1894 (new combination reference)
Clavulinoides aspera (Cushman, 1926) † (new combination reference)
Clavulinoides guayabalensis (Cole, 1927) † (new combination reference)
Clavulinoides indiscreta (Brady, 1881) accepted as Latentoverneuilina indiscreta (Brady, 1881) (new combination reference)
Clavulinoides philippinica (Karrer, 1878) † (new combination reference)
Clavulinoides szaboi (Hantken, 1868) † accepted as Tritaxia szaboi (Hantken, 1868) † (new combination reference)
Clavulinoides triangularis (Nuttall, 1932) † (new combination reference)
Clavulinoides trilatera subsp. concava (Cushman, 1931) † (new combination reference)
Clavulinoides trilatera var. plummerae (Sandidge, 1932) † accepted as Clavulinoides plummerae (Sandidge, 1932) † (new combination reference)
Cribrobulimina polystoma (Parker & Jones, 1865) (new combination reference)
Cristellaria aspera Alth, 1850 † accepted as Orbignyna ovata Hagenow, 1842 † (source of synonymy)
Discorbis pileolus (d'Orbigny, 1839) accepted as Pileolina pileolus (d'Orbigny, 1839) (new combination reference)
Dorothia asiphonia (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia colei (Nuttall, 1932) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia concinna (Reuss, 1846) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia conula (Reuss, 1844) † accepted as Dorothia conulus (Reuss, 1844) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia conulus (Reuss, 1844) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia conversa (Grzybowski, 1901) accepted as Karrerulina conversa (Grzybowski, 1901) (new combination reference)
Dorothia curta (Cushman, 1922) accepted as Gaudryina curta Cushman, 1922 (new combination reference)
Dorothia cylindrica (Nuttall, 1932) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia dispansa (Chapman, 1892) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia draschei (Karrer, 1878) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia filiformis (Berthelin, 1880) † accepted as Gaudryinopsis filiformis (Berthelin, 1880) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia gibbosa (d'Orbigny, 1826) accepted as Bannerella gibbosa (d'Orbigny, 1826) (new combination reference)
Dorothia gradata (Berthelin, 1880) † accepted as Kadriayina gradata (Berthelin, 1880) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia gyrophora (Gümbel, 1871) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia hayi (Karrer, 1864) † accepted as Textularia hayi Karrer, 1864 † (new combination reference)
Dorothia irregularis (Hantken, 1875) † accepted as Eggerella irregularis (Hantken, 1875) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia karreri (Stache, 1864) † accepted as Dorothia minima (Karrer, 1864) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia lobatula (Cushman & Barbat, 1932) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia paupercula (Cushman, 1911) accepted as Gaudryina scabra Brady, 1884 accepted as Dorothia scabra (Brady, 1884) (new combination reference)
Dorothia praelonga (Karrer, 1877) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia pseudoturris (Cushman, 1922) (new combination reference)
Dorothia pupa (Reuss, 1860) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia pupoides (d'Orbigny, 1840) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia retusa (Cushman, 1926) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia rotunda (Chapman, 1902) accepted as Dorothia scabra (Brady, 1884) (new combination reference)
Dorothia scabra (Brady, 1884) (new combination reference)
Dorothia schwageri (Grzybowski, 1896) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia subglabra (Gümbel, 1870) accepted as Karreriella subglabra (Gümbel, 1870) (new combination reference)
Dorothia subrotundata (Schwager, 1866) accepted as Karreriella subrotundata (Schwager, 1866) † (new combination reference)
Dorothia textilaroides (Hantken, 1875) † accepted as Gaudryina textilaroides Hantken, 1875 † (new combination reference)
Eggerella advena (Cushman, 1922) accepted as Verneuilinulla advena (Cushman, 1922) accepted as Eggerelloides advenum (Cushman, 1922) accepted as Eggerelloides advena (Cushman, 1922) (new combination reference)
Eggerella affixa (Cushman, 1911) accepted as Verneuilinulla affixa (Cushman, 1911) (new combination reference)
Eggerella bradyi (Cushman, 1911) (new combination reference)
Eggerella bradyi var. nitens (Wiesner, 1931) † accepted as Eggerella nitens (Wiesner, 1931) (new combination reference)
Eggerella compressa (Andreae, 1884) † (new combination reference)
Eggerella cushmani (Weinzierl & Applin, 1929) † (new combination reference)
Eggerella inflata (Franke, 1928) † (new combination reference)
Eggerella minuta (Wiesner, 1931) (new combination reference)
Eggerella palmerae (Cole, 1927) † (new combination reference)
Eggerella propinqua (Brady, 1884) accepted as Verneuilinulla propinqua (Brady, 1884) (new combination reference)
Eggerella pusilla (Goës, 1896) (new combination reference)
Eggerella rotundata (Karrer, 1878) † (new combination reference)
Eggerella scabra (Williamson, 1858) accepted as Eggerelloides scabrum (Williamson, 1858) (new combination reference)
Eggerella subovalis (Schwager, 1866) † (new combination reference)
Eggerella trochoides (Reuss, 1845) † accepted as Globimorphina trochoides (Reuss, 1845) † (new combination reference)
Gaudryina crassa Karrer, 1870 † accepted as Dorothia pupa (Reuss, 1860) † (source of synonymy)
Gaudryina globulifera Reuss, 1852 † accepted as Karreriella chilostoma (Reuss, 1852) (source of synonymy)
Goesella flintiana (Cushman, 1922) (new combination reference)
Goesella obscura (Chaster, 1892) (new combination reference)
Goesella patens (Cushman & Laiming, 1931) † (new combination reference)
Gyroidina gervillei (d'Orbigny, 1850) † accepted as Valvulina gervillei d'Orbigny, 1850 † (new combination reference)
Karreriella advena (Cushman, 1923) † (new combination reference)
Karreriella affinis (Fornasini, 1883) accepted as Siphotextularia affinis (Fornasini, 1883) (new combination reference)
Karreriella baccata (Schwager, 1866) (new combination reference)
Karreriella bradyi (Cushman, 1911) (new combination reference)
Karreriella chapapotensis (Cole, 1928) † (new combination reference)
Karreriella chilostoma (Reuss, 1852) (new combination reference)
Karreriella colligera (Egger, 1893) (new combination reference)
Karreriella danica (Franke, 1927) † (new combination reference)
Karreriella disjuncta (Cushman & Jarvis, 1929) † (new combination reference)
Karreriella gaudryinoides (Fornasini, 1885) † (new combination reference)
Karreriella grammostomata (Galloway & Wissler, 1927) † (new combination reference)
Karreriella mexicana (Nuttall, 1932) † accepted as Alvarezina mexicana (Nuttall, 1932) † accepted as Eggerella mexicana (Nuttall, 1932) † (new combination reference)
Karreriella novangliae (Cushman, 1922) (new combination reference)
Karreriella obscura (Koch, 1926) † (new combination reference)
Karreriella postsiphonella (Spandel, 1909) † (new combination reference)
Karreriella pseudofiliformis (Cushman, 1911) accepted as Prolixoplecta pseudofiliformis (Cushman, 1911) (new combination reference)
Karreriella siphoniata (Liebus, 1924) † (new combination reference)
Karreriella subcylindrica (Nuttall, 1928) (new combination reference)
Lamarckina excavata (d'Orbigny, 1839) (new combination reference)
Lamarckina ovalis (Terquem, 1882) † accepted as Valvulina ovalis Terquem, 1882 † accepted as Valvulineria subconica (Terquem, 1882) † accepted as Cancris subconicus (Terquem, 1882) † (new combination reference)
Liebusella antipodum (Stache, 1864) † accepted as Arenodosaria antipodum (Stache, 1864) † (new combination reference)
Liebusella bradyi (Cushman, 1911) accepted as Cylindroclavulina bradyi (Cushman, 1911) (new combination reference)
Liebusella byramensis (Cushman, 1922) † (new combination reference)
Liebusella byramensis subsp. extans (Cushman, 1923) † (new combination reference)
Liebusella byramensis subsp. turgida (Cushman, 1923) † (new combination reference)
Liebusella eocaena (Gümbel, 1870) † (new combination reference)
Liebusella jamaicensis (Cushman & Jarvis, 1931) † accepted as Verseyella jamaicensis (Cushman & Jarvis, 1931) † (new combination reference)
Liebusella rudis (Costa, 1855) † accepted as Cylindroclavulina rudis (Costa, 1855) † (new combination reference)