WoRMS source details

Dendrocoryne misakii Inaba, 1892 accepted as Solanderia misakinensis (Inaba, 1892) (taxonomy source)
Dendrocoryne misakinensis Inaba, 1892 accepted as Solanderia misakiensis (Inaba, 1892) accepted as Solanderia misakinensis (Inaba, 1892) (taxonomy source)
Hydrodendrium Nutting, 1906 accepted as Hydractinia Van Beneden, 1844 (status source)
Hydrodendrium gorgonoides Nutting, 1906 accepted as Hydractinia gorgonoides (Nutting, 1906) (redescription)
Manicella Allman, 1859 accepted as Bimeria Wright, 1859 (status source)
Olindias formosus (Goto, 1903) (taxonomy source)
Olindiasidae Haeckel, 1879 accepted as Olindiidae Haeckel, 1879 (taxonomy source)
Olindiidae Haeckel, 1879 (taxonomy source)
Solanderia misakinensis (Inaba, 1892) (redescription)
Stylactaria munita Calder, 2010 accepted as Hydractinia munita (Calder, 2010) (original description)
Hawaiian part of the North Pacific Ocean for Bimeria vestita Wright, 1859 (origin: alien)
Kauai Island for Hydrodendrium gorgonoides Nutting, 1906
The valid introduction of the name Hydractinia is 1844 and not 1841, see Calder (2010). See also for this ... [details]
The gender of the genus name Olindias was not specified by F. Müller (1861), and it cannot be determined from the ... [details]
The gender of the genus name Olindias was not specified by F. Müller (1861), and it cannot be determined from the ... [details]
for correct spelling of family name see Calder (2010) [details]
Calder (2010): There has been inconsistency in the spelling of the name of this family, as Olindiadae, ... [details]
For the correct spelling see Calder (2010) [details]
Genus kept distinct from Hydractinia. Needs molecular re-evaluation. [details]
Petersen (1990) assigned Linvillea Mayer, 1910b, a replacement name for Corynitis McCrady, 1859 (an invalid ... [details]