WoRMS source details
World Isopoda DB; NeMys doc_id: 4985
Zoogeography, Biogeography (generalities), Geographic distribution
Actinia marginata var. ambrea accepted as Metridium senile (Linnaeus, 1761) (additional source)
Actinia marginata var. salmonea accepted as Metridium senile (Linnaeus, 1761) (additional source)
Actinia neglecta Leidy, 1855 accepted as Ilyanthus neglectus (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
Alcyonidium pellucidum Leidy, 1855 accepted as Aplidium pellucidum (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
Bowerbankia gracilis Leidy, 1855 accepted as Amathia gracilis (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
Cepon Leidy, 1855 accepted as Kepon Duvernoy, 1840 (basis of record)
Cepon Leidy, 1855 accepted as Kepon Duvernoy, 1840 (additional source)
Cepon Leidy, 1855 accepted as Kepon Duvernoy, 1840 (original description)
Cepon distortus Leidy, 1855 accepted as Leidya distorta (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
Cirratulus fragilis Leidy, 1855 accepted as Caulleriella fragilis (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
Clymene torquatus Leidy, 1855 accepted as Clymenella torquata (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
Clymene urceolatus Leidy, 1855 (original description)
Eucoryne Leidy, 1855 accepted as Pennaria Goldfuss, 1820 (original description)
Eucoryne elegans Leidy, 1855 accepted as Pennaria disticha Goldfuss, 1820 (original description)
Glycera americana Leidy, 1855 (original description)
Lepidonote armadillo (Bosc, 1802) sensu Leidy, 1855 accepted as Lepidonotus squamatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (new combination reference)
Lumbriconereis splendida Leidy, 1855 accepted as Arabella iricolor (Montagu, 1804) (original description)
Naraganseta Leidy, 1855 accepted as Dodecaceria Örsted, 1843 (original description)
Naraganseta coralii Leidy, 1855 accepted as Dodecaceria coralii (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
Nemertes socialis Leidy, 1855 accepted as Myoisophagos sanguineus (Rathke, 1799) accepted as Ramphogordius sanguineus (Rathke, 1799) accepted as Lineus sanguineus (Rathke, 1799) (original description)
Ophelia simplex Leidy, 1855 (original description)
Planaria frequens Leidy, 1855 accepted as Procerodes littoralis (Strøm, 1768) (original description)
Pontonema Leidy, 1855 (original description)
Pontonema marinum Leidy, 1855 accepted as Enoplus marinus (Leidy, 1855) Walton, 1927 (original description)
Sabella oculifera Leidy, 1855 accepted as Pseudopotamilla oculifera (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
Sigalion mathildae Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1832 (additional source)
Siphonostoma affine (Leidy, 1855) accepted as Pherusa affinis (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
Siphonostomum affine Leidy, 1855 accepted as Pherusa affinis (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
Sthenelais leidyi Quatrefages, 1866 accepted as Sthenelais boa (Johnston, 1833) (additional source)
Terebella ornata Leidy, 1855 accepted as Amphitrite ornata (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
Torquea Leidy, 1855 accepted as Polycirrus Grube, 1850 (original description)
Torquea eximia Leidy, 1855 accepted as Polycirrus eximius (Leidy, 1855) (original description)
New Jersey Shelf for Enoplus marinus (Leidy, 1855) Walton, 1927
United States Exclusive Economic Zone for Actinia marginata Le Sueur, 1817
United States Exclusive Economic Zone for Actinia marginata var. salmonea
United States Exclusive Economic Zone for Actinia neglecta Leidy, 1855
United States part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Cryptosula pallasiana (Moll, 1803) (origin: alien)
As can be seen from the description by Leidy (see image) here he was correctly recombining Aphrodita armadillo Bosc ... [details]
Leidy (1855) "Body cylindrical, narrowed posteriorly; no lateral pinnae; segments numerous; those anteriorly ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Leidy (1855: 146): "Body cylindrical, narrowed at the extremities. Tentaculae numerous, ... [details]
Atlantic coast of the USA: Rhode Island (Point Judith, entrance of Narragansett Bay). [details]
The species name originates from an apparent misidentification by Leidy (1855). Quatrefages (1866: 278) ... [details]
Not stated, uncertain. Maybe from the Latin verb torqueo, meaning 'to twist', 'to whirl', or 'to distort', related ... [details]
Not expressly stated. The specific epithet eximia is a Latin adjective meaning 'special', 'particular' or ... [details]
"46. SIPHONOSTOMUM AFFINE, Leidy. Body cylindro-fusiform, minutely papillated, with four rows of fasciculi of setae; ... [details]
Leidy used the incorrect subsequent spelling of Grube for what is Siphonostoma Otto [details]
Leidy (1855: 148) applied the name Sigalion mathildae Audouin & Milne Edwards to a specimen from Beesley's Point, ... [details]
Point Judith, entrance of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, Atlantic Ocean (gazetteer estimate 41.36°, -71.48°). ... [details]
from Beesley's Point, New Jersey, USA Atlantic coast [details]
Point Judith, entrance of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, Atlantic Ocean (gazetteer estimate 41.36°, -71.48°). [details]