WoRMS source details
Acmostoma groenlandicum accepted as Acmostomum groenlandicum Levinsen, 1879 accepted as Plagiostomum girardi groenlandica Brandtner, 1934 (basis of record)
Acmostomum cyprinae Graff, 1882 accepted as Urastoma cyprinae (Graff, 1882) (original description)
Acrorhynchina Graff, 1882 accepted as Acrorhynchidinae Evdonin, 1977 (original description)
Acrorhynchus Graff, 1882 accepted as Acrorhynchides Strand, 1928 (original description)
Acrorhynchus bivittatus (Uljanin, 1870) Graff, 1882 accepted as Macrorhynchus bivittatus (Uljanin, 1870) Pereyaslawzewa, 1892 accepted as Progyrator mamertinus (Graff, 1874) Reisinger, 1926 (new combination reference)
Acrorhynchus caledonicus (Claperede, 1861) Graff, 1882 accepted as Acrorhynchides caledonicus (Claperede, 1861) Strand, 1928 (new combination reference)
Acrorhynchus graciosus (Uljanin, 1870) Graff, 1882 accepted as Acrorhynchides graciosus (Uljanin, 1870) Strand, 1928 (new combination reference)
Acrorhynchus ornatus (Uljanin, 1870) Graff, 1882 accepted as Leuconoplana ovata (Uljanin, 1870) Leuckart, 1871 accepted as Progyrator mamertinus (Graff, 1874) Reisinger, 1926 (original description)
Alauretta Mereschkowsky, 1878 accepted as Alaurina Busch, 1851 accepted as Microstomum Schmidt, 1848 (source of synonymy)
Alaurina claparedii Graff, 1882 accepted as Microstomum compositum (Metschnikoff, 1861) (original description)
Allostoma austriacum (Graff, 1882) accepted as Allostoma durum (Fuhrmann, 1898) (original description)
Allostoma discors (Levinsen, 1879) Graff, 1882 (new combination reference)
Allostoma monotrochum Graff, 1882 accepted as Cylindrostoma monotrochum (Graff, 1882) Westblad, 1955 (original description)
Allostoma oerstedi (Levinsen, 1879) Graff, 1882 (new combination reference)
Allostoma oerstedii accepted as Allostoma oerstedi (Levinsen, 1879) Graff, 1882 (basis of record)
Amphiscolops langerhansi Graff, 1882 accepted as Heterochaerus langerhansi (Graff, 1882) (original description)
Anoplodium clypeasteris Graff, 1882 accepted as Syndesmis clypeasteris Graff, 1882 (original description)
Anoplodium myriotrochi Graff, 1882 (original description)
Anoplodium schneideri Semper, 1868 accepted as Anoplodium parasitum Schneider, 1858 (additional source)
Automolos Graff, 1882 accepted as Paramonotus Meixner, 1938 (original description)
Automolos hamatus (Jensen, 1878) Graff, 1882 accepted as Paramonotus hamatus (Jensen, 1878) Meixner, 1938 (new combination reference)
Automolos ophiocephalus (Schmidt, 1861) Graff, 1882 accepted as Pseudomonocelis ophiocephala (Schmidt, 1861) Meixner, 1943 (source of synonymy)
Automolos unipunctatua Graff, 1882 accepted as Archilopsis unipunctata (Fabricius, 1826) (original description)
Byrsophlebidae Graff, 1882 (original description)
Byrsophlebs graffi Jensen, 1878 (redescription)
Byrsophlebs intermedia Graff, 1882 accepted as Maehrenthalia intermedia (Graff, 1882) Graff, 1905 accepted as Maehrenthaliella intermedia (Graff, 1882) Karling, 1985 (original description)
Castrada (Castrada) radiata (Müller, 1773) Graff, 1882 accepted as Strongylostoma radiatum (Müller, 1773) Örsted, 1843 (new combination reference)
Chonostomum Schmarda, 1859 (status source)
Chonostomum crenulatum Schmarda, 1859 (status source)
Convoluta bimaculata Graff, 1882 (original description)
Convoluta saliens (Graff, 1882) accepted as Philactinoposthia saliens (Graff, 1882) (original description)
Convoluta semperi Graff, 1882 (original description)
Convoluta sordida Graff, 1882 (original description)
Cylindrostoma assimile (Fabricius, 1826) Jensen, 1878 accepted as Provortex affinis (Jensen, 1878) Graff, 1882 (source of synonymy)
Cylindrostoma elongatum Levinsen, 1879 (additional source)
Cylindrostoma mollissimum (Levinsen, 1879) Graff, 1882 accepted as Ulianinia mollissima Levinsen, 1879 (new combination reference)
Cyrtomorpha saliens Graff L., 1882 accepted as Philactinoposthia saliens (Graff, 1882) (original description)
Dalyellia graminea (Dalyell, 1814) Fleming, 1822 accepted as Vortex viridis (Shaw, 1791) Schultze, 1851 accepted as Vortex helluo (Müller, 1773) Hallez, 1894 accepted as Dalyellia viridis (Shaw, 1791) Graff, 1905 (source of synonymy)
Dalyellia helluo (Müller, 1773) Johnston, 1865 accepted as Vortex helluo (Müller, 1773) Hallez, 1894 accepted as Dalyellia viridis (Shaw, 1791) Graff, 1905 (additional source)
Dalyellia velox (Dalyell, 1814) Johnston, 1845 accepted as Mesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774) Ehrenberg, 1836 accepted as Rhynchomesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774) Luther, 1904 (source of synonymy)
Darwinia albomaculata Pereyaslawzewa, 1892 accepted as Convoluta albomaculata (Pereyaslawzewa, 1892) (source of synonymy)
Derostoma fodinae (Dalyell, 1853) Noreña, Eitam & Blaustein accepted as Phaenocora unipunctata (Ørsted, 1843) Bendl, 1908 (status source)
Derostoma galizianum Schmidt, 1858 accepted as Phaenocora galiziana (Schmidt, 1858) Graff, 1909 (basis of record)
Derostoma notops Dugès, 1828 accepted as Gyratrix hermaphroditus Ehrenberg, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Derostoma salinarum Graff, 1882 accepted as Phaenocora salinarum (Graff, 1882) Wahl, 1910 (original description)
Derostoma schmidtianum (Diesing, 1850) Schultze, 1851 accepted as Derostoma unipunctatum Ørsted, 1843 accepted as Phaenocora unipunctata (Ørsted, 1843) Bendl, 1908 (source of synonymy)
Derostoma vorax (Dalyell, 1853) Johnston, 1865 accepted as Mesostoma viridatum (Abildgaard, 1789) Schultze, 1851 accepted as Typhloplana viridata (Abildgaard, 1789) Ehrenberg, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Dinophilidae Macalister, 1876 (status source)
Dinophilus borealis (Schmidt, 1852) accepted as Plagiostomum vittatum (Frey & Leuckart, 1847) Jenssen, 1878 (source of synonymy)
Diopis borealis Diesing, 1862 accepted as Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851) Graff, 1882 (source of synonymy)
Enterostoma accepted as Enterostomum Claparède, 1861 (basis of record)
Enterostoma flavibacillum accepted as Enterostomum flavibacillum Jensen, 1878 accepted as Allostoma flavibacillum Jensen, 1878 (basis of record)
Enterostoma striatum (Graff, 1878) Graff, 1882 accepted as Monoophorum striatum (Graff, 1878) Böhmig, 1890 (new combination reference)
Enterostomum austriacum Graff, 1882 (original description)
Enterostomum coecum Graff, 1882 accepted as Pseudostomum coecum (Graff, 1882) (original description)
Enterostomum flavibacillum Jensen, 1878 accepted as Allostoma flavibacillum Jensen, 1878 (additional source)
Enterostomum mytili (Ørsted, 1843) Graff, 1882 (new combination reference)
Eumesostominae Graff, 1882 accepted as Typhloplaninae Graff, 1905 (original description)
Graffilla mytili (Levinsen, 1879) Graff, 1882 (new combination reference)
Graffilla tethydicola Graff, 1882 accepted as Graffilla parasitica (Czerniavsky, 1880) Wahl, 1906 (original description)
Gyrator botterii Diesing, 1862 accepted as Macrorhynchus naegelii (Kölliker, 1845) Graff, 1882 accepted as Polycystis naegelii Kölliker, 1845 (additional source)
Gyrator coecus Graff, 1882 accepted as Gyratrix hermaphroditus coeca Graff, 1882 (original description)
Gyrator danielsseni Jensen, 1878 accepted as Phonorhynchus helgolandicus (Mecznikow, 1865) Graff, 1905 (source of synonymy)
Gyrator danielssenii accepted as Gyrator danielsseni Jensen, 1878 accepted as Phonorhynchus helgolandicus (Mecznikow, 1865) Graff, 1905 (basis of record)
Gyrator furiosus (Schmidt, 1858) Diesing, 1862 accepted as Gyratrix hermaphroditus Ehrenberg, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Gyrator marginatus (Leidy, 1847) Graff, 1882 accepted as Prostomum marginatum Leidy, 1847 accepted as Castrella (Castrella) marginata (Leidy, 1847) Hyman, 1951 accepted as Castrella (Castrella) pinguis (Silliman, 1884) Fuhrmann, 1900 (new combination reference)
Gyrator steenstrupii (Schmidt, 1852) Diesing, 1862 accepted as Graffiellus croceus (Fabricius, 1826) Hornung, 2016 (source of synonymy)
Gyrator suboviformis (Ørsted, 1843) Diesing, 1850 accepted as Graffiellus croceus (Fabricius, 1826) Hornung, 2016 (source of synonymy)
Hyporhynchus Graff, 1882 accepted as Trigonostomum Schmidt, 1852 (original description)
Hyporhynchus armatus (Jensen, 1878) Graff, 1882 accepted as Trigonostomum armatum (Jensen, 1878) Graff, 1905 (new combination reference)
Hyporhynchus coronatus Graff, 1882 accepted as Trigonostomum coronatum (Graff, 1882) Graff, 1905 (original description)
Hyporhynchus penicillatus (Schmidt, 1857) Graff, 1882 accepted as Trigonostomum penicillatum (Schmidt, 1857) Graff, 1905 (new combination reference)
Hyporhynchus setigerus (Schmidt, 1852) Graff, 1882 accepted as Trigonostomum setigerum Schmidt, 1852 (new combination reference)
Hyporhynchus venenosus (Uljanin, 1870) Graff, 1882 accepted as Hyporcus venenosus (Uljanin, 1870) Graff, 1905 accepted as Trigonostomum venenosum (Uljanin, 1870) Meixner, 1924 (new combination reference)
Jensenia Graff, 1882 (original description)
Jensenia angulata (Jensen, 1878) Graff, 1882 (new combination reference)
Kylosphaera Jensen, 1878 accepted as Trigonostomum Schmidt, 1852 (source of synonymy)
Leuconoplana ornata (Uljanin, 1870) Leuckart, 1871 accepted as Leuconoplana ovata (Uljanin, 1870) Leuckart, 1871 accepted as Progyrator mamertinus (Graff, 1874) Reisinger, 1926 (basis of record)
Ludmila Uljanin, 1870 accepted as Acrorhynchides Strand, 1928 (source of synonymy)
Macrorhynchus Graff, 1882 accepted as Graffiellus Hornung, 2016 (original description)
Macrorhynchus assimilis (Levinsen, 1879) Graff, 1882 accepted as Polycystis assimilis (Levinsen, 1879) Graff, 1913 accepted as Porrocystis assimilis (Levinsen, 1879) Karling, 1952 (new combination reference)
Macrorhynchus croceus (Fabricius, 1826) Graff, 1882 accepted as Graffiellus croceus (Fabricius, 1826) Hornung, 2016 (new combination reference)
Macrorhynchus groenlandicus (Levinsen, 1879) Graff, 1882 accepted as Graffiellus groenlandicus (Levinsen, 1879) Hornung, 2016 (new combination reference)
Macrorhynchus helgolandicus (Mecznikow, 1865) Graff, 1882 accepted as Phonorhynchus helgolandicus (Mecznikow, 1865) Graff, 1905 (new combination reference)
Macrorhynchus immundus (Schmidt, 1857) Graff, 1882 accepted as Polycystis immundus (Schmidt, 1857) Graff, 1905 (new combination reference)
Macrorhynchus keffersteinii (Claparède, 1863) Pereyaslawsewa, 1892 accepted as Polycystis naegelii Kölliker, 1845 (source of synonymy)
Macrorhynchus leucophraeus (Fabricius, 1826) Graff, 1882 accepted as Polycystis leucophraeus (Fabricius, 1826) Graff, 1905 (new combination reference)
Macrorhynchus mamertinus (Graff, 1874) Graff, 1882 accepted as Polycystis mamertina (Graff, 1874) Graff, 1905 accepted as Progyrator mamertinus (Graff, 1874) Reisinger, 1926 (new combination reference)
Macrorhynchus minutus (Uljanin, 1870) Graff, 1882 accepted as Polycystis minuta (Uljanin, 1870) Graff, 1905 accepted as Rogneda minuta Uljanin, 1870 (new combination reference)
Macrorhynchus naegelii (Kölliker, 1845) Graff, 1882 accepted as Polycystis naegelii Kölliker, 1845 (new combination reference)
Macrorhynchus papillatus (Mereschkowsky, 1878) Graff, 1882 accepted as Polycystis papillatus (Mereschkowsky, 1878) Graff, 1905 (new combination reference)
Macrostoma scrobiculariae Graff, 1882 accepted as Macrostomum scrobiculariae Graff, 1882 accepted as Paravortex scrobiculariae (Graff, 1882) Wahl, 1906 (basis of record)
Macrostomum caudatum Uljanin, 1870 accepted as Mecynostomum caudatum (Uljanin, 1870) (source of synonymy)
Macrostomum scrobiculariae Graff, 1882 accepted as Paravortex scrobiculariae (Graff, 1882) Wahl, 1906 (original description)
Mesostoma andicola (Schmarda, 1859) Graff, 1882 (new combination reference)
Mesostoma auditivum Forel & du Plessis, 1874 accepted as Otomesostoma auditivum (Forel & Du Plessis, 1874) Hofsten, 1907 (basis of record)
Mesostoma bistrigatum (Fabricius, 1826) Diesing, 1850 (status source)
Mesostoma flavidum Graff, 1882 accepted as Castrada (Castrada) flavida (Graff, 1882) Luther, 1904 (original description)
Mesostoma griseum (Müller, 1789) Graff, 1882 (new combination reference)
Azores Canaries Madeira for Proxenetes rosaceus Graff, 1882
Czech Republic for Phaenocora galiziana (Schmidt, 1858) Graff, 1909
Czechoslovakia for Prorhynchus stagnalis Schultze, 1851
Denmark for Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789) Sekera, 1906
France for Macrostomum tuba Graff, 1882
Galicia (Eastern Europe) for Phaenocora galiziana (Schmidt, 1858) Graff, 1909
Georgia (Country) for Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789) Sekera, 1906
Germany for Acmostomum cyprinae Graff, 1882
Germany for Allostoma pallidum Beneden, 1861
Germany for Bothromesostoma personatum (Schmidt, 1848) Braun, 1885
Germany for Bothromesostoma personatum (Schmidt, 1848) Braun, 1885
Germany for Castrada (Castrada) radiata (Müller, 1773) Graff, 1882
Germany for Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789) Sekera, 1906
Germany for Convoluta paradoxa Ørsted, 1843
Germany for Gieysztoria cuspidata (Schmidt, 1861) Ruebush & Hayes, 1939
Germany for Gieysztoria cuspidata (Schmidt, 1861) Ruebush & Hayes, 1939
Germany for Gyrator hermaphroditus (Ehrenberg, 1831) Ehrenberg, 1835
Germany for Gyrator hermaphroditus (Ehrenberg, 1831) Ehrenberg, 1835
Germany for Gyrator hermaphroditus (Ehrenberg, 1831) Ehrenberg, 1835
Germany for Macrostomum tuba Graff, 1882
Germany for Mesostoma craci Schmidt, 1858
Germany for Mesostoma ehrenbergii (Focke, 1836) Örsted, 1843
Germany for Mesostoma lingua (Abildgaard, 1789) Schmidt, 1848
Germany for Mesostoma personatum Schmidt, 1848
Germany for Mesostoma productum (Schmidt, 1848) Leuckart, 1854
Germany for Mesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774) Ehrenberg, 1836
Germany for Mesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774) Ehrenberg, 1836
Germany for Mesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774) Ehrenberg, 1836
Germany for Mesostoma splendidum Graff, 1882
Germany for Mesostoma tetragonum (Müller, 1774) Schmidt, 1848
Germany for Mesostoma viridatum (Abildgaard, 1789) Schultze, 1851
Germany for Mesostomum lingua (Abildgaard, 1789) Schmidt, 1848
Germany for Mesostomum obtusum Schultze, 1851
Germany for Monotus fusca (Ørsted, 1843)
Germany for Monotus fusca (Ørsted, 1843)
Germany for Monotus lineatus (Müller, 1773) Graff, 1882
Germany for Olisthanella obtusa (Schultze, 1851) Luther, 1904
Germany for Olisthanella truncula (Schmidt, 1858) Voigt, 1892
Germany for Plagiostomum lemani Forel & Du Plessis, 1874
Germany for Prorhynchus stagnalis Schultze, 1851
Germany for Prorhynchus stagnalis Schultze, 1851
Germany for Proxenetes cochlear uncinatus Graff, 1882
Germany for Proxenetes tuberculatus Graff, 1882
Germany for Rhynchomesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774) Luther, 1904
Germany for Stenostomum leucops (Duges, 1828) Schmidt, 1848
Germany for Stenostomum leucops (Duges, 1828) Schmidt, 1848
Germany for Stenostomum leucops (Duges, 1828) Schmidt, 1848
Germany for Stenostomum leucops (Duges, 1828) Schmidt, 1848
Germany for Vortex hallezii Graff, 1882
Germany for Vortex pictus Schmidt, 1848
Germany for Vortex pictus Schmidt, 1848
Germany for Vortex sexdentatus Graff, 1882
Germany for Vortex sexdentatus Graff, 1882
Germany for Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831
Germany for Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831
Germany for Vortex truncatus (Abildgaard, 1879) Ehrenberg, 1831
Germany for Vortex viridis (Shaw, 1791) Schultze, 1851
Italy for Allostoma monotrochum Graff, 1882
Italy for Anoplodium schneideri Semper, 1868
Italy for Anoplodium schneideri Semper, 1868
Italy for Aphanostoma diversicolor Ørsted, 1845
Italy for Aphanostoma diversicolor Ørsted, 1845
Italy for Convoluta cinereus Graff, 1874
Italy for Convoluta paradoxa Ørsted, 1843
Italy for Convoluta paradoxa Ørsted, 1843
Italy for Convoluta paradoxa Ørsted, 1843
Italy for Convoluta sordida Graff, 1882
Italy for Cylindrostoma klostermanni Graff, 1874
Italy for Cylindrostoma klostermanni Graff, 1874
Italy for Cyrtomorpha subtilis Graff L., 1882
Italy for Derostoma salinarum Graff, 1882
Italy for Enterostomum austriacum Graff, 1882
Italy for Graffilla muricicola Ihering, 1880
Italy for Heterochaerus langerhansi (Graff, 1882)
Italy for Hyporhynchus penicillatus (Schmidt, 1857) Graff, 1882
Italy for Hyporhynchus penicillatus (Schmidt, 1857) Graff, 1882
Italy for Hyporhynchus setigerus (Schmidt, 1852) Graff, 1882
Italy for Hyporhynchus venenosus (Uljanin, 1870) Graff, 1882
Italy for Macrorhynchus naegelii (Kölliker, 1845) Graff, 1882
Italy for Macrorhynchus naegelii (Kölliker, 1845) Graff, 1882
Italy for Macrorhynchus naegelii (Kölliker, 1845) Graff, 1882
Italy for Mesostoma neopolitanum Graff, 1882
Italy for Microstomum rubromaculatum Graff, 1882
Italy for Monotus bipunctatus (Leydig, 1854)
Italy for Monotus bipunctatus (Leydig, 1854)
Italy for Monotus lineatus (Müller, 1773) Graff, 1882
Italy for Monotus lineatus (Müller, 1773) Graff, 1882
Italy for Plagiostomum koreni Jensen, 1878
Italy for Plagiostomum maculatum Graff, 1882
Italy for Plagiostomum maculatum Graff, 1882
Italy for Plagiostomum reticulatum (Schmidt, 1852)
Italy for Plagiostomum reticulatum (Schmidt, 1852)
Italy for Plagiostomum reticulatum (Schmidt, 1852)
Italy for Plagiostomum siphonophorum (Schmidt, 1852)
Italy for Plagiostomum siphonophorum (Schmidt, 1852)
Italy for Plagiostomum sulphureum Graff, 1882
Italy for Promesostoma ovoideum (Schmidt, 1852) Graff, 1882
Italy for Promesostoma ovoideum (Schmidt, 1852) Graff, 1882
Italy for Promesostoma solea (Schmidt, 1857) Graff, 1882
The assignment of author for Dinophilidae has been uncertain and still is, with at least four authors used in ... [details]
The early history of Dinophilus placed the taxon in Turbellarians, then nemerteans, before consensus on their ... [details]
Graff (1882) attributes the taxon to Vejdovsky (1880). Indeed, Vejdovsky (1880) makes notes of an eyeless form of ... [details]
Written as var. "grønlandica" by Levinsen (1879) and var. "grönlandica" by Vanhöffen (1897) [details]
This species is not the same as Mesostomum ovoideum Uljanin, 1870 [see Graff (1882)] [details]
This species is not the same as Mesostomum ovoideum Schmidt, 1852 [see Graff (1882)] [details]
The epithet is consistently spelled wrong by all authors since Graff (1882). However, as Schmarda spelled it ... [details]
Graff (1882) indicates that the placement within Cylindrostoma is doubtful. Later (1913) he re-installs the genus ... [details]
Graff (1882) considers this species to be identical to Proxenetes flabellifer Jensen, 1878. Den Hartog (1964: p. ... [details]
According to Graff (1882) its is almost impossible to recognize P. grisescens, and hence the synonymisation of this ... [details]
Already Graff (1882) in the original description doubted placement within Provortex. [details]
Graff (1882) restricts the name Prostoma to Nemertini, and distributes the species of Prostoma described before ... [details]