WoRMS source details
Bray, R. A.; Campbell, R. A. (1996). New plagioporines (Digenea: Opecoelidae) from deep-sea fishes of the North Atlantic Ocean. Systematic Parasitology. 33(2): 101-113.
10.1007/bf00009426 [view]
Bray, R. A.; Campbell, R. A.
New plagioporines (Digenea: Opecoelidae) from deep-sea fishes of the North Atlantic Ocean
Systematic Parasitology
33(2): 101-113
Three new species of digenean are described from demersal fishes taken in deep waters of the northwestern and northeastern Atlantic Ocean: Podocotyle schistotesticulata n. sp. from Antimora rostrata; P. harrisae n. sp. from Coryphaenoides (Lionurus) carapinus; and Gaevskajatrema halosauropsi n. sp. from Halosauropsis macrochir. The status of the nominal species of the genus Podocotyle Dujardin, 1845 is presented in annotated summary, along with a tabulation of the distinctive characteristics of recognised species of the genus. Gaevskajatrema Gibson & Bray, 1982 is discussed and its diagnosis amended.
Allocreadium indistinctum Baer, 1959 (additional source)
Gaevskajatrema halosauropsi Bray & Campbell, 1996 accepted as Halosaurotrema halosauropsi (Bray & Campbell, 1996) Martin, Huston, Cutmore & Cribb, 2019 (original description)
Podocotyle harrisae Bray & Campbell, 1996 (original description)
Podocotyle schistotesticulata Bray & Campbell, 1996 (original description)
Podocotyle skrjabini (Layman, 1930) Yamaguti, 1971 accepted as Lepidauchen skrjabini (Layman, 1930) Yamaguti, 1954 (additional source)
Gaevskajatrema halosauropsi Bray & Campbell, 1996 accepted as Halosaurotrema halosauropsi (Bray & Campbell, 1996) Martin, Huston, Cutmore & Cribb, 2019 (original description)
Podocotyle harrisae Bray & Campbell, 1996 (original description)
Podocotyle schistotesticulata Bray & Campbell, 1996 (original description)
Podocotyle skrjabini (Layman, 1930) Yamaguti, 1971 accepted as Lepidauchen skrjabini (Layman, 1930) Yamaguti, 1954 (additional source)
Porcupine Seabight for Gaevskajatrema halosauropsi Bray & Campbell, 1996
Rockall Trough for Gaevskajatrema halosauropsi Bray & Campbell, 1996
Rockall Trough for Gaevskajatrema halosauropsi Bray & Campbell, 1996