MSBIAS name details

Microcharon teissieri (Lévi, 1950)

256193  (

 unaccepted > superseded combination (genus name Microcharon Karaman, 1934 unavailable: no type species designated)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
(of ) Lévi, C. (1950). <i>Duslenia teissieri</i>, nov. gen., n. sp., nouveau Parasellidé des côtes de France. <em>Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale, Notes et Revue.</em> 87(1): 42-47. [details] Available for editors  PDF available
Boyko, C.B.; Bruce, N.L.; Hadfield, K.A.; Merrin, K.L.; Ota, Y.; Poore, G.C.B.; Taiti, S. (Eds) (2024). World Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial Isopod Crustaceans database. Microcharon teissieri (Lévi, 1950). Accessed through: The UK Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (2024) Marine Species of the British Isles and Adjacent Seas (MSBIAS): a checklist of species derived from the UNICORN and Marine Recorder applications at: on 2025-03-20
The UK Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (2025). Marine Species of the British Isles and Adjacent Seas (MSBIAS): a checklist of species derived from the UNICORN and Marine Recorder applications. Microcharon teissieri (Lévi, 1950). Accessed at: on 2025-03-20
2008-01-03 13:02:48Z
2019-05-31 01:27:39Z
2024-08-26 14:52:06Z

original description (of ) Lévi, C. (1950). <i>Duslenia teissieri</i>, nov. gen., n. sp., nouveau Parasellidé des côtes de France. <em>Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale, Notes et Revue.</em> 87(1): 42-47. [details] Available for editors  PDF available

basis of record Schotte, M., B.F. Kensley & S. Shilling. (1995 onwards). World list of Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial Crustacea Isopoda. National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution: Washington D.C., USA - no longer online. [website archived on 2018-01-25]. [details] 

new combination reference Chappuis, P.A. & C. Delamare Deboutteville. (1954). Biospeologica LXXIV. Recherches sur les Crustacés souterrains (première série). VII. Les isopodes psammiques de la Méditerranée. <em>Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale.</em> 91(1): 103-138. [details] Available for editors  PDF available