WoRMS source details
Simonsen, R. (1987). Atlas and Catalogue of the Diatom Types of Friedrich Hustedt. J. Cramer, Berlin & Stuttgart. 1: 525 pp.
Simonsen, R.
Atlas and Catalogue of the Diatom Types of Friedrich Hustedt.
J. Cramer, Berlin & Stuttgart
1: 525 pp.
Achnanthes arguta Hust.ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes cognita Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes congolensis Hustedt, 1949 (new combination reference)
Achnanthes dispar var. rumaniensis Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes frigida Hustedt, 1937 (original description)
Achnanthes grubei Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes hauckiana f. lancettula Hustedt, 1937 (original description)
Achnanthes kryophila var. protracta Hustedt, 1937 (original description)
Achnanthes marina Hustedt, 1937 (original description)
Achnanthes meisteri Hustedt ex R.Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes neoskvortzowii Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes oestrupii var. lanceolata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes radiosa Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes separata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes strenzkei (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987 accepted as Navicula strenzkei Hustedt, 1962 (new combination reference)
Achnanthes trigibba Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes valida Hustedt ex R.Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Amphipleura campechiana Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Aulacodiscus australiensis Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Aulacodiscus minimus Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Aulacoseira distans var. helvetica (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987 accepted as Melosira distans var. helvetica Hustedt, 1943 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira gessneri (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987 (new combination reference)
Auliscus compactus Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Auliscus tenuistriatus Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Caloneis pseudoschumanniana Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Chaetoceros denticulatus f. angusta Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Chaetoceros denticulatus f. lata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Chaetoceros hamatus Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Climacosphenia truncata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Cocconeis disculoides Hustedt, 1955 accepted as Amphicocconeis disculoides (Hustedt) Stefano & Marino, 2003 (taxonomy source)
Cocconeis fraudulens Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Cyclotella lucens (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987 accepted as Stephanodiscus lucens Hustedt, 1939 (new combination reference)
Cymbella ornata Hustedt, 1931 (original description)
Cymbella placentula Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Cymbella procera Hustedt, 1931 (original description)
Cymbella triangulum var. gracilis Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia bidentula var. elongata F.Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia compacta Hustedt ex R. Simonsen, 1987 accepted as Eunotia exigua var. compacta Hustedt, 1930 (original description)
Eunotia didyma var. maxima Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia didyma var. media Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia didyma var. recta Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia luna var. aequalis Hustedt in Schmidt et al., 1913 (subsequent type designation)
Eunotia tenuivalva Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia zygodon var. elongata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia zygodon var. lata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Flexibiddulphia R. Simonsen, 1987 † (original description)
Fragilaria robusta Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Fragilaria sublineata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Gomphocymbella gracilis Hustedt, 1931 (original description)
Navicula atacamae Hustedt, 1927 † accepted as Brachysira atacamae (Hustedt) D.G.Mann, 1990 † (subsequent type designation)
Navicula complanatoides Hustedt, 1987 (original description)
Navicula complanatula Hustedt, 1987 (original description)
Navicula subfraudulenta Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Navicula turris Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 † (additional source)
Nitzschia intermediopsis Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Odontella rostrata (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987 accepted as Biddulphia rostrata var. rostrata Hustedt, 1939 (new combination reference)
Pinnularia esox f. minor F.Hustedt, 1914 (original description)
Pinnularia krasskei var. ventricosa Hustedt, 1934 (original description)
Pinnularia major var. sendaiensis Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Stauroneis elata Hustedt, 1987 (original description)
Surirella skvortzowiana R.Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Triceratium subvenosum F. Hustedt in Wetzel, 1935 † accepted as Entogoniopsis polycistinora (Pantocsek ex Tempère) N.I.Strelnikova, P.A.Sims, J.Witkowski & D.M.Williams, 2015 † (identification resource)
Triceratium sundbyense Hustedt ex R.Simonsen, 1987 † (original description)
Achnanthes cognita Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes congolensis Hustedt, 1949 (new combination reference)
Achnanthes dispar var. rumaniensis Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes frigida Hustedt, 1937 (original description)
Achnanthes grubei Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes hauckiana f. lancettula Hustedt, 1937 (original description)
Achnanthes kryophila var. protracta Hustedt, 1937 (original description)
Achnanthes marina Hustedt, 1937 (original description)
Achnanthes meisteri Hustedt ex R.Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes neoskvortzowii Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes oestrupii var. lanceolata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes radiosa Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes separata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes strenzkei (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987 accepted as Navicula strenzkei Hustedt, 1962 (new combination reference)
Achnanthes trigibba Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Achnanthes valida Hustedt ex R.Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Amphipleura campechiana Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Aulacodiscus australiensis Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Aulacodiscus minimus Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Aulacoseira distans var. helvetica (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987 accepted as Melosira distans var. helvetica Hustedt, 1943 (new combination reference)
Aulacoseira gessneri (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987 (new combination reference)
Auliscus compactus Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Auliscus tenuistriatus Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Caloneis pseudoschumanniana Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Chaetoceros denticulatus f. angusta Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Chaetoceros denticulatus f. lata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Chaetoceros hamatus Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Climacosphenia truncata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Cocconeis disculoides Hustedt, 1955 accepted as Amphicocconeis disculoides (Hustedt) Stefano & Marino, 2003 (taxonomy source)
Cocconeis fraudulens Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Cyclotella lucens (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987 accepted as Stephanodiscus lucens Hustedt, 1939 (new combination reference)
Cymbella ornata Hustedt, 1931 (original description)
Cymbella placentula Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Cymbella procera Hustedt, 1931 (original description)
Cymbella triangulum var. gracilis Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia bidentula var. elongata F.Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia compacta Hustedt ex R. Simonsen, 1987 accepted as Eunotia exigua var. compacta Hustedt, 1930 (original description)
Eunotia didyma var. maxima Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia didyma var. media Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia didyma var. recta Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia luna var. aequalis Hustedt in Schmidt et al., 1913 (subsequent type designation)
Eunotia tenuivalva Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia zygodon var. elongata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Eunotia zygodon var. lata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Flexibiddulphia R. Simonsen, 1987 † (original description)
Fragilaria robusta Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Fragilaria sublineata Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Gomphocymbella gracilis Hustedt, 1931 (original description)
Navicula atacamae Hustedt, 1927 † accepted as Brachysira atacamae (Hustedt) D.G.Mann, 1990 † (subsequent type designation)
Navicula complanatoides Hustedt, 1987 (original description)
Navicula complanatula Hustedt, 1987 (original description)
Navicula subfraudulenta Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Navicula turris Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 † (additional source)
Nitzschia intermediopsis Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Odontella rostrata (Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987 accepted as Biddulphia rostrata var. rostrata Hustedt, 1939 (new combination reference)
Pinnularia esox f. minor F.Hustedt, 1914 (original description)
Pinnularia krasskei var. ventricosa Hustedt, 1934 (original description)
Pinnularia major var. sendaiensis Hustedt ex Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Stauroneis elata Hustedt, 1987 (original description)
Surirella skvortzowiana R.Simonsen, 1987 (original description)
Triceratium subvenosum F. Hustedt in Wetzel, 1935 † accepted as Entogoniopsis polycistinora (Pantocsek ex Tempère) N.I.Strelnikova, P.A.Sims, J.Witkowski & D.M.Williams, 2015 † (identification resource)
Triceratium sundbyense Hustedt ex R.Simonsen, 1987 † (original description)
Oregon for Eunotia luna var. aequalis Hustedt in Schmidt et al., 1913
USA for Cocconeis disculoides Hustedt, 1955
USA for Cocconeis disculoides Hustedt, 1955
Lectotype 1/39. Lunz. U. S. Gr. Fichte. Fontinalis. (U.S. = Untersee) Finder: 344.3-6 (2 specimens) ; 377.8-9 (2 specimens) ; 410.8-9; 499.7-8; 584.1; 619.7-8., identified as Achnanthes austriaca Hust., 1922
Lectotype 241/58 Finder 317.5, identified as Achnanthes atomus var. congolensis Hust., 1949
Lectotype 397/46a, identified as Achnanthes arcus Hust., 1942
Isotype 397/46b, identified as Achnanthes arcus Hust., 1942
Lectotype AWI Hustedt Diatom Collection Am 792, geounit North America, identified as Cocconeis disculoides Hustedt, 1955
Isolectotype AWI Hustedt Diatom Collection Am 792, geounit North America, identified as Cocconeis disculoides Hustedt, 1955
Holotype Mal/12. Kl. Fluelasee. 135. Grund. Davos. Schweiz., identified as Achnanthes austriaca var. helvetica Hust., 1933
Lectotype Mal/7, geounit Java, identified as Achnanthes atomus Hust., 1937
Holotype QK569D54S53, identified as Achnanthes atacamae Hust., 1927
Lectotype 241/58 Finder 317.5, identified as Achnanthes atomus var. congolensis Hust., 1949
Lectotype 397/46a, identified as Achnanthes arcus Hust., 1942
Isotype 397/46b, identified as Achnanthes arcus Hust., 1942
Lectotype AWI Hustedt Diatom Collection Am 792, geounit North America, identified as Cocconeis disculoides Hustedt, 1955
Isolectotype AWI Hustedt Diatom Collection Am 792, geounit North America, identified as Cocconeis disculoides Hustedt, 1955
Holotype Mal/12. Kl. Fluelasee. 135. Grund. Davos. Schweiz., identified as Achnanthes austriaca var. helvetica Hust., 1933
Lectotype Mal/7, geounit Java, identified as Achnanthes atomus Hust., 1937
Holotype QK569D54S53, identified as Achnanthes atacamae Hust., 1927
Taxonomic remark
Hustedt in Schmidt (1913: pl. 286: fig. 35) introduced invalidly this name; Simonsen (1987: 35) provided a ... [details]