Traits taxon details
Lepidotrigla pleuracanthica (Richardson, 1845)
274913 (
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
(of ) Richardson, J. (1844-1848). Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror, under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross, R. N., F. R. S. <em>In: J. Richardson & J. E. Gray (eds.): The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror, under the command of Captain Sir J. C. Ross, R. N., F. R. S., during the years 1839 to 1843. E. W. Janson, London.</em> v. 2 (2): i-viii + 1-139, Pls. 1-60. [1844: 1-16; 1845: 17-52; 1846: 53-74; 1848: i-viii + 75-139. [details]
Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. (2024). FishBase. Lepidotrigla pleuracanthica (Richardson, 1845). Accessed through: Marine Species Traits editorial board (2024) Marine Species Traits at: on 2025-03-13
Marine Species Traits editorial board (2025). Marine Species Traits. Lepidotrigla pleuracanthica (Richardson, 1845). Accessed at: on 2025-03-13
original description
(of ) Richardson, J. (1844-1848). Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror, under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross, R. N., F. R. S. <em>In: J. Richardson & J. E. Gray (eds.): The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror, under the command of Captain Sir J. C. Ross, R. N., F. R. S., during the years 1839 to 1843. E. W. Janson, London.</em> v. 2 (2): i-viii + 1-139, Pls. 1-60. [1844: 1-16; 1845: 17-52; 1846: 53-74; 1848: i-viii + 75-139. [details]
additional source Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2025). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (06/2024)., available online at [details]
ecology source Looby, A.; Erbe, C.; Bravo, S.; Cox, K.; Davies, H. L.; Di Iorio, L.; Jézéquel, Y.; Juanes, F.; Martin, C. W.; Mooney, T. A.; Radford, C.; Reynolds, L. K.; Rice, A. N.; Riera, A.; Rountree, R.; Spriel, B.; Stanley, J.; Vela, S.; Parsons, M. J. G. (2023). Global inventory of species categorized by known underwater sonifery. <em>Scientific Data.</em> 10(1). (look up in IMIS), available online at [details]
additional source Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2025). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (06/2024)., available online at [details]
ecology source Looby, A.; Erbe, C.; Bravo, S.; Cox, K.; Davies, H. L.; Di Iorio, L.; Jézéquel, Y.; Juanes, F.; Martin, C. W.; Mooney, T. A.; Radford, C.; Reynolds, L. K.; Rice, A. N.; Riera, A.; Rountree, R.; Spriel, B.; Stanley, J.; Vela, S.; Parsons, M. J. G. (2023). Global inventory of species categorized by known underwater sonifery. <em>Scientific Data.</em> 10(1). (look up in IMIS), available online at [details]