WoRMS source details

Thach N.N. (2017). New shells of Southeast Asia. Sea shells & Land snails. Akron, Ohio: 48HrBooks Company. 128 pp.
Thach N.N.
<i>New shells of Southeast Asia. Sea shells & Land snails</i>. Akron, Ohio: 48HrBooks Company. 128 pp.
Stated date: June 2017
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2017-08-08 16:51:33Z
2023-09-22 10:41:10Z

Acrosterigma terpoorteni Thach, 2017 accepted as Cardium impolitum G. B. Sowerby II, 1834 accepted as Acrosterigma impolitum (G. B. Sowerby II, 1834) (original description)
Amphidromus abbasorum Thach, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus abbotthuberorum Thach, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus andytani Thach & Abbas, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus anhdaoorum Thach, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus anthonyabbotti Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus attapeuensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 accepted as Amphidromus haematostoma Möllendorff, 1898 (original description)
Amphidromus baoi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus bernardfamyi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus elviae Dharma, 2007 (additional source)
Amphidromus fraussenae Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus friedahuberae Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus gerberi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus hongdaoae Thach, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus jeffabbasorum Thach, 2016 (additional source)
Amphidromus johnstanisici Thach & F. Huber, 2017 accepted as Amphidromus placostylus Möllendorff, 1900 (original description)
Amphidromus khammouanensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus lucsegersi Thach & Abbas, 2017 accepted as Amphidromus reflexilabris Schepman, 1892 (additional source)
Amphidromus mariae Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus mariasandersae Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus marieabbasae Thach, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus monsecourorum Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus montesdeocai Thach & F. Huber, 2017 accepted as Amphidromus cambojiensis (Reeve, 1860) (original description)
Amphidromus ngocanhi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus ngocngai Thach, 2017 accepted as Amphidromus comes (L. Pfeiffer, 1861) (original description)
Amphidromus noriokowasoei Thach & F. Huber, 2017 accepted as Amphidromus smithii Fulton, 1896 (additional source)
Amphidromus phuonglinhae Thach, 2017 accepted as Amphidromus roseolabiatus Fulton, 1896 (original description)
Amphidromus protania Lehmann & Maassen, 2004 (additional source)
Amphidromus richgoldbergi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus salzmanni Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus setzeri Thach, 2015 (additional source)
Amphidromus severnsi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus sriabbasae Thach, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus stevehubrechti Thach & Abbas, 2017 accepted as Amphidromus reflexilabris Schepman, 1892 (additional source)
Amphidromus thachi F. Huber, 2015 (additional source)
Amphidromus thakhekensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 accepted as Amphidromus cruentatus (Morelet, 1875) (original description)
Amphidromus vietnamensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 accepted as Amphidromus comes (L. Pfeiffer, 1861) (original description)
Amphidromus yauyeejiae Thach & Abbas, 2017 (original description)
Amphidromus yenlinhae Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Austenia abletti Thach, 2017 (original description)
Barnaia Thach, 2017 (original description)
Barnaia huberi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Barnaia longituba (Páll-Gergely & Gargominy, 2017) (new combination reference)
Bellardiella abbasi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Bertia setzeri Thach, 2015 (additional source)
Camaena anhi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Camaena chuongi Thach, 2016 (additional source)
Camaena diepae Thach, 2017 (original description)
Camaena ducae Thach, 2017 (original description)
Camaena duyconi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Camaena hahni (Mabille, 1887) (additional source)
Camaena huberi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Camaena leeana Thach, 2017 (original description)
Camaena onae Thach, 2016 (additional source)
Cheilea chinoi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Chloritis klausgrohi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Conus dangdami Thach, 2017 (original description)
Conus ducphuongi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Conus kersteni Thach, 2017 accepted as Conus vexillum Gmelin, 1791 (original description)
Conus ngocngai Thach, 2017 (original description)
Cyclophorus donghoiensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Cyclophorus franzhuberi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Cyclophorus khongensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Diastole simonei Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Discartemon huberi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Discartemon pallgergelyi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Discotectonica alfi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Fulgoraria (Fulgoraria) callomoni Thach, 2015 represented as Fulgoraria callomoni Thach, 2015 (basis of record)
Fulgoraria (Fulgoraria) ngocngai Bail & Thach, 2017 represented as Fulgoraria ngocngai Bail & Thach, 2017 (original description)
Fulgoraria (Fulgoraria) patricebaili Thach, 2017 represented as Fulgoraria patricebaili Thach, 2017 (original description)
Fulgoraria (Fulgoraria) philippsi Thach, 2016 represented as Fulgoraria philippsi Thach, 2016 (basis of record)
Haploptychius anhduongae Thach, 2017 (original description)
Helixarion annhiae Thach, 2017 accepted as Megaustenia annhiae (Thach & F. Huber, 2017) (original description)
Helminthoglypta huberi Thach, 2017 accepted as Hemiplecta lanxangnica Inkhavilay & Panha, 2019 (original description)
Hemifusus boucheti Thach, 2017 (original description)
Hemifusus yurikantori Thach, 2017 (original description)
Hemiplecta huberi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Leporicypraea mappa huberi Thach, 2017 accepted as Leporicypraea mappa mappa (Linnaeus, 1758) (original description)
Leptopoma abbasi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Liparophaedusa szekeresi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Megalacron huberi Thach, 2017 accepted as Chloritis khammouanensis Inkhavilay & Panha, 2019 (original description)
Morum petestimpsoni Thach, 2017 (original description)
Nassarius ikedai Thach, 2017 (original description)
Obba louiseae Thach, 2016 (additional source)
Obeliscus owengriffithsi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Oophana thuthaoae Thach, 2017 (original description)
Oospira gregoi Szekeres & Thach, 2017 accepted as Messageriella gregoi (Szekeres & Thach, 2017) (original description)
Pallgergelyia Thach, 2017 (original description)
Pallgergelyia huberi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Papuina abbasi Thach, 2016 (additional source)
Pearsonia franzhuberi Thach, 2017 accepted as Spiraculum franzhuberi (Thach, 2017) (original description)
Pearsonia thachi F. Huber, 2017 accepted as Spiraculum huberi (Thach, 2016) (original description)
Pearsonia vilvensi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 accepted as Spiraculum vilvensi (Thach & F. Huber, 2017) (original description)
Pseudobuliminus harryleei Thach, 2017 (original description)
Pseudobuliminus huberi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Pseudobuliminus maestratii Thach, 2017 (original description)
Pseudobuliminus tuongvyae Thach, 2017 (original description)
Pterocyclos franzhuberi Thach, 2017 (original description)
Pterocyclos schileykoi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Pterocyclos thachi F. Huber, 2017 (original description)
Cambodia for Pseudobuliminus harryleei Thach, 2017 
Cambodia for Pseudobuliminus huberi Thach, 2017 
Indonesia for Amphidromus abbasorum Thach, 2017 
Indonesia for Amphidromus andytani Thach & Abbas, 2017 
Indonesia for Amphidromus bernardfamyi Thach, 2017 
Indonesia for Amphidromus sriabbasae Thach, 2017 
Indonesia for Amphidromus yauyeejiae Thach & Abbas, 2017 
Laos for Amphidromus attapeuensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Laos for Amphidromus gerberi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Laos for Amphidromus khammouanensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Laos for Amphidromus monsecourorum Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Laos for Amphidromus richgoldbergi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Laos for Amphidromus thakhekensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Laos for Camaena huberi Thach, 2017 
Laos for Camaena leeana Thach, 2017 
Laos for Chloritis klausgrohi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Laos for Cyclophorus franzhuberi Thach, 2017 
Laos for Cyclophorus khongensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Laos for Helminthoglypta huberi Thach, 2017 
Laos for Hemiplecta huberi Thach, 2017 
Laos for Megalacron huberi Thach, 2017 
Laos for Oospira gregoi Szekeres & Thach, 2017 
Laos for Pearsonia vilvensi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Laos for Pupinella frednaggsi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Thailand for Discartemon huberi Thach, 2017 
Timor Island for Amphidromus marieabbasae Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Acrosterigma terpoorteni Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus abbotthuberorum Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus anhdaoorum Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus anthonyabbotti Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus baoi Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus fraussenae Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus friedahuberae Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus hongdaoae Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus johnstanisici Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus mariae Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus mariasandersae Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus montesdeocai Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus ngocanhi Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus ngocngai Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus phuonglinhae Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus salzmanni Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus severnsi Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus vietnamensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Amphidromus yenlinhae Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Austenia abletti Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Barnaia huberi Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Camaena anhi Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Camaena diepae Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Camaena ducae Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Camaena duyconi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Cyclophorus donghoiensis Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Diastole simonei Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Discartemon pallgergelyi Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Haploptychius anhduongae Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Helixarion annhiae Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Liparophaedusa szekeresi Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Obeliscus owengriffithsi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Oophana thuthaoae Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Pallgergelyia huberi Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Pearsonia franzhuberi Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Pearsonia thachi F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Pseudobuliminus maestratii Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Pseudobuliminus tuongvyae Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Pterocyclos franzhuberi Thach, 2017 
Vietnam for Pterocyclos schileykoi Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Pterocyclos thachi F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnam for Rhiostoma herosae Thach & F. Huber, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Cheilea chinoi Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Conus dangdami Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Conus ducphuongi Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Conus kersteni Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Conus ngocngai Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Discotectonica alfi Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Fulgoraria (Fulgoraria) ngocngai Bail & Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Fulgoraria (Fulgoraria) patricebaili Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Hemifusus boucheti Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Hemifusus yurikantori Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Leporicypraea mappa huberi Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Morum petestimpsoni Thach, 2017 
Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone for Nassarius ikedai Thach, 2017 
West Papua for Bellardiella abbasi Thach, 2017 
West Papua for Leptopoma abbasi Thach, 2017 
West Papua for Tylotoechus abbasi Thach, 2017 
 Editor's comment

New combination herein, based on the objective synonymy of Pearsonia[details]

 Editor's comment

New combination herein, as Tylotoechus is accepted as a full genus. [details]