WoRMS source details
Ahmad, J.; Dhar, R. L. (1987). Studies on digenetic trematodes of marine fishes from the Puri Coast of the Bay of Bengal. Part 53. Families Monorchiidae and Opecoelidae. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 19: 167-184.
Ahmad, J.; Dhar, R. L.
Studies on digenetic trematodes of marine fishes from the Puri Coast of the Bay of Bengal. Part 53. Families Monorchiidae and Opecoelidae
Pakistan Journal of Zoology
19: 167-184
Ametrodaptes fischthali Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 accepted as Pseudametrodaptes fischthali (Ahmad & Dhar, 1987) Triveni Lakshmi & Madhavi, 2008 (original description)
Neonotoporus overstreeti Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 (original description)
Neonotoporus srivastavai Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 (original description)
Proctotrema guptai Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 (original description)
Pseudopecoelus bilqeesae Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 (original description)
Pseudopecoelus dollfusi Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 (original description)
Neonotoporus overstreeti Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 (original description)
Neonotoporus srivastavai Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 (original description)
Proctotrema guptai Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 (original description)
Pseudopecoelus bilqeesae Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 (original description)
Pseudopecoelus dollfusi Ahmad & Dhar, 1987 (original description)
Eastern India for Neonotoporus overstreeti Ahmad & Dhar, 1987
Eastern India for Neonotoporus srivastavai Ahmad & Dhar, 1987
Indian part of the Bay of Bengal for Ametrodaptes fischthali Ahmad & Dhar, 1987
Indian part of the Bay of Bengal for Proctotrema guptai Ahmad & Dhar, 1987
Indian part of the Bay of Bengal for Pseudopecoelus bilqeesae Ahmad & Dhar, 1987
Indian part of the Bay of Bengal for Pseudopecoelus dollfusi Ahmad & Dhar, 1987
Eastern India for Neonotoporus srivastavai Ahmad & Dhar, 1987
Indian part of the Bay of Bengal for Ametrodaptes fischthali Ahmad & Dhar, 1987
Indian part of the Bay of Bengal for Proctotrema guptai Ahmad & Dhar, 1987
Indian part of the Bay of Bengal for Pseudopecoelus bilqeesae Ahmad & Dhar, 1987
Indian part of the Bay of Bengal for Pseudopecoelus dollfusi Ahmad & Dhar, 1987