WoRMS source details
Cushman, J.A. 1906. Marine Ostracoda of Vineyard Sound and adjacent waters. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 32(10): 359-385.
Cushman, J. A.
Marine Ostracoda of Vineyard Sound and adjacent waters
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History
32(10): 359-385
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
Cythere dawsoni Brady, 1870 accepted as Actinocythereis dawsoni (Brady, 1870) (basis of record)
Cythereis albomaculata (Baird, 1838) represented as Heterocythereis albomaculata (Baird, 1838) (new combination reference)
Cythereis arenicola Cushman, 1906 † accepted as Bensonocythere arenicola (Cushman, 1906) Hazel, 1967 † (original description)
Cythereis canadensis (Brady, 1870) Cushman, 1906 accepted as Muellerina canadensis (Brady, 1870) (new combination reference)
Cythereis concinna (Jones, 1857) Sars, 1890 † accepted as Elofsonella concinna (Jones, 1857) Pokorny, 1955 (basis of record)
Cythereis dunelmensis Norman, 1865 accepted as Actinocythereis dunelmensis (Norman, 1865) (basis of record)
Cythereis emarginata Sars, 1866 accepted as Baffinicythere emarginata (Sars, 1866) (basis of record)
Cythereis phalaropi Cushman, 1906 † (original description)
Cythereis tuberculata Sars, 1866 accepted as Robertsonites tuberculatus (Sars, 1866) (basis of record)
Cythereis villosa Sars, 1866 accepted as Hemicythere villosa (Sars, 1866) (basis of record)
Cythereis vineyardensis Cushman, 1906 † accepted as Actinocythereis vineyardensis (Cushman, 1906) Williams, 1966 † (original description)
Cytheridea papillosa Bosquet, 1852 † accepted as Eucytheridea papillosa (Bosquet, 1852) Hulings, 1967 (basis of record)
Cytheridea seminuda Cushman, 1906 † accepted as Cushmanidea seminuda (Cushman, 1906) Blake, 1933 † (original description)
Cytherideis fasciata (Brady & Robertson, 1874) Cushman, 1906 accepted as Sahnia fasciata (Brady & Robertson, 1874) accepted as Neocytherideis fasciata (Brady & Robertson, 1874) (new combination reference)
Cytherois zostericola Cushman, 1906 † (original description)
Pontocypris edwardsi Cushman, 1906 † accepted as † (original description)
Pseudocytheretta Cushman, 1906 † (original description)
Pseudocytheretta edwardsi Cushman, 1906 † accepted as Cytheretta edwardsi (Cushman, 1906) † (original description)
Sarsiella zostericola Cushman, 1906 accepted as Eusarsiella zostericola (Cushman, 1906) (original description)
Cythereis albomaculata (Baird, 1838) represented as Heterocythereis albomaculata (Baird, 1838) (new combination reference)
Cythereis arenicola Cushman, 1906 † accepted as Bensonocythere arenicola (Cushman, 1906) Hazel, 1967 † (original description)
Cythereis canadensis (Brady, 1870) Cushman, 1906 accepted as Muellerina canadensis (Brady, 1870) (new combination reference)
Cythereis concinna (Jones, 1857) Sars, 1890 † accepted as Elofsonella concinna (Jones, 1857) Pokorny, 1955 (basis of record)
Cythereis dunelmensis Norman, 1865 accepted as Actinocythereis dunelmensis (Norman, 1865) (basis of record)
Cythereis emarginata Sars, 1866 accepted as Baffinicythere emarginata (Sars, 1866) (basis of record)
Cythereis phalaropi Cushman, 1906 † (original description)
Cythereis tuberculata Sars, 1866 accepted as Robertsonites tuberculatus (Sars, 1866) (basis of record)
Cythereis villosa Sars, 1866 accepted as Hemicythere villosa (Sars, 1866) (basis of record)
Cythereis vineyardensis Cushman, 1906 † accepted as Actinocythereis vineyardensis (Cushman, 1906) Williams, 1966 † (original description)
Cytheridea papillosa Bosquet, 1852 † accepted as Eucytheridea papillosa (Bosquet, 1852) Hulings, 1967 (basis of record)
Cytheridea seminuda Cushman, 1906 † accepted as Cushmanidea seminuda (Cushman, 1906) Blake, 1933 † (original description)
Cytherideis fasciata (Brady & Robertson, 1874) Cushman, 1906 accepted as Sahnia fasciata (Brady & Robertson, 1874) accepted as Neocytherideis fasciata (Brady & Robertson, 1874) (new combination reference)
Cytherois zostericola Cushman, 1906 † (original description)
Pontocypris edwardsi Cushman, 1906 † accepted as † (original description)
Pseudocytheretta Cushman, 1906 † (original description)
Pseudocytheretta edwardsi Cushman, 1906 † accepted as Cytheretta edwardsi (Cushman, 1906) † (original description)
Sarsiella zostericola Cushman, 1906 accepted as Eusarsiella zostericola (Cushman, 1906) (original description)