WoRMS source details
Acleotrema girellae Johnston & Tiegs, 1922 (additional source)
Acleotrema nenue (Yamaguti, 1968) Dominques & Boeger, 2007 (additional source)
Acleotrema oliveri (León-Régagnon, Pérez-Ponce de León & Garcia Prieto, 1997) Domingues & Boeger, 2007 (additional source)
Acolpenteron ureteroecetes Fischthal & Allison, 1940 (additional source)
Actinocleidus bifurcatus Mizelle, 1941 accepted as Clavunculus bifurcatus (Mizelle, 1941) Mizelle, Stokely, Jaskoski, Seamster & Monaco, 1956 (basis of record)
Actinocleidus bursatus (Mueller, 1936) Mueller, 1937 accepted as Clavunculus bursatus (Mueller, 1936) Mizelle, Stokely, Jaskoski, Seamster & Monaco, 1956 (basis of record)
Actinocleidus fergusoni Mizelle, 1938 (basis of record)
Ahpua piscicola Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1973 (additional source)
Allobenedenia pseudomarginata (Bravo-Hollis, 1958) Yang, Kritsky & Sun, 2004 (additional source)
Allopseudodiclidophora opelu Yamaguti, 1965 (additional source)
Allopyragraphorus caballeroi (Zerecero, 1960) Yamaguti, 1963 (additional source)
Allopyragraphorus hippos (Hargis, 1956) Yamaguti, 1963 (additional source)
Allopyragraphorus incomparabilis (MacCallum, 1917) Yamaguti, 1963 (additional source)
Allopyragraphorus winteri (Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1965) Bravo-Hollis & Salgado-Maldonado, 1983 (additional source)
Ameloblastella chavarriai (Price, 1938) Kritsky, Mendoza-Franco & Scholz, 2000 (basis of record)
Amphipolycotyle chloroscombrus Hargis, 1957 (additional source)
Anchoromicrocotyle Bravo-Hollis, 1981 (additional source)
Ancyrocephalus bursatus Mueller, 1936 accepted as Actinocleidus bursatus (Mueller, 1936) Mueller, 1937 accepted as Clavunculus bursatus (Mueller, 1936) Mizelle, Stokely, Jaskoski, Seamster & Monaco, 1956 (basis of record)
Ancyrocephalus cornutus Williams & Rogers, 1972 (basis of record)
Anoplocotyloides papillatus (Doran, 1953) Young, 1967 (additional source)
Aphanoblastella travassosi (Price, 1938) Kritsky, Mendoza-Franco & Scholz, 2000 (basis of record)
Aristocleidus hastatus Mueller, 1936 (additional source)
Aristocleidus lacantuni Mendoza-Franco, Osorio & Caspeta-Mandujano, 2015 (additional source)
Aristocleidus lamothei Kritsky & Mendoza-Franco, 2008 (additional source)
Aristocleidus mexicanus Mendoza-Franco, Osorio & Caspeta-Mandujano, 2015 (additional source)
Axine carangis MacCallum, 1918 accepted as Cemocotyle noveboracensis Price, 1962 (basis of record)
Axine elongata Meserve, 1938 accepted as Heteraxine elongata (Meserve, 1938) Sproston, 1946 accepted as Cemocotylella elongata (Meserve, 1938) Price, 1962 (additional source)
Axine gracilis Linton, 1940 accepted as Nudaciraxine gracilis (Linton, 1940) Price, 1962 (basis of record)
Axine seriolae Meserve, 1938 accepted as Zeuxapta seriolae (Meserve, 1938) Price, 1962 (additional source)
Axine yamagutii (Meserve, 1938) Sproston, 1946 (additional source)
Axinoides gracilis (Linton, 1940) Sproston, 1946 accepted as Nudaciraxine gracilis (Linton, 1940) Price, 1962 (additional source)
Axinoides jimenezi Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1972 (additional source)
Axinoides raphidoma Hargis, 1956 (additional source)
Benedenia adenea Meserve, 1938 accepted as Neobenedenia adenea (Meserve, 1938) Yamaguti, 1963 (basis of record)
Benedenia anadenea Meserve, 1938 accepted as Neobenedenia adenea (Meserve, 1938) Yamaguti, 1963 (source of synonymy)
Benedenia jalisciana Bravo-Hollis, 1951 (additional source)
Benedeniella posterocolpa (Hargis, 1955) Yamaguti, 1963 (additional source)
Bravocotyle sanblasensis Lamothe-Argumedo, 1967 (additional source)
Bychowskymonogenea Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1969 (additional source)
Bychowskymonogenea sogandaresi Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1969 (additional source)
Cacatuocotyle chajuli Mendoza-Franco, Caspeta-Mandujano & Salgado-Maldonado, 2013 (basis of record)
Cacatuocotyle exiguum Mendoza-Franco, Caspeta-Mandujano & Salgado- Maldonado, 2013 (basis of record)
Calicotyle californiensis Bullard & Overstreet, 2000 (additional source)
Calicotyle kroyeri Diesing, 1850 (additional source)
Calicotyle urobati Bullard & Overstreet, 2000 (additional source)
Campechia synodi Zhukov & Mamaev, 1985 (additional source)
Capsala albsmithi (Dolfus, 1962) Chisholm & Whittington, 2007 (additional source)
Capsala gregalis (Wagner & Carter, 1967) Chisholm & Whittington, 2007 (additional source)
Capsala laevis (Verrill, 1875) Johnston, 1929 (additional source)
Capsala pricei Hidalgo-Escalente, 1958 (additional source)
Capsala sinuata (Goto, 1894) Johnston, 1929 accepted as Capsaloides sinuatus (Goto, 1894) Price, 1938 (source of synonymy)
Capsaloides hoffmannae Lamothe-Argumedo, 1996 (additional source)
Capsaloides marielenae (Lamothe-Argumedo, 1968) Lamothe-Argumedo, 1996 accepted as Capsaloides perugiai (Setti, 1898) Price, 1938 (source of synonymy)
Capsaloides perugiai (Setti, 1898) Price, 1938 (additional source)
Cemocotyle borinquensis Price, 1962 (additional source)
Cemocotyle carangis (MacCallum, 1913) Sproston, 1946 (additional source)
Cemocotyle noveboracensis Price, 1962 (additional source)
Cemocotylella elongata (Meserve, 1938) Price, 1962 (additional source)
Cestracolpa yamagutii Meserve, 1938 accepted as Axine yamagutii (Meserve, 1938) Sproston, 1946 (basis of record)
Characithecium costaricensis (Price & Bussing, 1967) Mendoza-Franco, Reina & Torchin, 2009 accepted as Characithecium costaricense (Price & Bussing, 1967) Mendoza-Franco, Reina & Torchin, 2009 (basis of record)
Chlamydaxine resplendens (Caballero, Bravo-Hollis & Grocott, 1953) Price, 1962 (additional source)
Choricotyle caulolatili (Meserve, 1938) Sproston, 1946 (additional source)
Choricotyle leonilavazquezae Lamothe-Argumedo, Aranda-Cruz & Pérez-Ponce de Leon, 1998 (additional source)
Choricotyle oregonensis McCauley & Smoker, 1969 (additional source)
Choricotyle pinguis (Linton, 1940) Sproston, 1946 accepted as Cyclocotyloides pinguis (Linton, 1940) Price, 1943 (basis of record)
Choricotyle sonorensis Caballero & Bravo, 1962 (additional source)
Cichlidogyrus dossoui Douëllou, 1993 (additional source)
Cichlidogyrus halli (Price & Kirk, 1967) Paperna, 1979 (additional source)
Cichlidogyrus haplochromii Paperna & Thurston, 1969 (additional source)
Cichlidogyrus quaestio Douëllou, 1993 (additional source)
Cichlidogyrus sclerosus Paperna & Thurston, 1969 (additional source)
Cichlidogyrus tilapiae Paperna, 1960 (additional source)
Clavunculus bifurcatus (Mizelle, 1941) Mizelle, Stokely, Jaskoski, Seamster & Monaco, 1956 (additional source)
Clavunculus bursatus (Mueller, 1936) Mizelle, Stokely, Jaskoski, Seamster & Monaco, 1956 (additional source)
Clavunculus ungis Mizelle, Stokely, Jaskoski, Seamster & Monaco, 1956 accepted as Clavunculus bursatus (Mueller, 1936) Mizelle, Stokely, Jaskoski, Seamster & Monaco, 1956 (basis of record)
Cleidodiscus banghami (Mueller, 1936) Mizelle, 1940 accepted as Tetracleidus banghami Mueller, 1936 (basis of record)
Cleidodiscus bedardi Mizelle, 1936 (basis of record)
Cleidodiscus chavarriai Price, 1938 accepted as Urocleidoides chavarriai (Price, 1938) Molnar, Hanek & Fernando, 1974 accepted as Ameloblastella chavarriai (Price, 1938) Kritsky, Mendoza-Franco & Scholz, 2000 (basis of record)
Cleidodiscus costaricensis Price & Bussing, 1967 accepted as Urocleidoides costaricensis (Price & Bussing, 1967) Kritsky & Leiby, 1972 accepted as Characithecium costaricense (Price & Bussing, 1967) Mendoza-Franco, Reina & Torchin, 2009 (basis of record)
Cleidodiscus floridanus Mueller, 1936 accepted as Ligictaluridus floridanus (Mueller, 1936) Beverley-Burton, 1984 (basis of record)
Cleidodiscus mirabilis Mueller, 1937 accepted as Ligictaluridus mirabilis (Mueller, 1937) Klassen & Beverley-Burton, 1985 (basis of record)
Cleidodiscus pricei Mueller, 1936 accepted as Ligictaluridus pricei (Mueller, 1936) Beverley-Burton, 1984 (basis of record)
Cleidodiscus travassosi Price, 1938 accepted as Urocleidoides travassosi (Price, 1938) Molnar, Hanek & Fernanado, 1974 accepted as Aphanoblastella travassosi (Price, 1938) Kritsky, Mendoza-Franco & Scholz, 2000 (basis of record)
Cleidodiscus vancleavei Mizelle, 1936 (basis of record)
Cotyloatlantica pretiosa Bravo-Hollis, 1984 (additional source)
Cyclocotyloides pinguis (Linton, 1940) Price, 1943 (additional source)
Cycloplectanum caballeroi Oliver, 1984 accepted as Pseudorhabdosynochus caballeroi (Oliver, 1984) Kritsky & Beverley-Burton, 1986 (basis of record)
Cynoscionicola heteracantha (Manter, 1938) Price, 1962 (additional source)
Cynoscionicola pseudoheteracantha (Hargis, 1956) Price, 1962 (additional source)
Cynoscionicola sciaenae Tantalean, 1974 (additional source)
Cynoscionicola srivastavai Bravo-Hollis & Caballero-Rodríguez, 1970 (additional source)
Dactylogyrus anchoratus (Dujardin, 1845) Wagener, 1857 (additional source)
Dactylogyrus dulkeiti Bychowsky, 1936 (additional source)
Dactylogyrus extensus Mueller & Van Cleave, 1932 (additional source)
Dactylogyrus intermedius Wegener, 1910 (additional source)
Dactylogyrus minutus Kulwiec, 1927 (additional source)
Dactylogyrus vastator Nybelin, 1924 (additional source)
Dasyonchocotyle dasyatis (Yamaguti, 1968) Boeger & Kritsky, 1989 (additional source)
Decacotyle floridana (Pratt, 1910) Chisholm & Whittington, 1998 (additional source)
Baja California Sur for Pseudodiplorchis americanus (Rodgers & Kuntz, 1940) Yamaguti, 1963
Campeche for Haliotrema lactophrys (MacCallum, 1915) Vala, Maillard & Overstreet, 1982
Campeche for Heteropriapulus heterotylus (Jogunoori, Kritsky & Venkatanarasaiah, 2004) Kritsky, 2007
Chiapas for Aristocleidus lacantuni Mendoza-Franco, Osorio & Caspeta-Mandujano, 2015
Chiapas for Aristocleidus mexicanus Mendoza-Franco, Osorio & Caspeta-Mandujano, 2015
Chiapas for Cacatuocotyle chajuli Mendoza-Franco, Caspeta-Mandujano & Salgado-Maldonado, 2013
Chiapas for Cacatuocotyle exiguum Mendoza-Franco, Caspeta-Mandujano & Salgado- Maldonado, 2013
Chiapas for Urocleidoides simonae Mendoza-Franco, Caspeta-Mandujano, Salgado-Maldonado & Matamoros, 2015
Chiapas for Urocleidoides vaginoclaustroides Mendoza-Franco, Caspeta-Mandujano, Salgado-Maldonado & Matamoros, 2015
Durango for Cleidodiscus bedardi Mizelle, 1936
Durango for Dactylogyrus anchoratus (Dujardin, 1845) Wagener, 1857
Durango for Dactylogyrus dulkeiti Bychowsky, 1936
Durango for Gyrodactylus spathulatus Mueller, 1936
Durango for Ligictaluridus mirabilis (Mueller, 1937) Klassen & Beverley-Burton, 1985
Durango for Ligictaluridus pricei (Mueller, 1936) Beverley-Burton, 1984
Durango for Onchocleidus spiralis Mueller, 1937
Guanajuato for Gyrodactylus tomahuac Rubio-Godoy, Razo-Mendivil, García-Vásquez, Freeman, Shinn & Paladini, 2016
Guanajuato for Onchocleidus principalis Mizelle, 1936
Guerrero for Haliotrema cirrhitusi Mendoza-Franco & Violante-Gonzalez, 2011
Guerrero for Ligophorus mugilinus (Hargis, 1955) Euzet & Suriano, 1977
Guerrero for Mexicana bychowskyi Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1959
Gulf of California for Pseudohargisia cortesi Payne, 1987
Gulf of California for Pseudotetrancistrum skrjabini Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1961
Hidalgo for Actinocleidus fergusoni Mizelle, 1938
Jalisco for Ligophorus vanbenedenii (Parona & Perugia, 1890) Euzet & Suriano, 1977
Jalisco for Mexicana bychowskyi Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1959
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Allopyragraphorus incomparabilis (MacCallum, 1917) Yamaguti, 1963
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Cemocotylella elongata (Meserve, 1938) Price, 1962
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Cotyloatlantica pretiosa Bravo-Hollis, 1984
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Dendromonocotyle octodiscus Hargis, 1955
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Diplectanocotyla megalopis Rakotofiringa & Oliver, 1987
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Haliotrematoides striatohamus (Zhukov, 1981) Mendoza-Franco, Reyes-Lizama & Gonzáles-Solís, 2009
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Mexicotyle mexicana (Meserve, 1938) Lebedev, 1984
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Microcotyle neozealanicus Dillon & Hargis, 1965
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Microcotyloides incisa (Linton, 1910) Fujii, 1944
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Neotetraonchus bravohollisi Paperna, 1977
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Octouncuhaptor Mendoza-Franco, Roche & Torchin, 2008
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Probursata Bravo-Hollis, 1984
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Protomicrocotyle manteri Bravo-Hollis, 1966
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Protomicrocotyle mirabilis (MacCallum, 1918) Johnston & Tiegs, 1922
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Pseudochauhanea mexicana Lamothe, 1967
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Pseudorhabdosynochus yucatanensis Vidal-Martinez, Aguirre-Macedo & Mendoza-Franco, 1997
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Pterinotrema macrostomon Caballero, Bravo-Hollis & Grocott, 1954
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Pyragraphorus pyragraphorus (MacCallum & MacCallum, 1913) Sproston, 1946
Mexican part of the Caribbean Sea for Rhinecotyle deloyai Bravo-Hollis, 1981
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Acleotrema diplobulbus (Yamaguti, 1968) Domingues & Boeger, 2007
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Ahpua piscicola Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1973
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Allopyragraphorus winteri (Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1965) Bravo-Hollis & Salgado-Maldonado, 1983
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Amphipolycotyle chloroscombrus Hargis, 1957
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Axinoides gracilis (Linton, 1940) Sproston, 1946
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Axinoides jimenezi Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1972
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Bychowskymonogenea sogandaresi Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1969
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Campechia synodi Zhukov & Mamaev, 1985
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Cemocotyle borinquensis Price, 1962
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Cemocotyle carangis (MacCallum, 1913) Sproston, 1946
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Cemocotyle noveboracensis Price, 1962
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Cemocotylella elongata (Meserve, 1938) Price, 1962
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Cotyloatlantica pretiosa Bravo-Hollis, 1984
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Cynoscionicola heteracantha (Manter, 1938) Price, 1962
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Cynoscionicola pseudoheteracantha (Hargis, 1956) Price, 1962
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Diplectanum [sensu lato] bilobatum Hargis, 1955
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Engraulicola thrissocles (Tripathi, 1959) Lebedev, 1971
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Euryhaliotrema amydrum Kritsky & Bakenhaster, 2011
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Euryhaliotrema dunlapae Kritsky & Bakenhaster, 2011
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Euryhaliotrema longibaculum (Zhukov, 1976) Kritsky & Boeger, 2002
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Euryhaliotrema tubocirrus (Zhukov, 1976) Kritsky & Boeger, 2002
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Eurysorchis australis Manter & Walling, 1958
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Gotocotyla acanthura (Parona & Perugia, 1896) Meserve, 1938
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Haliotrema torquecirrus Zhukov, 1976
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Haliotrematoides cornigerum (Zhukov, 1976) Kritsky, Yang & Sun, 2009
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Haliotrematoides gracilihamus (Zhukov, 1976) Kritsky, Yang & Sun, 2009
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Haliotrematoides heteracantha (Zhukov, 1976) Kritsky, Yang & Sun, 2009
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Haliotrematoides longihamus (Zhukov, 1976) Kritsky, Yang & Sun, 2009
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Haliotrematoides magnigastrohamus (Zhukov, 1976) Kritsky, Yang & Sun, 2009
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Haliotrematoides mediohamus (Zhukov, 1983) Kritsky, Yang & Sun, 2009
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Haliotrematoides overstreeti Kritsky & Bullard in Kritsky, Yang & Sun, 2009
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Haliotrematoides parvicirrus (Zhukov, 1983) Kritsky, Yang & Sun, 2009
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Hamatopeduncularia bagre Hargis, 1955
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Hargicotyle louisianensis (Hargis, 1955) Mamaev, 1972
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Heterobothrium lamothei Vidal-Martínez & Mendoza-Franco, 2008
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Macrovalvitrema micropogoni (Pearse, 1949) Hernández-Vale, Bunkley-Williams & Williams, 2016
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Macrovalvitrema sinaloense Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1955
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Mazocraeoides bychowskyi Caballero & Caballero, 1976
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Mazocraeoides olentangiensis Sroufe, 1958
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Metamicrocotyla macracantha (Alexander, 1954) Koratha, 1955
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Mexicotyle mexicana (Meserve, 1938) Lebedev, 1984
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Microcotyle archosargi MacCallum, 1913
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Microcotyle tampicensis (Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1972) Mamaev, 1986
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Neodiplectanum magnodiscatum (Fuentes Zambrano, 1997) Domingues, Diamanka & Pariselle, 2011
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Neodiplectanum mexicanum (Mendoza Franco, Roche & Torchin, 2008) Domingues, Diamanka & Pariselle, 2011
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Neoheterobothrium cynoscioni (MacCallum, 1917) Price, 1943
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Neoheterobothrium syacii Mamaev & Zhukov in Mamaev, 1987
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Neotetraonchus felis (Hargis, 1955) Paperna, 1977
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Paramicrocotyle atriobursata Caballero & Bravo-Hollis, 1972
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Pedocotyle minima Hargis, 1955
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Polymicrocotyle manteri Lamothe-Argumedo, 1967
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Probursata Bravo-Hollis, 1984
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Protomicrocotyle manteri Bravo-Hollis, 1966
Mexican part of the Gulf of Mexico for Protomicrocotyle mirabilis (MacCallum, 1918) Johnston & Tiegs, 1922
The host identification in the record of Tortugas is doubtful because A. oliveri is only found in the Pacific ... [details]
Bufo simus (currently Chiromantis simus [Annandale]) is distributed in Northeastern India (Assam, Mizoram, and West ... [details]
Should be spelled costaricense. DIG [details]
Kritsky et al. (2009a) pointed out that H. guttati is a possible synonym of Haliotrematoides heteracantha. [details]
According to Price (1962b) the specimens of Axine carangis and Heteraxine carangis represent a new species, named ... [details]
Th is species was re-instated in Capsala by Chisholm & Whittington (2007). [details]
Th is species was considered species inquirendae by Mamaev (1976) and validated by Tantalean et al. (1988). [details]
A species made partial synonyms of other species of Cycloplectanum - Pseudorhabdosynochus (see Oliver, ... [details]
According to Price (1962b) the specimens of Axine carangis and Heteraxine carangis represent a new species, named ... [details]
The inclusion in Neoheterobothium Price, 1943 is doubtful according to Mamaev (1987), who retained it in ... [details]
In accordance with Piasecki et al. (2000), morphological features of N. mcdonaldi suggest that it should be ... [details]
Yang et al. (2005) considered that this species will likely prove to be a synonym of P. kritskyi, but Domingues & ... [details]
Retained in Heterobothrium by Mendoza-Garfias et al. (2017), but accepted in Tagia by Nagibina & Obodnikova (1971) ... [details]
Th is species was considered as a member of Capsala by Chisholm & Whittington (2007) and Barse & Bullard (2012) [details]
Th is species was re-instated in Capsala by Chisholm & Whittington (2007). Holotype lost. [details]
According to Chisholm & Whittington (2006), this species could be a synonym of Capsala sinuatus. [details]
Redescribed by Faustino et al. (2017) in an e-publication, but not ICZN compliant. See: Jaliscia caulolatili ... [details]
Referred to as Jaliscia sp. by Mendoza-Garfias et al. (2017). [details]
some specimens from Playa Jicacal and Laguna de Sontecomapan, Veracruz were deposited in the CNHE as types of ... [details]
Some specimens from Playa Jicacal and Laguna de Sontecomapan, Veracruz were deposited in the CNHE as types of ... [details]
Nomen nudum [undescribed species; material deposited in CNHE in 1990 by Bravo-Hollis]. But listed as a synonym of ... [details]
Described only in theses by Pérez-Urbiola. [details]
According to Hargis (1959), P. mexicanum is a valid species but “almost congeneric” with M. sinaloense. The ... [details]