WoRMS source details
Coe, W. R. (1926). The Pelagic Nemerteans. Reports on an exploration off the West Coast of Mexico, Central & South America, etc., xxxix, and Reports on the scientific results of the Expedition to the Eastern Tropical Pacific, etc., xxxiv. Memoirs of the Museum Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 49: 1-246
Coe, W. R.
The Pelagic Nemerteans. Reports on an exploration off the West Coast of Mexico, Central & South America, etc., xxxix, and Reports on the scientific results of the Expedition to the Eastern Tropical Pacific, etc., xxxiv
Memoirs of the Museum Comparative Zoology at Harvard College
49: 1-246
Available for editors

Cuneonemertes Coe, 1926 (original description)
Cuneonemertes gracilis Coe, 1926 (original description)
Gelanemertes Coe, 1926 (original description)
Gelanemertes richardi (Joubin, 1906) (source of synonymy)
Mononemertes Coe, 1926 (original description)
Nectonemertes Verrill, 1892 (basis of record)
Neuronemertes Coe, 1926 (original description)
Neuronemertes aurantiaca Coe, 1926 (original description)
Pelagonemertes brinkmanni Coe, 1926 (original description)
Pelagonemertes joubini Coe, 1926 (original description)
Planktonemertes sargassicola Joubin, 1906 accepted as Mononemertes sargassicola (Joubin, 1906) (new combination reference)
Planktonemertes vanhoeffeni Brinkmann, 1915 (source of synonymy)
Planonemertes Coe, 1926 (original description)
Planonemertes lobata Coe, 1926 (original description)
Plionemertes Coe, 1926 (original description)
Plionemertes plana Coe, 1926 (original description)
Proarmaueria Coe, 1926 (original description)
Proarmaueria pellucida Coe, 1926 (original description)
Cuneonemertes gracilis Coe, 1926 (original description)
Gelanemertes Coe, 1926 (original description)
Gelanemertes richardi (Joubin, 1906) (source of synonymy)
Mononemertes Coe, 1926 (original description)
Nectonemertes Verrill, 1892 (basis of record)
Neuronemertes Coe, 1926 (original description)
Neuronemertes aurantiaca Coe, 1926 (original description)
Pelagonemertes brinkmanni Coe, 1926 (original description)
Pelagonemertes joubini Coe, 1926 (original description)
Planktonemertes sargassicola Joubin, 1906 accepted as Mononemertes sargassicola (Joubin, 1906) (new combination reference)
Planktonemertes vanhoeffeni Brinkmann, 1915 (source of synonymy)
Planonemertes Coe, 1926 (original description)
Planonemertes lobata Coe, 1926 (original description)
Plionemertes Coe, 1926 (original description)
Plionemertes plana Coe, 1926 (original description)
Proarmaueria Coe, 1926 (original description)
Proarmaueria pellucida Coe, 1926 (original description)