WoRMS source details
Bürger, O. (1904). Nemertini. Das Tierreich. 20: 1–151.
Bürger, O.
Das Tierreich
20: 1–151
Amphiporus heterophthalmus accepted as Ischyronemertes heterophthalma (Schmarda, 1859) (new combination reference)
Amphiporus pulcher pulcher (Johnston, 1837) accepted as Nipponnemertes pulcher (Johnston, 1837) accepted as Nipponnemertes pulchra (Johnston, 1837) (new combination reference)
Balanocephalus pellucidus Kennel, 1891 accepted as Baseodiscus pellucidus (Kennel, 1891) (source of synonymy)
Baseodiscus mexicanus (Bürger, 1893) (source of synonymy)
Baseodiscus pellucidus (Kennel, 1891) (source of synonymy)
Baseodiscus quinquelineatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) (source of synonymy)
Borlasia carmellina Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Baseodiscus delineatus (Delle Chiaje, 1822) (source of synonymy)
Borlasia nigra Byerley, 1854 accepted as Lineus longissimus (Gunnerus, 1770) (source of synonymy)
Borlasia quinquelineata Quoy & Gaimard, 1833 accepted as Baseodiscus quinquelineatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) (source of synonymy)
Carcinonemertes carcinophila (Kölliker, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Cerebratulus depressus Quatrefages, 1846 (status source)
Cosmocephala Stimpson, 1857 accepted as Amphiporus Ehrenberg, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Ditactorrhochma Diesing, 1862 accepted as Amphiporus Ehrenberg, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Ditactorrhochma typicum Diesing, 1862 accepted as Amphiporus typicus (Diesing, 1862) (new combination reference)
Eupolia aurea Bürger, 1896 accepted as Baseodiscus aureus (Bürger, 1896) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia australis Hubrecht, 1887 accepted as Baseodiscus australis (Hubrecht, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia brockii Bürger, 1890 accepted as Baseodiscus hemprichii (Ehrenberg, 1831) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia giardii Hubrecht, 1887 accepted as Baseodiscus giardii (Hubrecht, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia mexicana Bürger, 1893 accepted as Baseodiscus mexicanus (Bürger, 1893) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia minor (Hubrecht, 1879) accepted as Baseodiscus minor (Hubrecht, 1879) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia nipponensis Hubrecht, 1887 accepted as Baseodiscus nipponensis (Hubrecht, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia novemlineata Bürger, 1893 accepted as Baseodiscus quinquelineatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia platei Bürger, 1896 accepted as Baseodiscus platei (Bürger, 1896) (source of synonymy)
Lineus fasciatus Johnston, 1865 accepted as Lineus longissimus (Gunnerus, 1770) (source of synonymy)
Lineus lineatus Johnston, 1865 accepted as Lineus longissimus (Gunnerus, 1770) (source of synonymy)
Lineus ruber (Müller, 1774) (source of synonymy)
Lineus schmardai Bürger, 1904 accepted as Myorhynchonemertes striata (Schmarda, 1859) (original description)
Meckelia borealis Diesing, 1862 accepted as Cerebratulus borealis (Diesing, 1862) (new combination reference)
Nemertes (Borlasia) olivacea Johnston, 1837 accepted as Lineus viridis (Müller, 1774) (taxonomy source)
Nemertes balmea Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Emplectonema gracile (Johnston, 1837) (source of synonymy)
Nemertes peronea Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Nemertopsis bivittata (Delle Chiaje, 1841) (source of synonymy)
Nemertes pulchra Johnston, 1837 accepted as Nipponnemertes pulcher (Johnston, 1837) accepted as Nipponnemertes pulchra (Johnston, 1837) (new combination reference)
Oerstedia maculata Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Oerstedia dorsalis (Abildgaard, 1806) (source of synonymy)
Oerstedia nigra (Riches, 1893) (additional source)
Oerstedia tubicola Quartrefages, 1846 accepted as Oerstedia dorsalis (Abildgaard, 1806) (source of synonymy)
Ommatoplea ophiocephala Schmarda, 1859 accepted as Emplectonema ophiocephala (Schmarda, 1859) (source of synonymy)
Planaria bioculata Johnston, 1828 (taxonomy source)
Polia baculus Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Tetrastemma baculus (Quatrefages, 1846) (new combination reference)
Polia bembix Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Nipponnemertes pulchra (Johnston, 1837) (source of synonymy)
Polia filum Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Cephalothrix rufifrons (Johnston, 1837) (source of synonymy)
Polia fumosa Quarterages, 1846 accepted as Prosorhochmus claparedii Keferstein, 1862 (source of synonymy)
Polia involuta van Beneden, 1861 accepted as Carcinonemertes carcinophila (Kölliker, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Polia opaca Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Lineus ruber (Müller, 1774) (source of synonymy)
Polia pulchella Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Tetrastemma melanocephalum (Johnston, 1837) (source of synonymy)
Polia purpurea Quatrefages, 1846 (status source)
Prostoma unicolor (Hubrecht, 1879) accepted as Tetrastemma unicolor (Hubrecht, 1879) (source of synonymy)
Prostoma vittigerum Bürger, 1904 accepted as Tetrastemma vittigerum (Bürger, 1904) (original description)
Stichostemma Montgomery, 1894 accepted as Prostoma Dugès, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Tetrastemma nigra Riches, 1893 accepted as Oerstedia nigra (Riches, 1893) (additional source)
Valencinia dubia Quatrefages, 1846 (status source)
Valencinia ornata Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Tubulanus superbus (Kölliker, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Amphiporus pulcher pulcher (Johnston, 1837) accepted as Nipponnemertes pulcher (Johnston, 1837) accepted as Nipponnemertes pulchra (Johnston, 1837) (new combination reference)
Balanocephalus pellucidus Kennel, 1891 accepted as Baseodiscus pellucidus (Kennel, 1891) (source of synonymy)
Baseodiscus mexicanus (Bürger, 1893) (source of synonymy)
Baseodiscus pellucidus (Kennel, 1891) (source of synonymy)
Baseodiscus quinquelineatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) (source of synonymy)
Borlasia carmellina Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Baseodiscus delineatus (Delle Chiaje, 1822) (source of synonymy)
Borlasia nigra Byerley, 1854 accepted as Lineus longissimus (Gunnerus, 1770) (source of synonymy)
Borlasia quinquelineata Quoy & Gaimard, 1833 accepted as Baseodiscus quinquelineatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) (source of synonymy)
Carcinonemertes carcinophila (Kölliker, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Cerebratulus depressus Quatrefages, 1846 (status source)
Cosmocephala Stimpson, 1857 accepted as Amphiporus Ehrenberg, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Ditactorrhochma Diesing, 1862 accepted as Amphiporus Ehrenberg, 1831 (source of synonymy)
Ditactorrhochma typicum Diesing, 1862 accepted as Amphiporus typicus (Diesing, 1862) (new combination reference)
Eupolia aurea Bürger, 1896 accepted as Baseodiscus aureus (Bürger, 1896) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia australis Hubrecht, 1887 accepted as Baseodiscus australis (Hubrecht, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia brockii Bürger, 1890 accepted as Baseodiscus hemprichii (Ehrenberg, 1831) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia giardii Hubrecht, 1887 accepted as Baseodiscus giardii (Hubrecht, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia mexicana Bürger, 1893 accepted as Baseodiscus mexicanus (Bürger, 1893) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia minor (Hubrecht, 1879) accepted as Baseodiscus minor (Hubrecht, 1879) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia nipponensis Hubrecht, 1887 accepted as Baseodiscus nipponensis (Hubrecht, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia novemlineata Bürger, 1893 accepted as Baseodiscus quinquelineatus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) (source of synonymy)
Eupolia platei Bürger, 1896 accepted as Baseodiscus platei (Bürger, 1896) (source of synonymy)
Lineus fasciatus Johnston, 1865 accepted as Lineus longissimus (Gunnerus, 1770) (source of synonymy)
Lineus lineatus Johnston, 1865 accepted as Lineus longissimus (Gunnerus, 1770) (source of synonymy)
Lineus ruber (Müller, 1774) (source of synonymy)
Lineus schmardai Bürger, 1904 accepted as Myorhynchonemertes striata (Schmarda, 1859) (original description)
Meckelia borealis Diesing, 1862 accepted as Cerebratulus borealis (Diesing, 1862) (new combination reference)
Nemertes (Borlasia) olivacea Johnston, 1837 accepted as Lineus viridis (Müller, 1774) (taxonomy source)
Nemertes balmea Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Emplectonema gracile (Johnston, 1837) (source of synonymy)
Nemertes peronea Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Nemertopsis bivittata (Delle Chiaje, 1841) (source of synonymy)
Nemertes pulchra Johnston, 1837 accepted as Nipponnemertes pulcher (Johnston, 1837) accepted as Nipponnemertes pulchra (Johnston, 1837) (new combination reference)
Oerstedia maculata Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Oerstedia dorsalis (Abildgaard, 1806) (source of synonymy)
Oerstedia nigra (Riches, 1893) (additional source)
Oerstedia tubicola Quartrefages, 1846 accepted as Oerstedia dorsalis (Abildgaard, 1806) (source of synonymy)
Ommatoplea ophiocephala Schmarda, 1859 accepted as Emplectonema ophiocephala (Schmarda, 1859) (source of synonymy)
Planaria bioculata Johnston, 1828 (taxonomy source)
Polia baculus Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Tetrastemma baculus (Quatrefages, 1846) (new combination reference)
Polia bembix Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Nipponnemertes pulchra (Johnston, 1837) (source of synonymy)
Polia filum Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Cephalothrix rufifrons (Johnston, 1837) (source of synonymy)
Polia fumosa Quarterages, 1846 accepted as Prosorhochmus claparedii Keferstein, 1862 (source of synonymy)
Polia involuta van Beneden, 1861 accepted as Carcinonemertes carcinophila (Kölliker, 1845) (source of synonymy)
Polia opaca Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Lineus ruber (Müller, 1774) (source of synonymy)
Polia pulchella Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Tetrastemma melanocephalum (Johnston, 1837) (source of synonymy)
Polia purpurea Quatrefages, 1846 (status source)
Prostoma unicolor (Hubrecht, 1879) accepted as Tetrastemma unicolor (Hubrecht, 1879) (source of synonymy)
Prostoma vittigerum Bürger, 1904 accepted as Tetrastemma vittigerum (Bürger, 1904) (original description)
Stichostemma Montgomery, 1894 accepted as Prostoma Dugès, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Tetrastemma nigra Riches, 1893 accepted as Oerstedia nigra (Riches, 1893) (additional source)
Valencinia dubia Quatrefages, 1846 (status source)
Valencinia ornata Quatrefages, 1846 accepted as Tubulanus superbus (Kölliker, 1845) (source of synonymy)