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Ortega, J.; Gofas, S. (2019). The unknown bathyal of the Canaries: new species and new records of deep-sea Mollusca. Zoosystema.41(26): 513-551.
urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:CF16A992-0401-44C8-BEEE-842CE7F1D27E [view]
Ortega, J.; Gofas, S.
The unknown bathyal of the Canaries: new species and new records of deep-sea Mollusca
41(26): 513-551
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
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2019-12-02 22:33:29Z
2019-12-16 15:20:31Z

Anatoma richardi (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) (status source)
Ancistrobasis lavaleyei L. Hoffman & Freiwald, 2017 accepted as Ancistrobasis reticulata (R. A. Philippi, 1844) (source of synonymy)
Azorilla F. Nordsieck, 1968 accepted as Teretia Norman, 1888 (status source)
Dentimargo crassidens Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Discaclis lamellata Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Gymnobela multilirata Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Liostomia canaliculata Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Lissotesta gittenbergeri (van Aartsen & Bogi, 1988) (new combination reference)
Mangilia sericifila var. strongyla Dall, 1927 accepted as Teretia megalembryon (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) (source of synonymy)
Marginella carmenae Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Marginella pulex Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Microvoluta tessellata Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Mikro oviceps Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Mitromorpha alabaster Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Mucronalia pinguicula Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Orbitestella pruinosa Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Pleurotoma megalembryon Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896 accepted as Teretia megalembryon (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) (additional source)
Prunum similerato Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Spirotropis guancha Ortega & Gofas, 2019 (original description)
Teretia megalembryon (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) (new combination reference)
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Anatoma aspera (R. A. Philippi, 1844) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Anatoma eximia (G. Seguenza, 1880) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Anatoma richardi (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Ancistrobasis reticulata (R. A. Philippi, 1844) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Anekes paucistriata Warén, 1992 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Babelomurex atlantidis Oliverio & Gofas, 2006 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Bathysciadium costulatum (Locard, 1898) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Benthonellania agastachys Bouchet & Warén, 1993 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Cantrainea globuloides (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Cantrainea peloritana (Cantraine, 1835) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Copulabyssia corrugata (Jeffreys, 1883) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Dentimargo crassidens Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Famelica monotropis (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Fissurisepta granulosa Jeffreys, 1883 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Graphis gracilis (Monterosato, 1874) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Gymnobela multilirata Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Halicardia angulata (Jeffreys, 1882) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Kurtiella pellucida (Jeffreys, 1881) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Kurtziella serga (Dall, 1881) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Laeviphitus verduini van Aartsen, Bogi & Fr. Giusti, 1989 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Larsenia scalaroides Warén, 1989 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Limatula laminifera (E. A. Smith, 1885) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Liostomia canaliculata Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Marginella carmenae Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Marginella pulex Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Microvoluta tessellata Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Mikro globulus Warén, 1996 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Mikro hattonensis L. Hoffman, van Heugten & Lavaleye, 2010 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Mikro oviceps Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Mitromorpha alabaster Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Mucronalia pinguicula Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Narrimania concinna (Sykes, 1925) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Neopleurotomoides callembryon (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Odostomia madeirensis Peñas, Rolán & Swinnen, 2014 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Orbitestella pruinosa Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Pelseneeria striata Bouchet & Warén, 1986 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Pleurotomella eurybrocha (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Pristigloma minima (G. Seguenza, 1877) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Profundisepta profundi (Jeffreys, 1877) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Prunum similerato Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Ringicula pirulina Locard, 1897 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Satondella danieli Segers, Swinnen & A. Abreu, 2009 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Scacchia oblonga (R. A. Philippi, 1836) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Seamountiella azorica (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Spheniopsis senegalensis Cosel, 1995 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Spirolaxis lamellifer (Rehder, 1935) 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Spirotropis guancha Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Canary Islands part of the North Atlantic Ocean for Teretia megalembryon (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896) 
Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria for Aclis attenuans Jeffreys, 1883 
Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria for Crassatina marchadi Cosel, 1995 
Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria for Discaclis lamellata Ortega & Gofas, 2019 
Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria for Epitonium nanum (Jeffreys, 1884) 
Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria for Epitonium polacia (Dall, 1889) 
Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria for Lissotesta gittenbergeri (van Aartsen & Bogi, 1988) 
Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria for Opaliopsis opalina (Dall, 1927) 
Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria for Palazzia ausonia (Palazzi, 1988) 
Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria for Puncturella profundi Jeffreys, 1877 
Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria for Rugulina fragilis (G. O. Sars, 1878) 
Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria for Toroidia toroides (L. Hoffman, van Heugten & Lavaleye, 2011)