WoRMS source details

Hollowday, E. D. (2002). Family Synchaetidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886 In: T. Nogrady; H. Segers. Rotifera. Volume 6: Asplanchnidae, Gastropodidae, Lindiidae, Microcodidae, Synchaetidae, Trochosphaeridae and Filinia. Leiden, The Netherlands. Backhuys Publishers, 18, 87-211
Hollowday, E. D.
Family Synchaetidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886
In: T. Nogrady; H. Segers. Rotifera. Volume 6: Asplanchnidae, Gastropodidae, Lindiidae, Microcodidae, Synchaetidae, Trochosphaeridae and Filinia. Leiden, The Netherlands. Backhuys Publishers
18, 87-211
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2019-12-04 09:37:52Z

Anarthra Hood, 1895 accepted as Polyarthra Ehrenberg, 1834 (taxonomy source)
Bipalpus Wierzejski & Zacharias, 1893 accepted as Ploesoma Herrick, 1885 (taxonomy source)
Dictyoderma Lauterborn, 1893 accepted as Ploesoma Herrick, 1885 (taxonomy source)
Gastroschiza Bergendal, 1892 accepted as Ploesoma Herrick, 1885 (taxonomy source)
Gomphogaster Vorce, 1888 accepted as Ploesoma Herrick, 1885 (taxonomy source)
Parasynchaeta Lauterborn, 1905 accepted as Synchaeta Ehrenberg, 1832 (taxonomy source)
Ploesoma Herrick, 1885 (taxonomy source)
Polyarthra Ehrenberg, 1834 (taxonomy source)
Synchaeta Ehrenberg, 1832 (taxonomy source)
Synchaetidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886 (taxonomy source)

A poorly described species; considered species inquirenda by Hollowday (2002:200). Incorrect original spelling ... [details]


"Probably an artefact, unrecognisable" (Hollowday, 2002)._x000d_ Name not listed in adopted Rotifera part of the ... [details]


Type species of genus Polyarthra Ehrenberg, 1834._x000d_ The species name P. trigla Ehrenberg was used by earlier ... [details]


The figure reproduced in Hollowday (2002: fig.203)is with reference to Buchholz (1954), but here no figure or ... [details]


Name published by Oltra & Todolí (1997)as "Synchaeta cecilia valentina n. subsp.", without a word of description, ... [details]


?not Synchaeta curvata Lie-Pettersen after Remane (1929)._x000d_ Insufficiently described, with information on ... [details]


Koste (1978)suggested that S. fennica Rousselet and S. bicornis Smith may be identical, but the dorsal wattles are ... [details]


Occasionally considered an infrasubspecific variety or subspecies of S. tremula (Müller). As Hollowday ... [details]


not Synchaeta littoralis Rousselet after Altindag & Sozen (1996)[identity unclear]._x000d_ regarded as a species ... [details]


not Synchaeta oblonga Ehrenberg after Hudson & Gosse (1886), (?) Rousselet (1902)[identity unclear]; Tessin ... [details]


According to Hollowday (2002), "details of the trophi shown by Koch-Althaus (1963) should be interpreted with ... [details]


The taxonomic status of this species was long uncertain. Treated as an infrasubspecific variant of S. tremula ... [details]