WoRMS source details

Ehrenberg, C. G. (1830). Organisation, Systematik und geographisches Verhältnis der Infusionsthierchen. Zwei Vorträge in der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin gehalten in den Jahren 1828 [Die geographische Verbreitung der Infusionsthierchen in Nord-Afrika und West-Asien, beob Berlin. Druckerei der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 108, pl.1-8
Ehrenberg, C. G.
Organisation, Systematik und geographisches Verhältnis der Infusionsthierchen. Zwei Vorträge in der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin gehalten in den Jahren 1828 [Die geographische Verbreitung der Infusionsthierchen in Nord-Afrika und West-Asien, beob
Berlin. Druckerei der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften
108, pl.1-8
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2019-12-04 09:37:52Z

Actinurus Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Rotaria Scopoli, 1777 (original description)
Callidina Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)
Colurus Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Colurella Bory De St. Vincent, 1823 (original description)
Cycloglena Ehrenberg, 1831 (original description)
Diglena Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Cephalodella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (original description)
Dinocharis Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Trichotria Bory De St. Vincent, 1827 (original description)
Distemma Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Dicranophorus Nitzsch, 1827 (original description)
Enteroplea Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)
Eosphora Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)
Euchlanis Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)
Hydatina Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Epiphanes Ehrenberg, 1832 (original description)
Mastigocerca Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Trichocerca Lamarck, 1801 (original description)
Metopidia Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Lepadella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (original description)
Microcodon Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)
Monolabis Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)
Monostyla Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Lecane Nitzsch, 1827 (original description)
Monura Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Colurella Bory De St. Vincent, 1823 (original description)
Norops Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)
Noteus Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Brachionus Pallas, 1766 (original description)
Notommata Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)
Philodina Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)
Pleurotrocha Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)
Pterodina Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Testudinella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (original description)
Salpina Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Mytilina Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (original description)
Scaridium Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)
Stephanops Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Squatinella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (original description)
Theorus Ehrenberg, 1830 (original description)

First listed, without any descriptive information to satisfy the criteria of availability, as "Hydatina ? laticauda ... [details]


First listed, without any descriptive information to satisfy the criteria of availability, as "Hydatina ? leptocera ... [details]


First listed, without any descriptive information to satisfy the criteria of availability, as "Hydatina ? ... [details]


Type species of genus Hydrias Ehrenberg, 1831 (genus inquirendum et incertae sedis)._x000d_ First listed, without ... [details]


(?) Lecane scutata (Harring & Myers) after Pejler (1962)._x000d_ not Monostyla lunaris (Ehrenberg) after Perty ... [details]


Type species of genus Metopidia Ehrenberg, 1830 (invalid synonym of genus Lepadella Bory de St. Vincent, ... [details]


First listed, without any descriptive information to satisfy the criteria of nomenclatural availability, as ... [details]