WoRMS source details

Anelcodiscus Leidy, 1852 (taxonomy source)
Anourella Bory de St. Vincent, 1822 accepted as Keratella Bory de St. Vincent, 1822 (subsequent type designation)
Anthos Schoch, 1868 (taxonomy source)
Asplanchna Gosse, 1850 (subsequent type designation)
Atrochidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Beauchampia Harring, 1913 (original description)
Bipalpus Wierzejski & Zacharias, 1893 accepted as Ploesoma Herrick, 1885 (subsequent type designation)
Bothriocerca Eichwald, 1847 accepted as Trichocerca Lamarck, 1801 (taxonomy source)
Brochocerca Werneck, 1841 (taxonomy source)
Cephalodella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (subsequent type designation)
Cochleare Gosse, 1886 (taxonomy source)
Collotheca Harring, 1913 (original description)
Collothecidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Conochilidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Copeus Ehrenberg, 1838 accepted as Notommata Ehrenberg, 1830 (subsequent type designation)
Cordylosoma Voigt, 1904 (taxonomy source)
Crumena Nitzsch, 1827 (taxonomy source)
Ctenodon Ehrenberg, 1838 accepted as Epiphanes Ehrenberg, 1832 (taxonomy source)
Cycloglena Ehrenberg, 1831 (taxonomy source)
Cypridicola Daday, 1893 (taxonomy source)
Cystophthalmus Corda, 1836 (taxonomy source)
Dekinia Morren, 1830 accepted as Dicranophorus Nitzsch, 1827 (taxonomy source)
Dekinia Morren, 1830 accepted as Dicranophorus Nitzsch, 1827 (subsequent type designation)
Dicranophoridae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Dicranophorus Nitzsch, 1827 (subsequent type designation)
Diplois Gosse, 1886 (subsequent type designation)
Diplotrocha Schmarda, 1854 (taxonomy source)
Dipodina Ehrenberg, 1842 (taxonomy source)
Dispinthera Gosse, 1887 (taxonomy source)
Distemma Ehrenberg, 1830 accepted as Dicranophorus Nitzsch, 1827 (taxonomy source)
Distyla Eckstein, 1883 accepted as Lecane Nitzsch, 1827 (taxonomy source)
Encentrum Ehrenberg, 1838 (subsequent type designation)
Epiphanidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Esechielina Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 accepted as Rotaria Scopoli, 1777 (subsequent type designation)
Floscularia Cuvier, 1798 (subsequent type designation)
Furcularia Lamarck, 1816 accepted as Rotaria Scopoli, 1777 (subsequent type designation)
Gastropodidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Gastropus Imhof, 1888 (subsequent type designation)
Habrotrochidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Heptaglena Schmarda, 1850 (taxonomy source)
Heterognathus Schmarda, 1859 (taxonomy source)
Hydrias Ehrenberg, 1831 (taxonomy source)
Klypeoglena Bergendal, 1892 (taxonomy source)
Leiodina Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (taxonomy source)
Lepadellidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Limnioides Tatem, 1868 accepted as Limnias Schrank, 1803 (taxonomy source)
Macrotrachela Milne, 1886 (subsequent type designation)
Malacostomum Werneck, 1841 (taxonomy source)
Monocerca Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 accepted as Trichocerca Lamarck, 1801 (subsequent type designation)
Monolabis Ehrenberg, 1830 (taxonomy source)
Monommata Bartsch, 1870 (subsequent type designation)
Mytilinidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Norops Ehrenberg, 1830 (taxonomy source)
Notostemma Bergendal, 1892 (subsequent type designation)
Otoglena Ehrenberg, 1837 (taxonomy source)
Paraseison Plate, 1887 (subsequent type designation)
Philodina Ehrenberg, 1830 (subsequent type designation)
Philodinavidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Philodinavus Harring, 1913 (original description)
Planoventer Hilgendorf, 1899 (taxonomy source)
Platyias Harring, 1913 (original description)
Postclausa Hilgendorf, 1899 accepted as Gastropus Imhof, 1888 (subsequent type designation)
Rattulus Lamarck, 1816 accepted as Trichocerca Lamarck, 1801 (subsequent type designation)
Ratulus Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (subsequent type designation)
Ratulus Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (taxonomy source)
Rhopalosoma Voigt, 1902 accepted as Cordylosoma Voigt, 1904 (taxonomy source)
Rhynchopogon Werneck, 1841 (taxonomy source)
Scepanotrocha Bryce, 1910 (subsequent type designation)
Schizocerca Daday, 1883 accepted as Brachionus Pallas, 1766 (taxonomy source)
Siliquella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (taxonomy source)
Siphonostoma Zenker, J C, 1832 (taxonomy source)
Sphyrias Harring, 1913 (original description)
Squamella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 accepted as Lepadella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (taxonomy source)
Synchaeta Ehrenberg, 1832 (subsequent type designation)
Testudinella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (subsequent type designation)
Testudinellidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Theorus Ehrenberg, 1830 (taxonomy source)
Trichocercidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Trichocercus Cuvier, 1800 accepted as Trichocerca Lamarck, 1801 (taxonomy source)
Trichotriidae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Trochosphaeridae Harring, 1913 (original description)
Tubicolaria Lamarck, 1816 accepted as Floscularia Cuvier, 1798 (subsequent type designation)
Typhlina Ehrenberg, 1831 (taxonomy source)
Typhlotrocha Schmarda, 1859 (taxonomy source)
Urceolaria Lamarck, 1801 accepted as Rotaria Scopoli, 1777 (taxonomy source)
Zelinkiella Harring, 1913 (original description)
Unnecessary substitute name for Brachionus squamula Müller. By regarding B. squamula as a potential synonym of ... [details]
Occasionally regarded as a synonym of Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) (e.g. Harring (1913:56), ?Ahlstrom (1943:420), ... [details]
Quite different views of the systematic position of this species were expressed in the past (Notholca foliacea ... [details]
Considered a synonym of Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) by Harring (1913:56). But also compare Lauterborn's ... [details]
Unrecognizable, but regarded as a synonym of Ascomorpha saltans Bartsch, 1870 by Harring (1913:14), with reference ... [details]
Asplanchna brightwellii var. ceylonica has generally been regarded as a synonym of A. brightwellii (e.g., Harring ... [details]
The insufficient description of Brachionus bursarius Barrois & Daday has, ~ simultaneously been published in ... [details]
Brachionus diacanthus has erroneously been regarded as a synonym of B. calyciflorus Pallas by Harring (1913:19)and ... [details]
Conspecificity of Brachionus longipes Schmarda and B. quadridentatus Hermann, as suggested by Harring (1913:20, sub ... [details]
Probably Brachionus ooen Gosse is conspecific with Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas (Harring, 1913:19), but remains ... [details]
Teratological form with 5 (!) anterior spines of B. calyciflorus? France, who allegedly studied several specimens, ... [details]
Synonymy with B. quadridentatus Hermann, as suggested by Harring (1913)(as B. capsuliflorus Pallas) and subsequent ... [details]
Synonymy with Brachionus angularis Gosse, as suggested by Harring (1913:18)and subsequent authors, including Koste ... [details]
Considered a synonym of C. forficata by Harring (1913:34)and subsequent authors. Neither Gosse's insufficient ... [details]
Type species of genus Cephalosiphon Ehrenberg, 1853; invalid synonym of Limnias Schrank, 1803 (partim), Beauchampia ... [details]
This species has been credited to Bolton by Hudson (1885)and subsequent authors. As Harring (1913:28)points out, ... [details]
Colurella amblytela has been synonymized with Colurella colurus (Ehrenberg) by Harring (1913:29)and subsequent ... [details]
Colurus dumnonius has been synonymized with Colurella deflexa (Ehrenberg) by Harring (1913:29)and subsequent ... [details]
Colurus grallator has been synonymized with Colurella colurus (Ehrenberg) by Harring (1913:29)and subsequent ... [details]
Colurus rotundatus has been synonymized with Colurella colurus (Ehrenberg) by Harring (1913:29)and subsequent ... [details]
Probably a synonym of Notommata copeus Ehrenberg, as has been suggested by Harring (1913:78), but this can not be ... [details]
Type species of genus Cystophthalmus Corda, 1836 (genus inquirendum et incertae sedis)._x000d_ Species name ... [details]
Conspecificity with Cephalodella auriculata (Müller), as suggested by Harring (1913:33)is a possibility, but ... [details]
Conspecificity with Cephalodella auriculata (Müller), as suggested by Harring (1913:33)is a possibility, but ... [details]
Type species of genus Diops Bergendal, 1892 (invalid synonym of genus Proales Gosse, 1886)._x000d_ generic names ... [details]
This name has been regarded as a synonym of Cephalodella forficula (Ehrenberg) in the past (e.g., Harring, ... [details]
Eosphora striata has been, with some doubt, synonymized with Eothinia elongata (Ehrenberg) by Harring (1913:45)and ... [details]
Synonymy with Rotaria macrura (Ehrenberg), as suggested by Harring (1913:91), and subsequent authors (incl. Donner ... [details]
In all likelihood not a Euchlanis!_x000d_ Two different spellings 'tetraodon' (text) and 'tetraodonta' (plate) ... [details]
The younger of the presumed synonomic names, Collotheca campanulata (Dobie), is in current usage. As Harring writes ... [details]
Has occasionally been regarded as a synonym of Cephalodella forficata (Ehrenberg) (e.g., Harring (1913:32), Koste ... [details]
Name based on description and figure by Joblot (1718) (!), and regarded as a possible synonym of Lecane luna by ... [details]
Has occasionally been regarded as a synonym of Cephalodella globata (Gosse) (e.g., Harring (1913:34)Koste ... [details]
Gastropus bretensis has been regarded as a synonym of Gastropus hyptopus (Ehrenberg) by Harring (1913:51)and ... [details]
Type species of genus Gastropus Imhof, 1888._x000d_ Species name 'stylifer' first published in 1888, but correct ... [details]
'Macrotrachela bidens Milne' is listed among insufficiently described Macrotrachela-species by Harring (1913:70), ... [details]
Possibly a synonym of Cephalodella catellina (Müller), as suggested by Harring (1913:25). Given the insufficient ... [details]
First listed, without any descriptive information to satisfy the criteria of availability, as "Hydatina ? laticauda ... [details]
First listed, without any descriptive information to satisfy the criteria of availability, as "Hydatina ? leptocera ... [details]
Hydatina macrognatha has been synonymized with Epiphanes senta (Müller) by Harring (1913:46)and subsequent ... [details]
Hydatina monops has been synonymized with Epiphanes senta (Müller) by Harring (1913:46)and subsequent authors, but ... [details]
Hydatina oblonga has been synonymized with Epiphanes senta (Müller) by Harring (1913:46)and subsequent authors, ... [details]
First listed, without any descriptive information to satisfy the criteria of availability, as "Hydatina ? ... [details]
Two different spellings 'tetraodon' (text) and 'tetrodonta' (plate) were used in the original publication. The ... [details]
Monostyla parva is listed by Daday (1897:132)as n.sp., without a word of description. On p.139 M. pygmaea is ... [details]
not Metopidia mucronata Schmarda after Daday (1908), Daday (1910)[=Lepadella cristata (Rousselet)]._x000d_ ... [details]
Listed as a synonym of both, Lepadella ovalis (Müller) and L. patella (Müller) by Harring (1913:64)and subsequent ... [details]
Synonymized with Lepadella ovalis (Müller) by Harring (1913:64), but is unrecognizable and more appropriately ... [details]
The name Metopidia collaris Stokes is a junior primary homonym of Metopidia lepadella collaris Levander, 1894, and ... [details]
Taxonomic status requires clarification. The taxon has been "traditionally" synonymized with L. patella oblonga ... [details]
Monura dulcis has been synonymized with Colurella adriatica Ehrenberg by Harring (1913:29)and subsequent authors, ... [details]
Monura loncheres has been synonymized with Colurella colurus (Ehrenberg) by Harring (1913:29)and subsequent ... [details]
Listed as synonym of Pleurotrocha (=Proales) reinhardti (Ehrenberg) by Harring (1913:85), but is unrecognizable and ... [details]
Listed as synonym of Pleurotrocha (=Proales) reinhardti (Ehrenberg) by Harring (1913:85), but is unrecognizable and ... [details]
Type species of genus Mytilia Gosse, 1886 (invalid synonym of genus Proales Gosse, 1886)._x000d_ Listed as synonym ... [details]
Listed as synonym of Pleurotrocha (=Proales) reinhardti (Ehrenberg) by Harring (1913:85), but is unrecognizable and ... [details]
Possibly this is an incorrectly observed (lorica pattern, insertion of posterior spines!) Platyias quadricornis ... [details]
Synonymy with Notholca foliacea (Ehrenberg), as suggested by Harring (1913:76)and subsequent authors, is a ... [details]
not Notommata forcipata Ehrenberg after Hudson & Gosse (1886)[=Notommata silpha (Gosse)]._x000d_ N. forcipata ... [details]
Two different spellings 'melanoglena' (text) and 'melanophthalma' (plate) were used in the original publication. ... [details]
Synonymy with L. torulosa (Dujardin), as suggested by Harring (1913:79)is a possibility, but given the insufficient ... [details]
Type species of genus Postclausa Hilgendorf, 1899 (invalid synonym of genus Gastropus Imhof, 1888)._x000d_ ... [details]
?not Proales tigridia Gosse after Weber (1898)[=Cephalodella eva (Gosse)?]._x000d_ As Harring surmises ... [details]
not Vorticella macroura Hermann (Rotifer macrourus (Hermann) Schrank) [species inquirenda]._x000d_ As Segers ... [details]
Sacculus orbicularis has been regarded as a synonym of Gastropus stylifer Imhof by Harring (1913:51)and subsequent ... [details]
Ehrenberg's intention was to place Müller's (1786) Brachionus bractea in the newly established genus Squamella ... [details]
Considered a synonym of Squatinella longispinata (Tatem, 1867) by Harring (1913:97). Hudson's species, however, has ... [details]
Synonymy with Taphrocampa selenura Gosse, as suggested by Harring (1913:99), is a possibility, but can't be ... [details]
An insufficiently described species, which, as Harring (1913)remarks, is the only new name that Bory de St. Vincent ... [details]
Male Trichocerca capucina! Harring (1913:42)hesitantly included it among synonyms of Diurella uncinata (Voigt). [details]
not Rattulus sejunctipes Gosse after Stenroos (1898)[=Trichocerca brachyura (Gosse)?]._x000d_ As Harring states ... [details]
Type species of genus Tubicolaria Lamarck, 1816 (invalid synonym of genus Floscularia Cuvier, 1798)._x000d_ ... [details]