WoRMS source details

Adinetidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886 (original description)
Cathypna Gosse, 1886 accepted as Lecane Nitzsch, 1827 (original description)
Cochleare Gosse, 1886 (original description)
Coelopus Gosse, 1886 accepted as Trichocerca Lamarck, 1801 (original description)
Colurella obtusa (Gosse, 1886) (original description)
Diaschiza Gosse, 1886 accepted as Cephalodella Bory de St. Vincent, 1826 (original description)
Diplois Gosse, 1886 (original description)
Melicertidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886 (original description)
Microcodonidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886 (original description)
Mytilia Gosse, 1886 accepted as Proales Gosse, 1886 (original description)
Notholca Gosse, 1886 (original description)
Notommatidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886 (original description)
Notops Hudson, 1886 accepted as Epiphanes Ehrenberg, 1832 (original description)
Pedetes Gosse, 1886 accepted as Filinia Bory de St. Vincent, 1824 (original description)
Ploima (original description)
Proales Gosse, 1886 (original description)
Synchaetidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886 (original description)
First discovered by E.C. Bousfield, whose drawings and descriptive notes were published by Hudson & Gosse (1886). ... [details]
Type species of genera Ascomorphella Wiszniewski, 1953, Hertwigella Voigt, 1957, and Hertwigia Plate, 1886 non ... [details]
Type species of genus Beauchampia Harring, 1913._x000d_ The correct spelling of this indeclinable name is ... [details]
Brachionus polyacanthus Ehrenberg after Cohn (1862), B. pala Ehrenberg var. after Hudson & Gosse (1886)._x000d_ ... [details]
First regarded as a synonym of B. muelleri Ehrenberg (= B. plicatilis Müller) by Gosse himself (Hudson & Gosse ... [details]
Considered a synonym of C. forficata by Harring (1913:34)and subsequent authors. Neither Gosse's insufficient ... [details]
Type species of genus Cephalosiphon Ehrenberg, 1853; invalid synonym of Limnias Schrank, 1803 (partim), Beauchampia ... [details]
Euchlanis triquetra Carlin after Hudson (1872), Hudson & Gosse (1886), Myers (1930), Myers (1934), Donner ... [details]
not Euchlanis triquetra Carlin after Hudson (1872), Hudson & Gosse (1886), Myers (1930), Myers (1934), Donner ... [details]
Anuraea serrulata (Ehrenberg) after Hudson & Gosse (1886 partim: pl.29, fig.8a,b). [details]
Anuraea serrulata (Ehrenberg) after Hudson & Gosse (1886 partim: pl.29, fig.8b). [details]
Anuraea serrulata (Ehrenberg) after Hudson & Gosse (1886 partim: pl.29, fig.8a). [details]
Type species of genera Lecane Nitzsch, 1827 and Cathypna Gosse, 1886 (the latter is an invalid synonym of the ... [details]
not Notommata forcipata Ehrenberg after Hudson & Gosse (1886)[=Notommata silpha (Gosse)]._x000d_ N. forcipata ... [details]
not Proales gibba (Ehrenberg) after Hudson & Gosse (1886)[=Cephalodella sp.?]._x000d_ Name not listed in adopted ... [details]
Notommata forcipata Ehrenberg after Hudson & Gosse (1886). [details]
According to Hudson & Gosse (1886)"this is no doubt Ehrenberg's Ptygura melicerta...". [details]
not Notommata parasita Ehrenberg after Gosse (1852), Proales parasita (Ehrenberg) after Hudson & Gosse ... [details]
Hudson & Gosse's (1886)monograph is the first accessible source of information on this species, that was originally ... [details]
not Stephanops lamellaris (Müller) after Ehrenberg (1838), Leydig (1854), Hudson & Gosse (1886), Bartsch (1877), ... [details]
Type species of genus Listrion Schmarda, 1846 (invalid synonym of genus Squatinella Bory de St. Vincent, ... [details]
not Synchaeta baltica Ehrenberg after Hudson & Gosse (1886). [details]
not Synchaeta oblonga Ehrenberg after Hudson & Gosse (1886), (?) Rousselet (1902)[identity unclear]; Tessin ... [details]
Type species of genus Taphrocampa Gosse, 1851._x000d_ not Taphrocampa annulosa Gosse var. after Hudson & Gosse ... [details]
Taphrocampa annulosa Gosse var. after Hudson & Gosse (1886). [details]
Dinocharis pauper is an incorrect subsequent spelling, apparently introduced by Hudson & Gosse (1886). [details]