Traits taxon details
Robertgurneya similis erythraea (Scott A., 1902)
363811 (
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
Scott, A. (1902). On some Red Sea and Indian Ocean Copepoda. Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society
16:397-428, pls. 1-3. [details] 
(of ) Scott, A. (1902). On some Red Sea and Indian Ocean Copepoda. Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 16:397-428, pls. 1-3. [details]
(of ) Scott, A. (1902). On some Red Sea and Indian Ocean Copepoda. Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 16:397-428, pls. 1-3. [details]
Walter, T.C.; Boxshall, G. (2024). World of Copepods Database. Robertgurneya similis erythraea (Scott A., 1902). Accessed through: Marine Species Traits editorial board (2024) Marine Species Traits at: on 2025-03-14
Marine Species Traits editorial board (2025). Marine Species Traits. Robertgurneya similis erythraea (Scott A., 1902). Accessed at: on 2025-03-14
original description
Scott, A. (1902). On some Red Sea and Indian Ocean Copepoda. Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society
16:397-428, pls. 1-3. [details] 
original description (of ) Scott, A. (1902). On some Red Sea and Indian Ocean Copepoda. Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 16:397-428, pls. 1-3. [details]
original description (of ) Scott, A. (1902). On some Red Sea and Indian Ocean Copepoda. Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society 16:397-428, pls. 1-3. [details]