WoRMS source details
Patagonia, Terra del Fuego, Magellan Region incl. Falkland/Malvinas Islands
South Atlantic
Systematics, Taxonomy
Aphelochaeta longisetosa (Hartmann-Schröder, 1965) (additional source)
Apistobranchus jasoni Neal & Paterson, 2020 (original description)
Dodecaceria saeria Paterson & Neal, 2020 (original description)
Eunoe anderssoni (Bergström, 1916) accepted as Harmothoe anderssoni Bergström, 1916 (status source)
Harmothoe anderssoni Bergström, 1916 (status source)
Hermadion anderssoni (Bergström, 1916) accepted as Harmothoe anderssoni Bergström, 1916 (status source)
Leitoscoloplos kerguelensis (McIntosh, 1885) (additional source)
Leitoscoloplos olei Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020 (original description)
Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020 (original description)
Sphaerosyllis palpopapillata Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1992 accepted as Prosphaerosyllis palpopapillata (Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1992) (additional source)
Paratype NHMUK NHM.2018.21716, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Leitoscoloplos olei Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Holotype NHMUK NHM.2018.21756, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Leitoscoloplos olei Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24036, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Leitoscoloplos olei Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24061, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Leitoscoloplos olei Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24080, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24089, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Leitoscoloplos olei Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24100, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Leitoscoloplos olei Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24169, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Leitoscoloplos olei Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24196, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Leitoscoloplos olei Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24204, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Leitoscoloplos olei Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Paratype NHMUK NHM.2018.24236, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24302, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24324, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Paratype NHMUK NHM.2018.24386, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24498, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24605, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24637, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.24719, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.25062, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Holotype NHMUK NHM.2018.25100, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.25127, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHM.2018.2521, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Prosphaerosyllis modinouae Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
Nontype NHMUK NHN.2018.24211, geounit Falkland Islands part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Leitoscoloplos olei Neal & Paterson in Neal et al., 2020
South Atlantic Ocean: North Falklands Basin. [details]
South Atlantic Ocean: North Falklands Basin. [details]
"Specific name olei is genitive case of oleum, which is Latin for oil, to acknowledge the discovery of this species ... [details]
"This species is dedicated to Yvett Modinou, a passionate science communicator, who inspired the fourth author (BS ... [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in oil field at depths of ca. 450 m. [details]
Type of sediment not stated, in oil field at depths of ca. 450 m. [details]
Bergström (1916) evidently included the Ehlers (1901: 42) deep southern records of Harmothoe hirsuta [not H ... [details]
Sea Lion oil field, North Falklands Basin, South Atlantic Ocean (-49.2584, -59.1252). [details]
Sea Lion oil field, North Falklands Basin, South Atlantic Ocean (-49.2457, -59.1255). [details]