WoRMS source details
Błażewicz, M., Jakiel, A., Bamber R.N., Bird G.J. (2021). Pseudotanaidae Sieg, 1976 (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the Southern Ocean: diversity and bathymetric pattern. The European Zoological Journal 88 (1): 994-1070.
10.1080/24750263.2021.1960444 [view]
Błażewicz, M., Jakiel, A., Bamber R.N., Bird G.J.
Pseudotanaidae Sieg, 1976 (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the Southern Ocean: diversity and bathymetric pattern
The European Zoological Journal 88 (1): 994-1070
From the BIOPEARL 1 and 2 Programs to the Amundsen and Scotia Seas a large series of Tanaidacea was collected using
an epibenthic sled. We carried out a thorough morphological analysis of 169 individuals and provide a description of 14
pseudotanaid species distributed in three genera. Twelve species of the genus Pseudotanais are represented by three
morphogroups: “affinis+longisetosus”, “denticulatus+abathagastor”, and “forcipatus”. We provide a redescription of
Akanthinotanais gaussi, supplement the definitions of the genera Akanthinotanais and Beksitanais, and transfer
Pseudotanais abyssi to the genus Beksitanais. Based on the literature and new data, we summarize knowledge of the
Antarctic Pseudotanaidae and discuss this family’s spatial and bathymetric distribution.
Akanthinotanais gaussi (Vanhöffen, 1914) (additional source)
Akanthinotanais rossi Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Beksitanais vanhoeffeni Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais amundseni Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais barnesi Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais biopearli Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais discoveryae Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais elephas Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais enduranceae Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais kitsoni Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais livingstoni Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais palmeri Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais rapunzelae Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais scotti Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais shackletoni Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Akanthinotanais rossi Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Beksitanais vanhoeffeni Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais amundseni Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais barnesi Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais biopearli Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais discoveryae Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais elephas Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais enduranceae Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais kitsoni Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais livingstoni Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais palmeri Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais rapunzelae Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais scotti Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)
Pseudotanais shackletoni Błażewicz, Jakiel, Bamber & Bird, 2021 (original description)