Traits taxon details

Megaperidae Manter, 1934

414843  (

Apocreadiidae Skrjabin, 1942 · unaccepted > junior objective synonym


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  1. Subfamily Apocreadiinae Skrjabin, 1942
    1. Genus Callohelmis Cribb & Bray, 1999
    2. Genus Choanodera Manter, 1940
    3. Genus Crassicutis Manter, 1936
    4. Genus Dactylotrema Bravo-Hollis & Manter, 1957
    5. Genus Homalometron Stafford, 1904
    6. Genus Marsupioacetabulum Yamaguti, 1952
    7. Genus Microcreadium Simer, 1929
    8. Genus Myzotus Manter, 1940
    9. Genus Neoapocreadium Siddiqi & Cable, 1960
    10. Genus Neomegasolena Siddiqi & Cable, 1960
    11. Genus Pancreadium Manter, 1954
    12. Genus Posterotestes Ostrowski de Nunez, Brugni & Flores, 2003
    13. Genus Procaudotestis Szidat, 1954
    14. Genus Trematobrien Dollfus, 1950
    15. Genus Anallocreadium Simer, 1929 accepted as Homalometron Stafford, 1904 (Synonym)
    16. Genus Apocreadium Manter, 1937 accepted as Homalometron Stafford, 1904 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
    17. Genus Globoporum MacCallum, 1921 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
  2. Genus Laureriella Skrjabin, 1916
  3. Subfamily Megaperinae Manter, 1934
    1. Genus Haintestinum Pulis, Curran, Andres & Overstreet, 2014
    2. Genus Megapera Manter, 1934
    3. Genus Thysanopharynx Manter, 1933
  4. Subfamily Postporinae Yamaguti, 1958
    1. Genus Postporus Manter, 1949
  5. Subfamily Schistorchiinae Yamaguti, 1942
    1. Genus Blendiella Magro, Cutmore, Carrasson & Cribb, 2023
    2. Genus Lobatotrema Manter, 1963
    3. Genus Neomegacreadium Machida & Kuramochi, 1999
    4. Genus Paraschistorchis Blend, Karar & Dronen, 2017
    5. Genus Plesioschistorchis Blend, Karar & Dronen, 2017
    6. Genus Schistorchis Lühe, 1906
    7. Genus Sphincteristomum Oshmarin, Mamaev & Parukhin, 1961
    8. Genus Sphincterostoma Yamaguti, 1937
    9. Genus Megacreadium Nagaty, 1956 accepted as Schistorchis Lühe, 1906 (Synonym)
  6. Genus Austrocreadium Szidat, 1956 accepted as Homalometron Stafford, 1904 (Synonym)
  7. Genus Barbulostomum Ramsey, 1965 accepted as Homalometron Stafford, 1904 (Synonym)
  8. Genus Eocreadium Szidat, 1954 accepted as Crassicutis Manter, 1936 (synonym)
  9. Genus Eurypera Manter, 1933 nec Pascoe, 1870 accepted as Megapera Manter, 1934 (Junior homonym)
  10. Genus Malagashitrema Capron, Deblock & Brygoo, 1961 accepted as Laureriella Skrjabin, 1916 (synonym)
  11. Genus Neochoanodera Fischthal & Thomas, 1970 accepted as Choanodera Manter, 1940 (synonym according to Cribb & Bray, 1999)
  12. Genus Opisthogonoporantesophagus Nasir & Gomez, 1977 accepted as Postporus Manter, 1949 (Synonym)
  13. Genus Opisthoporus Manter, 1947 accepted as Postporus Manter, 1949 (Pre-occupied)
marine, brackish, fresh
Manter, H. W. (1934). Megapera, new name for the trematode genus Eurypera Manter, 1933. <em>Transactions of the American Microscopical Society.</em> 53: 293.
page(s): 293; note: The name Megapera n. nom. is proposed for Eurypera Manter, 1933. The family name becomes Megaperidae n. nom. [details] 
Traits (2025). Megaperidae Manter, 1934. Accessed at: on 2025-03-21
Marine Species Traits editorial board (2025). Marine Species Traits. Megaperidae Manter, 1934. Accessed at: on 2025-03-21
2009-09-23 09:16:50Z
2010-04-26 13:13:54Z
2013-11-30 12:21:39Z
2017-11-28 13:44:23Z
2017-12-07 13:51:53Z
2017-12-14 16:36:45Z
2019-09-16 14:43:09Z
2023-05-13 19:49:38Z

original description Manter, H. W. (1934). Megapera, new name for the trematode genus Eurypera Manter, 1933. <em>Transactions of the American Microscopical Society.</em> 53: 293.
page(s): 293; note: The name Megapera n. nom. is proposed for Eurypera Manter, 1933. The family name becomes Megaperidae n. nom. [details] 

original description (of Apocreadiidae Skrjabin, 1942) Skrjabin, K. I. (1942). Foundation of a new trematode family, Megasolenidae fam. nov., in connexion with an analysis of the taxonomic significance of the lymphatic system and the hermaphrodite bursa. <em>Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR.</em> 35: 58-60 (In Russian).
page(s): 60; note: as subfamily [details] 

taxonomy source ICZN. (2022). Opinion 2483 (Case 3775) – Megaperidae Manter, 1934 (Platyhelminthes, Digenea): precedence re-established over Apocreadiinae Skrjabin, 1942. <em>The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.</em> 79(1)., available online at [details] 

status source Manter, H.W. (1963). Studies on digenetic trematodes of fishes of Fiji. II. Families Lepocreadiidae, Opistholebetidae, and Opecoelidae. <em>Journal of Parasitology.</em> 49, 99–113.
page(s): 105 [details] 

status source Manter, H.W. (1947). The digenetic trematodes of marine fishes of Tortugas. <em>American Midland Naturalist.</em> 38, 257–416.
page(s): 331; note: n. nom. in error [details] 

status source Blend, C. K.; Karar, Y. F. M.; Dronen, N. O. (2017). Revision of the Megaperidae Manter, 1934 n. comb. (Syn. Apocreadiidae Skrjabin, 1942) including a reorganization of the Schistorchiinae Yamaguti, 1942. <em>Zootaxa.</em> 4358(1): 1., available online at [details] 

status source Blend, C. K.; Karar, Y. F. M.; Dronen, N. O. (2019). Case 3775 – Megaperidae Manter, 1934 and Apocreadiinae Skrjabin, 1942 (Platyhelminthes, Digenea): proposed re-establishment of precedence of the older family-group name. <em>The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.</em> 76(1): 23., available online at [details] 

status source Blend, C. K.; Karar, Y. F. M.; Dronen, N. O. (2024). Decision favoring Megaperidae Manter, 1934 and errata as relates to Blend et al. 2017. <em>Zootaxa.</em> 5424(1): 136-138., available online at [details] 

identification resource Skrjabin, K. I. (1947). Family Megaperidae Manter, 1934. <em>Osnovy Trematodologii.</em> 1: 132–144. (In Russian, English translation, 1979, by Amerind Publishing Co.).
page(s): 132 [details] 

identification resource Bray, R. A. (2005). Family Megaperidae Manter, 1934. In: Jones, A., Bray,. R.A., Gibson, D.I. (Eds). <em>Keys to the Trematoda. Volume 2.</em> Wallingford, CABI Publishing and The Natural History Museum, pp. 683–685.
page(s): 683 [details] 

identification resource Skrjabin, K. I. (1960). Family Megaperidae Poche, 1925. <em>Osnovy Trematodologii.</em> 17: 30–36. (In Russian).
page(s): 31 [details] 
