WoRMS source details
Kleijne, A.; Jordan, R.; Chamberlain, A. (1991). Flosculosphaera calceolariopsis gen. et sp. nov. and F. sacculus sp. nov., new coccolithophorids (Prymnesiophyceae) from the N.E. Atlantic. British Phycological Journal. 26(2): 185-194.
10.1080/00071619100650151 [view]
Kleijne, A.; Jordan, R.; Chamberlain, A.
<i>Flosculosphaera calceolariopsis</i> gen. et sp. nov. and <i>F. sacculus</i> sp. nov., new coccolithophorids (Prymnesiophyceae) from the N.E. Atlantic
British Phycological Journal
26(2): 185-194
Flosculosphaera calceolariopsis gen. et sp. nov. and F. sacculus et sp. nov. (Prymnesio-phyceae) are described from subtropical N.E. Atlantic Ocean surface and subsurface water samples. Descriptions are based upon scanning electron microscope observations. The holococcolith-bearing species have coccoliths which are characterized by a short, hollow tube that flares out distally and forms a vaulted roof on one side of the coccolith rim. The distal opening may be partially occluded. These coccoliths, termed flosculoliths, represent a new type of holococcolith. The taxonomic positions of F. calceolariopsis and F. sacculus are considered, with reference to existing holococcolithophorid taxa.
Flosculosphaera Jordan & Kleijne, 1991 (original description)
Flosculosphaera calceolariopsis R.W.Jordan & A.Kleijne, 1991 (original description)
Flosculosphaera sacculus A.Kleijne & R.W.Jordan, 1991 (original description)
Flosculosphaera calceolariopsis R.W.Jordan & A.Kleijne, 1991 (original description)
Flosculosphaera sacculus A.Kleijne & R.W.Jordan, 1991 (original description)