WoRMS source details
Wilson, Robin Stephen; Glasby, Christopher J.; Bakken, Torkild. (2023). A Taxonomic Information System for Nereididae (Annelida): morphological datasets supporting description, interactive identification and phylogenetic analysis of the family (1.0). [Data set]. Zenodo [repository].
10.5281/zenodo.7776745 [view]
Wilson, Robin Stephen; Glasby, Christopher J.; Bakken, Torkild.
A Taxonomic Information System for Nereididae (Annelida): morphological datasets supporting description, interactive identification and phylogenetic analysis of the family (1.0)
[Data set]. Zenodo [repository]
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). See also Wilson et al (2023a) text descriptions, diagnoses, etc [Zookeys article]
This Nereididae (Annelida) Delta database is the work of Robin Wilson, Torkild Bakken & Chris Glasby and was used to generate sections of Wilson et al. (2023a). Status of genera and nominal subfamily placements follow WoRMS https://www.marinespecies.org/polychaeta/.
The version distributed here includes only Nereididae genera and is part of the Wilson et al. (2023b) Zenodo repository which also includes other outputs: Nexus files as .nex and natural language output of taxon descriptions and character lists as .rtf files.
Updates including fixes to any errors found, and including new taxa and new taxonomic revisions, will be uploaded to Zenodo as new versions (the doi above will resolve to the most recent version). We intend that future versions will include all Nereididae species known from Australia; and all Nereididae species known from bathyal-abyssal depths (~2,000 m and deeper).
This repository contains an interactive key using the Delta Intkey software, either Atlas of Living Australia (2014) or Dallwitz (2020).
(Author email: rwilson@museum.vic.gov.au)
(Author email: rwilson@museum.vic.gov.au)
Identification key, Expert Identification Systems
Systematics, Taxonomy
Systematics, Taxonomy
Nereididae Blainville, 1818 (identification resource)