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Wittmann, K. J. (2024). The Mysidae (Crustacea, Mysida) of the ANDEEP I–III expeditions to the Antarctic deep sea with the description of twelve new species, establishment of four new genera and with world-wide keys to the species of Erythropinae and Mysidellinae. European Journal of Taxonomy. 940: 1-180.
10.5852/ejt.2024.940.2577 [view]
Wittmann, K. J.
The Mysidae (Crustacea, Mysida) of the ANDEEP I–III expeditions to the Antarctic deep sea with the description of twelve new species, establishment of four new genera and with world-wide keys to the species of Erythropinae and Mysidellinae
European Journal of Taxonomy
940: 1-180
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
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2024-06-21 07:32:57Z

Amblyops arianii Witmann, 2024 (original description)
Amblyops bipapillatus Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Amblyops tattersalli Zimmer, 1914 (additional source)
Amblyopsini Tchindonova, 1981 (identification resource)
Amblyopsoides fenestragothica Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Amblyopsoides laticauda (Birstein & Tchindonova, 1958) (new combination reference)
Amblyopsoides lepidophthalma Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Amphiakrops Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Amphiakrops bidigitatus (W.M. Tattersall, 1911) (new combination reference)
Amphiakrops brandtae Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Amphiakrops japonicus (Murano, 1981) (new combination reference)
Arachnomysini Holt & Tattersall, 1905 (identification resource)
Calyptommini W.M. Tattersall, 1909 (identification resource)
Chelamblyops Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Chelamblyops globorostris (Birstein & Tchindinova, 1970) (new combination reference)
Dactylamblyops benthophilus Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Dactylamblyops japonica Ii, 1964 accepted as Dactylamblyops japonicus Ii, 1964 (additional source)
Dactylamblyops japonicus Ii, 1964 (status source)
Dactylamblyops murrayi W.M. Tattersall, 1939 (additional source)
Desmocornea Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Desmocornea subchelata Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Echinomysis serratus Vereshchaka, 1990 accepted as Echinomysis serrata Vereshchaka, 1990 (status source)
Erythropinae Hansen, 1910 (identification resource)
Erythropini Hansen, 1910 (identification resource)
Hyperamblyops japonica (Ii, 1964) accepted as Dactylamblyops japonicus Ii, 1964 (status source)
Katerythrops tattersalli Illig, 1930 accepted as Meierythrops tattersalli (Illig, 1930) (new combination reference)
Marumomysis antarctica San Vicente, 2007 (additional source)
Meierythrops tattersalli (Illig, 1930) (new combination reference)
Meierythrops triangulatus (Panampunnayil, 1977) (new combination reference)
Mysidella antarctica Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Mysimenziesini Tchindonova, 1981 (identification resource)
Paramblyops bidigitata W. Tattersall, 1911 accepted as Amphiakrops bidigitatus (W.M. Tattersall, 1911) (status source)
Paramblyops petrescui Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Pseudomma oculospinum W.M. Tattersall, 1951 (additional source)
Pseudomma sarsii Willemoes-Suhm in G.O. Sars, 1884 (additional source)
Pseudommini Wittmann, Ariani & Lagardère, 2014 (identification resource)
Schizurakrops Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Schizurakrops meesi Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Scolamblyops Murano, 1974 (additional source)
Scolamblyops muehlenhardtae Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Scolamblyops oculospinum (W.M. Tattersall, 1951) accepted as Pseudomma oculospinum W.M. Tattersall, 1951 (additional source)
Stellamblyops Petryashov & Frutos, 2017 (additional source)
Stellamblyops doryphorus Wittmann, 2024 (original description)
Thalassomysis tattersalli Nouvel, 1942 (additional source)
Holotype ZMH 64653, geounit Drake Passage, identified as Amblyops arianii Witmann, 2024
Holotype ZMH 64659, geounit Weddell Sea, identified as Amblyops bipapillatus Wittmann, 2024
Holotype ZMH 64660, geounit Drake Passage, identified as Amblyopsoides fenestragothica Wittmann, 2024
Holotype ZMH 64662, geounit South Sandwich Trench, identified as Amblyopsoides lepidophthalma Wittmann, 2024
Holotype ZMH 64667, geounit Weddell Sea, identified as Amphiakrops brandtae Wittmann, 2024
Holotype ZMH 64669, geounit South Sandwich Trench, identified as Dactylamblyops benthophilus Wittmann, 2024
Holotype ZMH 64679, geounit Bellingshausen Sea, identified as Desmocornea subchelata Wittmann, 2024
Holotype ZMH 64682, geounit Weddell Sea, identified as Mysidella antarctica Wittmann, 2024
Holotype ZMH 64684, geounit Weddell Sea, identified as Paramblyops petrescui Wittmann, 2024
Holotype ZMH 64685, geounit Powell Basin, identified as Schizurakrops meesi Wittmann, 2024
Holotype ZMH 64686, geounit Drake Passage, identified as Scolamblyops muehlenhardtae Wittmann, 2024
Holotype ZMH 64690, geounit Weddell Abyssal Plain, identified as Stellamblyops doryphorus Wittmann, 2024

The species name is a noun with Latinized masculine ending in genitive singular, dedicated to Antonio P. Ariani ... [details]


The species name is an adjective with masculine ending, formed by amalgamation of the Classic Latin adverb ... [details]


The species name is an adjective with feminine ending, formed by linking the Classic Latin noun ‘fenestra’ ... [details]


The species name is an adjective with Latinized feminine ending, formed by fusion of the Classic Greek adjective ... [details]


The genus name is a transliterated noun with Greek masculine ending, condensed from the Ancient Greek preposition ... [details]


The species name is a noun with feminine ending in genitive singular, dedicated to Angelika Brandt in recognition ... [details]


The genus name is a noun with Greek masculine ending, formed by amalgamation of the Greek noun ‘χηλή’ ... [details]


The species name is an adjective with Latinized masculine ending, underlining the more benthophilic habit compared ... [details]


The genus name is a noun with feminine ending, formed by fusion of the Classic Greek ... [details]


The species name is a Latinized adjective with feminine ending, referring to the subchelate second thoracic endopod [details]


The species name is a New Latin adjective with feminine ending referring to the distribution of the species in ... [details]


The species name is a noun with masculine ending in genitive singular, dedicated to Iorgu Petrescu in recognition ... [details]


The species name is a noun in genitive singular with feminine ending, dedicated to Ute Mühlenhardt-Siegel ... [details]


The species name is the transliterated Ancient Greek adjective ‘δορυφόρος’ (‘spear-bearing’) with ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Email from Karl Wittmann to Jan Mees dd 15-11-2023 and subsequent correspondence: Genus names ending with ... [details]