WoRMS source details
Clymene insignis Baird, 1871 (original description)
Echiurus farcimen Baird, 1871 accepted as Urechis chilensis (Diesing, 1859) (original description)
Lumbricus guildingi Baird, 1871 (original description)
Lumbricus juliformis Baird, 1871 (original description)
Lumbricus rubro-fasciatus Baird, 1871 accepted as Eisenia fetida (Savigny in Cuvier, 1826) (original description)
Megascolex (Perichaeta) Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Perichaeta Schmarda, 1861 (taxonomy source)
Megascolex (Perichaeta) antarctica Baird, 1871 accepted as Perichaeta antarctica (Baird, 1871) (original description)
Megascolex (Perichaeta) sanctaehelenae Baird, 1871 (original description)
Nephthys impressa Baird, 1871 accepted as Nephtys impressa Baird, 1871 (original description)
Nephthys lutrea Baird, 1871 accepted as Aglaophamus lutreus (Baird, 1871) (original description)
Nephthys macandrewi Baird, 1871 accepted as Nephtys hombergii Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 (original description)
Siphonostoma antarcticum Baird, 1871 accepted as Flabelligera bicolor (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Clymene is unused today, C. insignis was poorly described, has no usage of the name subsequent to Baird, and the ... [details]
Not stated. The use of the name 'antarcticum' is a mystery as the location of collection was New Zealand [details]
Publication date corrected to 1871, not 1873 as in the Hartman Catalogue. [details]
Publication date corrected to 1871, not 1873 as in the Hartman Catalogue. [details]
Publication date corrected to 1871, not 1873 as in the Hartman Catalogue. [details]
Publication date corrected to 1871, not 1873 [details]
Publication date corrected to 1871, not 1873 as in the Hartman Catalogue. [details]
Publication date corrected to 1871, not 1873 as in the Hartman Catalogue. [details]
Publication date corrected to 1871, not 1873 as in the Hartman Catalogue. [details]
Publication date corrected to 1871, not 1873 as in the Hartman Catalogue. [details]
Publication date corrected to 1871, not 1873 as in the Hartman Catalogue. [details]
There is a printer's lapsus in Baird's original spelling of the genus name as "Magascolex", but as the next species ... [details]
Baird used the original spelling "Sanctae-Helenae" with a hyphen and capital letters, but under the zoological Code ... [details]
Salazar-Vallejo (2012) examined three specimens he said were syntypes and placed the specimens under Flabelligera ... [details]
Straits of Magellan, collected by Dr Cunningham [details]
Type locality unknown to Baird. He only knew the specimen was "taken during the Congo Expedition". Therefore the ... [details]
"Punta Arenas, on the coast of Patagonia. Collected by Dr. Cunningham, of the Surveying Expedition to the Straits ... [details]
Loto, coast of Patagonia, South America, collected by Dr. Cunningham. [details]
Otter islands, Atlantic coast of Patagonia, South America, collected by Dr. Cunningham. [details]
Baird (1871) states only New Zealand for the location, and that the specimens (plural) were collected by Dr A. Sinclair. [details]