WoRMS source details
The Polychaet fauna of the Antarctic and Sub-antarctic regions is perhaps as well known as that of any other region, with the exception, it may be, of that of the North Sea and Mediterranean, which has been studied intensively by numerous zoologists for nearly a century.
In defining the extent of the Antarctic region I follow Ehlers, who includes not only the shores of the land-mass, but those islands which lie to the south of the outermost limit of the drifting sea-ice; thus the islands of South Georgia and Bouvet are included, while the Falkland, Crozet and Kerguelen Islands belong to the Sub-antarctic region.
The various expeditions to these high southern latitudes have brought back a considerable number of worms, many of which, indeed the majority, are confined to these two regions.
Amythas membranifera Benham, 1921 (original description)
Aricia marginata mcleani Benham, 1921 accepted as Leodamas marginatus (Ehlers, 1897) (original description)
Aricia marginata var. macleani Benham, 1921 accepted as Scoloplos (Leodamas) marginatus mcleani (Benham, 1921) accepted as Leodamas marginatus (Ehlers, 1897) (original description)
Eulalia (Pterocirrus) hunteri Benham, 1921 accepted as Pterocirrus hunteri (Benham, 1921) (original description)
Eulalia (Pterocirrus) mcleani Benham, 1921 accepted as Steggoa magalaensis (Kinberg, 1866) accepted as Eulalia magalaensis Kinberg, 1866 (original description)
Exogone anomalochaeta Benham, 1921 (original description)
Hololepidella flynni Benham, 1921 accepted as Parapolyeunoa flynni (Benham, 1921) (original description)
Lumbriconereis macquariensis Benham, 1921 accepted as Lumbrineris macquariensis Benham, 1921 (original description)
Phyllocomus dibranchiata Benham, 1921 accepted as Phyllocomus crocea Grube, 1877 (original description)
Polycirrus hamiltoni Benham, 1921 (original description)
Scione mirabilis (McIntosh, 1885) accepted as Pista mirabilis McIntosh, 1885 (additional source)
Scoloplos mawsoni Benham, 1921 accepted as Leitoscoloplos mawsoni (Benham, 1921) (original description)
Serpula vermicularis narconensis Baird, 1864 accepted as Serpula narconensis Baird, 1864 (status source)
Sphaerodorum spissum Benham, 1921 accepted as Sphaerodoropsis spissum (Benham, 1921) (original description)
Vanadis antarctica (McIntosh, 1885) (taxonomy source)
Macquarie Island for Sphaerodorum spissum Benham, 1921
Southern Ocean for Scoloplos mawsoni Benham, 1921
Syntype unknown, geounit Macquarie Island, identified as Sphaerodorum spissum Benham, 1921
Holotype AM W.728, geounit Antarctica, identified as Amythas membranifera Benham, 1921
Syntype AM W769, geounit Commonwealth Bay, identified as Scoloplos mawsoni Benham, 1921
Capa & Bakken 2015 indicate Augener's (1927) mainland Australia record is doubtful: "should not be considered to be ... [details]
Benham stated in a footnote that the name Amythas is formed by transfer of the initial "S" of Samytha to the end. ... [details]
Not stated. Amythas membranifera is evidently named with a compound name 'membranifera' referring to a folded ... [details]
Taxon dedicated to Dr. Archibald Lang McLean (1885-1922), Australian bacteriologist and chief doctor of the ... [details]
"I take this opportunity of associating with this handsome annelid the name of Mr. J. G. Hunter, the able biologist ... [details]
The species is dedicated to Douglas Mawson (b. Shipley, West Yorkshire, UK, May 5, 1882 - d. Brighton, South ... [details]
Benham: "spissus - crowded, close together as of seats - here has reference to the integumental papillae." [details]
Amythas is feminine as Benham used a female suffix for the type species compound name 'membranifera' (from -fer, ... [details]
Ehlers (1912: 31) downranked Baird's subantarctic species to a variety of Serpula vermicularis from Europe. Benham ... [details]
Benham (1921) notes the similarity to the previously described E. heterosetosa, and takes trouble to note two ... [details]
Commonwealth Bay, RV Aurora summer cruise 1913-14, station 10, -65.3333, 96.2167, 594 m (325 fathoms), Antarctic Ocean [details]
Boat Harbour, Commonwealth Bay (Adelie Land, Antarctica), 25-30 fathoms (about 45-55 meters). [details]
Benham (1921: 25) gives the location as from both Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica (67 S), which he lists first, and ... [details]
Antarctic Ocean, Adélie Land, Commonwealth Bay, Boat Harbour (67ºS, 142º36'E), 2-4.5 fathoms (3.6-8 m). [details]
Macquarie Island, subantarctic south of New Zealand, collected by shore party. -54.7029, 158.8802 by gazetteer [details]
Benham (1921) did not designate types. Neither Schiaparelli & Jirkov (2021) nor Carrerette et al (2023) comment on ... [details]