WoRMS source details
Yamada, M. (1956). The Fauna of Akkeshi Bay : XXIV. Entoprocta. Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. VI, Zool. 12(3), 237-243.
Yamada, M.
The Fauna of Akkeshi Bay : XXIV. Entoprocta
Jour. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. VI, Zool.
12(3), 237-243
Concerning the Entoproct fauna of northern Japan, there have been published only two reports of Toriumi (1949, 1951). He reported 12 species in 5 genera totally, of which 6 were described as new to science, from the Pacific coast of Miyagi Prefecture. For the past several years collections of shallow water Entoprocts were made by Prof. A. Ichikawa, Dr. S. Okuda, Mr. M. Munakata and myself around the coast of Hokkaido, especially in Akkeshi Bay. The pre~ent paper is based on these collections and elucidates 5 species including 3 new species as follows:
1. Loxosoma okudai n. sp.
2. Loxosoma akkeshiense n. sp.
3. Pedicellina ichikawai n. sp.
4. Barentsia discrela (Busk)
5. Barentsia gracilis Sars
I express here my gratitude to Prof. T. Uchida for his kind guidance and encouragement. I am also indebted to Prof. A. Ichika,va, the late Dr. S. Okuda and Mr. M. Munakata for their kindness for placing materials at my disposal, and also to Mr. S. Mawatari for his help in securing the literature.
Pedicellina ichikawai Yamada, 1956 accepted as Pedicellina choanata O'Donoghue, 1924 (original description)