WoRMS source details
Ancistrosyllis parva Day, 1963 accepted as Sigambra parva (Day, 1963) (original description)
Anguillosyllis Day, 1963 (original description)
Anguillosyllis capensis Day, 1963 (original description)
Aricidea curviseta Day, 1963 represented as Aricidea (Aricidea) curviseta Day, 1963 (original description)
Artacama proboscidea Malmgren, 1866 (additional source)
Asclerocheilus capensis Day, 1963 (original description)
Cirrophorus branchiatus Ehlers, 1908 (redescription)
Cossuridae Day, 1963 (original description)
Exogone normalis Day, 1963 (original description)
Exogonoides Day, 1963 (original description)
Exogonoides antennata Day, 1963 (original description)
Fabricia filamentosa Day, 1963 accepted as Pseudofabriciola filamentosa (Day, 1963) (original description)
Fabriciola mossambica (Day, 1957) accepted as Fabricinuda mossambica (Day, 1957) (source of synonymy)
Harmothoe lagiscoides serrata Day, 1963 accepted as Harmothoe serrata Day, 1963 (original description)
Isolda pulchella Müller in Grube, 1858 (basis of record)
Isolda sibogae Caullery, 1944 accepted as Isolda pulchella Müller in Grube, 1858 (source of synonymy)
Loandalia capensis Day, 1963 accepted as Cabira capensis (Day, 1963) (original description)
Lumbrineris aberrans Day, 1963 accepted as Lumbrinerides aberrans (Day, 1963) (original description)
Lumbrineris heteropoda atlantica Day, 1960 accepted as Lumbrineris heteropoda difficilis Day, 1962 (source of synonymy)
Lumbrineris heteropoda difficilis Day, 1962 (taxonomy source)
Micronereides Day, 1963 (original description)
Micronereides capensis Day, 1963 (original description)
Nereis (Neanthes) agulhana Day, 1963 accepted as Neanthes agulhana (Day, 1963) (original description)
Oxydromus capensis Day, 1963 accepted as Podarkeopsis capensis (Day, 1963) (original description)
Paraonis (Paraonides) lyra capensis Day, 1955 accepted as Paradoneis lyra capensis (Day, 1955) (basis of record)
Paraonis gracilis gracilis (Tauber, 1879) accepted as Levinsenia gracilis (Tauber, 1879) (basis of record)
Parasclerocheilus capensis Day, 1961 (additional source)
Pectinaria (Lagis) koreni cirrata Day, 1963 accepted as Lagis koreni cirrata (Day, 1963) (original description)
Phyllodoce macrophthalma Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Phyllodoce schmardaei Day, 1963 (source of synonymy)
Phyllodoce schmardaei Day, 1963 (original description)
Phyllodoce schmardaei Day, 1963 (basis of record)
Phyllodoce tubicola Day, 1963 (original description)
Pisione africana Day, 1963 (original description)
Pista unibranchia Day, 1963 (original description)
Polydora maculata Day, 1963 (original description)
Prionospio malmgreni Claparède, 1869 (additional source)
Protodorvillea biarticulata Day, 1963 (original description)
Samythella affinis Day, 1963 (original description)
Scoloplella Day, 1963 (original description)
Scoloplella capensis Day, 1963 (original description)
Sphaerodorum benguellarum Day, 1963 accepted as Sphaerodoropsis benguellarum (Day, 1963) (original description)
Sphaerodorum capense Day, 1963 accepted as Sphaerodoropsis capense (Day, 1963) accepted as Euritmia capensis (Day, 1963) (original description)
Spirorbis (Paralaeospira) adeonella Day, 1963 accepted as Paralaeospira adeonella (Day, 1963) (original description)
Syllis benguellana Day, 1963 (original description)
Nontype, geounit Namibian part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Parasclerocheilus capensis Day, 1961
Nontype, geounit South Africa, identified as Scoloplella capensis Day, 1963
Nontype, geounit South African Exclusive Economic Zone, identified as Scoloplella capensis Day, 1963
Nontype, geounit South African part of the Indian Ocean, identified as Aricidea curviseta Day, 1963
Nontype, geounit South African part of the Indian Ocean, identified as Aricidea curviseta Day, 1963
Nontype, geounit South African part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Amphitrite pauciseta Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.106, geounit South African part of the Indian Ocean, identified as Aricidea curviseta Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.12, geounit Algoa Bay, identified as Pisione africana Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.12, geounit South African part of the Indian Ocean, identified as Ancistrosyllis parva Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.13, geounit False Bay (South Africa), identified as Phyllodoce schmardaei Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.14, geounit South African part of the Indian Ocean, identified as Phyllodoce tubicola Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.145, geounit South African part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Amphitrite pauciseta Day, 1963
Paratype NHMUK 1963.1.15, geounit False Bay (South Africa), identified as Phyllodoce tubicola Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.153, geounit False Bay (South Africa), identified as Pista unibranchia Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.25, geounit South African part of the Indian Ocean, identified as Loandalia capensis Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.29, geounit South African part of the Indian Ocean, identified as Anguillosyllis capensis Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.30, geounit South African part of the Indian Ocean, identified as Exogone normalis Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.34, geounit South African part of the Indian Ocean, identified as Exogonoides antennata Day, 1963
Paratype NHMUK 1963.1.35, geounit South African part of the Indian Ocean, identified as Exogonoides antennata Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.50, geounit South African part of the South Atlantic Ocean, identified as Syllis benguellana Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.60, geounit Agulhas Bank, identified as Micronereides capensis Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.91, geounit South Africa, identified as Scoloplella capensis Day, 1963
Paratype NHMUK 1963.1.92, geounit South Africa, identified as Scoloplella capensis Day, 1963
Holotype NHMUK 1963.1.94, geounit East London, identified as Polydora maculata Day, 1963
Holotype AM W28943, geounit Australia, identified as Amblyosyllis enigmatica San Martín & Hutchings, 2006
Found in burrows in an old Bullia laevissima (Gmelin, 1791) shell inhabited by a hermit crab. [details]
Original diagnosis by Day (1963: 439): ''This species may be recognised by the presence of pigment granules at the ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Day (1963: 400): ''Prostomium with 3 minute antennae and a pair of large pointed palps fused ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Day (1963: 403): 'Prostomium with three ovoid frontal antennae. Palps small, ventral, ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Day (1963: 404): ''Small Nereidae generally similar to Micronereis but possessing two ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Day (1963: 438): ''A single gill with a stalk and a terminal pom-pom of short filaments. ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Day (1963: 415): ''Small Oribiniidae belonging to the sub-family Protoariciinae with two ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Day (1963: 399): ''A threadlike species with slender dorsal cirri having about 15 long ... [details]
South Africa: off the west coast of Western Cape Province (Atlantic Ocean). [details]
South Africa (Cape Province; KwaZuku-Natal Province). [details]
Cape Province, South Africa (Atlantic and Indian Ocean), and Cape, Angola and Guinea Basins. [details]
South Africa: off the south coast of Eastern and Western Cape provinces (Indian Ocean). [details]
South Africa: off the south coast of Eastern Cape Province (Indian Ocean). [details]
South Africa, south and west coasts of Cape Province (Atlantic and Indian Ocean). [details]
South Africa, off the south coast of Cape Province (Indian Ocean). [details]
South African part of the Indian Ocean: Plettenberg Bay (Western Cape Province). [details]
Off South Africa: Agulhas Bank (Indian Ocean). [details]
South Africa: off Eastern Cape Province (Indian Ocean). [details]
South Africa: off the west coast of Western Cape Province (Atlantic Ocean). [details]
South Africa (Cape Province; KwaZuku-Natal Province). [details]
South Africa: East London (Eastern Cape Province, Indian Ocean). [details]
South Africa: Western and Eastern Cape provinces (Indian and Atlantic Oceans). [details]
South Africa, Cape Province (Atlantic Ocean). [details]
Not stated. The specific epithet pauciseta is composed by the Latin adjective pauci, form of paucus and meaning ... [details]
The specific epithet parva (masculine: parvus) is a Latin adjective meaning 'small' or 'little', and refers to the ... [details]
Not stated. The name of the genus Anguillosyllis refers to Anguilla, Latin for eel, but the resemblance is not ... [details]
The specific epithet refers to the type locality of the species, off the Cape Province (South Africa). [details]
Not stated. The specific epithet curviseta is composed by the Latin adjective curvi, form of curvus and meaning ... [details]
The specific epithet capensis refers to the type locality of the species, the former Cape Province (South Africa). [details]
Not stated. The specific epithet normalis is a Latin adjective meaning 'normal' or 'regular', and refers presumably ... [details]
The name of the genus refers to the resemblance of the type species to a very long Exogone. [details]
The specific epithet refers to the shape of the antennae of the species, short and ovoid, projecting forward from ... [details]
The specific epithet capensis refers to the type locality of the species, the former Cape Province (South Africa). [details]
Not stated. The generic epithet Micronereides is composed by the name of the genus Micronereis Claparède, 1863, ... [details]
The specific epithet capensis refers to the type locality of the species, the former Cape Province (South Africa). [details]
Not stated. The specific epithet agulhana refers presumably either to Cape Agulhas (South Africa) or to Agulhas ... [details]
The species is named after Ludwig Karl Schmarda (b. Olmütz, nowadays Czech Republic, 23 August 23 1819; d. Wien, ... [details]
The specific epithet tubicola is a New Latin adjective meaning 'living in tubes' or 'inhabitant of tubes', being ... [details]
Not explicitly stated by the author, the specific epithet africana refers clearly to the type locality of the ... [details]
Not stated. The specific epithet unibranchia is composed by the Latin numeral uni, inflected form of unus and ... [details]
Not stated. The specific epithet maculata (masculine: maculatus) is a Latin participle meaning 'stained' or ... [details]
Not stated. The generic epithet Scoloplella seems to be composed by the name of the genus Scoloplos Blainville, ... [details]
The specific epithet capensis refers to the type locality of the species, the former Cape Province (South Africa). [details]
The specific epithet benguellana refers probably to the location of the type locality in the Benguela Current region. [details]
Rocky and sandy substrates, at shelf depths. [details]
Sandy sediments, sometimes associated with rocks, from subtidal to shelf depths (4-78 m). [details]
In burrows in an old Bullia laevissima (Gmelin, 1791) shell inhabited by a hermit crab, dredged at 7 m depth. [details]
Raised to Lumbrineris atlantica this subspecies would be a junior secondary homonym to Lumbrineris atlantica ... [details]
Day (1962) noted the name Lumbrineris atlantica was already used by Kinberg 1865. "I therefore propose that [L. ... [details]
Off the west coast of the Western Cape Province, South Africa, Atlantic Ocean (33°06.4'S, 17°44.9'E), 146 m, ... [details]
South coast of Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean (-34.1667°, 23.5333°), 97 m, green mud. [details]
Off the south coast of Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean (34°51'S, 23°41'E), 183 m, khaki sand. [details]
Off the south coast of Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean (34°51'S, 23°41'E), 183 m, khaki sand. [details]
Off the south coast of Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean (34°51'S, 23°41'E), 183 m, khaki sand. [details]
South Africa, Off the south coast of Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean (34°48'S, 22°06'E), 100 m, coarse ... [details]
Off the south coast of the Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean (34º02'S, 23º28.4'E; -34.0333, 23.4733), in ... [details]
Plettenberg Bay, south coast of Western Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean (34°02'S, 23°28.4'E), 49 m, ... [details]
Agulhas Bank, off south coast of Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean (36°28.5'S, 21°11'E), 183 m, fine ... [details]
Algoa Bay, south coast of Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean, Sta. SCD 156 (34°03'S, 25°59'E); 84 ... [details]
False Bay, South Africa, Atlantic Ocean (-34.2083°, 18.6167°), 48 m, khaki sand and shells. [details]
South coast of Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean (-34.1667°, 23.5333°), 97 m, green mud. [details]
Algoa Bay, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean (-33.9817°, 25.69°). [details]
False Bay, west coast of Western Cape Province, South Africa, Atlantic Ocean (34°12.5'S, 18°37'E), 48 m, khaki ... [details]
East London, east coast of Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, Indian Ocean (33°01'S, 27°55'E), 7 m, in an old ... [details]