WoRMS source details

Hypomyzostoma crosslandi (Boulenger, 1913) (new combination reference)
Hypomyzostoma membranaceum (Graff, 1887) (basis of record)
Myzostoma ambiguum Graff, 1887 (redescription)
Myzostoma capitocutis Eeckhaut, VandenSpiegel & Grygier, 1994 (additional source)
Myzostoma cuniculus Eeckhaut, Grygier & Deheyn, 1998 (original description)
Myzostoma fissum Graff, 1884 (redescription)
Myzostoma laingense Eeckhaut, Grygier & Deheyn, 1998 (original description)
Myzostoma longitergum Eeckhaut, Grygier & Deheyn, 1998 (original description)
Myzostoma mortenseni Jägersten, 1940 (redescription)
Myzostoma nigromaculatum Eeckhaut, Grygier & Deheyn, 1998 (original description)
Myzostoma polycyclus Atkins, 1927 (additional source)
Myzostoma stochoeides Atkins, 1927 (additional source)
Myzostomum crosslandi Boulenger, 1913 accepted as Hypomyzostoma crosslandi (Boulenger, 1913) (status source)
Myzostomum membranaceum Graff, 1887 accepted as Hypomyzostoma membranaceum (Graff, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Notopharyngoides aruensis (Remscheid, 1918) (new combination reference)
Holotype ISNB G28342-40, verbatimGeounit Hansa Bay, North coa..., identified as Myzostoma longitergum Eeckhaut, Grygier & Deheyn, 1998
Holotype ISNB IG28342-30, geounit Hansa Bay, identified as Myzostoma nigromaculatum Eeckhaut, Grygier & Deheyn, 1998
Holotype ISNB IG28342-50, geounit Hansa Bay, identified as Contramyzostoma sphaera Eeckhaut, Grygier & Deheyn, 1998
authors: Contramyzostoma sphaera species-group name is a "noun in apposition from Greek sphaera, sphere, referring ... [details]
authors: Myzostoma cuniculus is named with a "noun in apposition from Latin cuniculus, rabbit, based on the ... [details]
Myzostoma laingense (neuter adjectival form) is named for Laing Island in Hansa Bay [details]
authors; Myzostoma longitergum species-group name is "noun in apposition, from Latin longus, long, and tergum, ... [details]
authors: Myzostoma nigromaculatum is named with a neuter "adjective from Latin niger, black, and maculus, spot, ... [details]
Dubiously feminine. According to Eeckhaut et al (1998) the gender of Notopharyngoides is feminine because pharynx ... [details]
Hansa Bay, North coast of Papua New Guinea, parasitic on Comatella stelligera. No geolocation data is included. ... [details]
Hansa Bay, North coast of Papua New Guinea, parasitic on Clarkcomanthus albinotus Rowe, Hoggett, Birtles and Vail, ... [details]
Hansa Bay, North coast of Papua New Guinea, parasitic on Stephanometra oxyacantha (Hartlaub, 1890).. No geolocation ... [details]
Hansa Bay, North coast of Papua New Guinea, parasitic on Comanthina schlegelii (Carpenter, 1879). No geolocation ... [details]
Hansa Bay, North coast of Papua New Guinea, 10-30 m, parasitic on Comaster multifidus (J. Müller, 1841). No ... [details]