WoRMS source details
The publication date of the volume is 1905, but the date of the issue (the first in vol) is 1904, as printed on the title page, therefore the article date is 1904, not 1905 as sometimes seen (a library receival stamp indicated September, 1904 for part 1, fide H. ten Hove)
Carobia ochracea Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Paranaitis ochracea (Ehlers, 1904) (original description)
Cirratulus anchylochaetus Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Timarete anchylochaeta (Schmarda, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Clymenella insecta Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Euclymene insecta (Ehlers, 1904) (original description)
Flabelligera lingulata Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Flabelligera bicolor (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Flabelligera semiannulata Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Flabelligera bicolor (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Goniada (Glycinde) dorsalis Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Glycinde trifida (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Laonome ceratodaula (Schmarda, 1861) accepted as Pseudobranchiomma ceratodaula (Schmarda, 1861) (new combination reference)
Lepidonotus giganteus Kirk, 1887 accepted as Euphione squamosa (Quatrefages, 1866) (source of synonymy)
Leprea haplochaeta Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Terebella haplochaeta (Ehlers, 1904) (original description)
Marphysa corallina (Kinberg, 1865) (additional source)
Nereilepas pacifica Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Perinereis vallata (Grube, 1857) (source of synonymy)
Nereis cricognatha Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Neanthes cricognatha (Ehlers, 1904) (original description)
Nereis ruficeps Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Neanthes ruficeps (Ehlers, 1904) (original description)
Pectinaria (Lagis) australis Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Lagis australis (Ehlers, 1904) (original description)
Platynereis australis (Schmarda, 1861) (additional source)
Polydora monilaris Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Dipolydora armata (Langerhans, 1880) (original description)
Polydora polybranchia Haswell, 1885 accepted as Boccardia polybranchia (Haswell, 1885) (additional source)
Potamilla laciniosa Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Pseudopotamilla laciniosa (Ehlers, 1904) (original description)
Pterocirrus brevicornis Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Steggoa magalaensis (Kinberg, 1866) accepted as Eulalia magalaensis Kinberg, 1866 (original description)
Scoloplos cylindrifer Ehlers, 1904 (original description)
Spio aequalis Ehlers, 1904 (original description)
Sthenelais semitecta Ehlers, 1904 accepted as Labiosthenolepis laevis (McIntosh, 1885) (original description)
Terebellides sieboldi Kinberg, 1867 (additional source)
Thelepus rugosus (Ehlers, 1897) accepted as Terebella plagiostoma Schmarda, 1861 (additional source)
Timarete anchylochaeta (Schmarda, 1861) (new combination reference)
Timarete fecunda Kinberg, 1866 accepted as Timarete anchylochaeta (Schmarda, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Not stated in the original description, shore according to Glasby & Read (1998: 351). [details]
Ehlers questionably identifies a New Zealand specimen as T. sieboldi, but this record is more probably T. ... [details]
Not stated. The specific epithet aequalis is a Latin adjective meaning 'similar', 'equal' or 'uniform', and may ... [details]
Not stated in the original description, shore according to Glasby & Read (1998: 351). [details]
Ehlers seemingly based his description of Schmarda's species as a Laonome on the original specimen from New ... [details]
The genus Cirrosyllis was established in Hesionidae by Schmarda (1861), to include six new species: Cirrosyllis ... [details]
Lyttelton, New Zealand, collected Suter, so perhaps subtidal [details]
Chatham Island, New Zealand, collected Schauinsland [details]
Lyttelton, New Zealand, collected by Henry Suter [details]
Lyttelton, New Zealand, no geocoordinates given. [details]
Elmslie Bay, near French Pass, Marlborough Sounds, South Island, New Zealand, -40.9255 173.8434 [details]
Sumner, Christchurch, New Zealand, collected by Schauinsland, 17. l 1897. Ehlers uses the spelling 'Summer', ... [details]
Durville Island off northern South I (approximately -40.9119° 173.8319°), and Maunganui, NW Chatham I, New ... [details]
Waitangi, Chatham Island, New Zealand, South Pacific Ocean (gazetteer estimate -43.95°, -176.56°). [details]
Lyttelton, New Zealand, collected by Henry Suter [details]