WoRMS source details
Eliason, Anders. (1951). Polychaeta. Reports of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition 1947-1948. 2(11): 130-148, plates 1-2.
Eliason, Anders
Reports of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition 1947-1948
2(11): 130-148, plates 1-2
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). Not known to be online, except digitized here
Available for editors [request]
None. Begins: "The present collection of Polychaetes was obtained by the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition 1947-1948. I wish to express my thanks to the zoologist of the expedition, Dr Orvar Nybelin, for having placed the material at my disposal. The worms were captured in depths of 4,255-7,900 m, and a great part of the specimens are in consequence more or less damaged, and of some there are only fragments left. The total number of species is 23, of which however the greatest part are too fragmentary to be determinable. Three species are described as new to science. Two of them have however great affinities with earlier described species. But as I think it less mischievous to erect too many species than to confuse distinct forms I have thought it better to keep the species in question apart for the present. Some unfortunately empty tubes, probably of a Terebellid, 'were captured at St. 370, 7,625-7,900 m, the greatest depth from which traces of living creatures have hitherto been found. In the same haul there were also fragments of a Macellicephala.
Abyssal, Deep-Sea
Expeditions (results series)
Expeditions (results series)
Admetella longipedata (McIntosh, 1885) (additional source)
Ammotrypane nybelini Eliason, 1951 (original description)
Asychis amphiglyptus abyssicolus Eliason, 1951 (original description)
Macellicephala mirabilis (McIntosh, 1885) (source of synonymy)
Nephthys elamellata Eliason, 1951 accepted as Aglaophamus elamellatus (Eliason, 1951) (original description)
Potamis dubius Eliason, 1951 accepted as Potamethus dubius (Eliason, 1951) (original description)
Ammotrypane nybelini Eliason, 1951 (original description)
Asychis amphiglyptus abyssicolus Eliason, 1951 (original description)
Macellicephala mirabilis (McIntosh, 1885) (source of synonymy)
Nephthys elamellata Eliason, 1951 accepted as Aglaophamus elamellatus (Eliason, 1951) (original description)
Potamis dubius Eliason, 1951 accepted as Potamethus dubius (Eliason, 1951) (original description)