WoRMS source details
Laubier, L. (1971). Schroederella berkeleyi sp.n., un nouvel Orbiniidé (Polychète Sédentaire) de la faune interstitielle littorale du Massachusetts (USA). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 28(10): 1483-1486.
10.1139/f71-227 [view]
Laubier, L.
<i>Schroederella berkeleyi</i> sp.n., un nouvel Orbiniidé (Polychète Sédentaire) de la faune interstitielle littorale du Massachusetts (USA)
Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada
28(10): 1483-1486
Kristian Fauchald's Polychaeta DB
The author describes a new species of polychaetous annelid belonging to the genus Schroederella (Orbiniidae), and compares it to the only previously known species, S. pauliani. Like the type-species, S. berkeleyi sp.n. lives in the littoral interstitial biotope, and is distinguishable from it by both morphological and biogeographical arguments.
North-western Atlantic
Systematics, Taxonomy
Schroederella berkeleyi Laubier, 1971 accepted as Leitoscoloplos acutus (Verrill, 1873) (original description)