WoRMS source details
Aeolosoma pictum Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Hystricosoma pictum (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Aeolosoma ternarium Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Amphinome encopochaeta Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Eurythoe encopochaeta (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Amphinome indica Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Eurythoe indica (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Amphinome jamaicensis Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Eurythoe complanata (Pallas, 1766) (original description)
Amphinome latissima Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Eurythoe latissima (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Amphinome longicirra Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Eurythoe longicirra (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Amphinome macrotricha Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Eurythoe complanata (Pallas, 1766) (original description)
Amphinome sanguinea Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Hermodice sanguinea (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Amphinome smaragdina Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Hermodice smaragdina (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Anthostoma Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Naineris Blainville, 1828 (original description)
Anthostoma hexaphyllum Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Naineris laevigata (Grube, 1855) (original description)
Anthostoma ramosum Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Nainereis laevigata (Grube, 1855) accepted as Naineris laevigata (Grube, 1855) (original description)
Aracoda Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Arabella Grube, 1850 (original description)
Aracoda caerulea Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Arabella iricolor caerulea (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Aracoda heterochaeta Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Lumbrineris heterochaeta (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Aricia glossobranchia Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Aulophorus Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Aulophorus discocephalus Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Aulophorus oxycephalus Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Bhawania Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Bhawania myrialepis Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Branchoscolex Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Dasybranchus Grube, 1850 (original description)
Branchoscolex craspidochaetus Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Dasybranchus bipartitus (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Branchoscolex oligobranchus Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Dasybranchus bipartitus (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Branchoscolex sphaerachaetus Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Dasybranchus bipartitus (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Chaetogaster filiformis Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Paranais filiformis (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Chaetopterus hamatus Schmarda, 1961 accepted as Chaetopterus variopedatus (Renier, 1804) (original description)
Chaetopterus macropus Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Chloeia viridis Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Cirratulus anchylochaetus Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Timarete anchylochaeta (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Cirratulus capensis Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Cirriformia capensis (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Cirratulus cylindricus Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Timarete anchylochaeta (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Cirratulus miniatus Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Cirratulus polytrichus Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Timarete polytricha (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Cirrosyllis Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Oxydromus Grube, 1855 (original description)
Cirrosyllis ceylanica Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Cirrosyllis didymocera Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Oxydromus didymocerus (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Cirrosyllis incerta Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Schistomeringos incerta (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Cirrosyllis picta Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Amblyosyllis lineolata (A. Costa, 1864) accepted as Amblyosyllis spectabilis (Johnston in Baird, 1861) (original description)
Cirrosyllis tuberculata Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Autolytus tuberculatus (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Cirrosyllis vittata Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Clymene lyrocephala Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Isocirrus lyrocephalus (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Clymene microcephala Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Nicomache lumbricalis (Fabricius, 1780) (original description)
Colobranchus Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Malacoceros Quatrefages, 1843 (original description)
Colobranchus tetracerus Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Malacoceros tetracerus (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Conconia Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Sthenelais Kinberg, 1856 (original description)
Conconia caerulea Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Sthenelais caerulea (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Cymospira polycera Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Spirobranchus polycerus (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Didymobranchus Schmarda, 1861 (additional source)
Didymobranchus Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Didymobranchus cryptocephalus Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Didymobranchus microcephalus Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Dinophilus sphaerocephalus Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Diopatra phyllocirra Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Heptaceras phyllocirra (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Eteone aurantiaca Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Eteone tetraophthalma Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Eulalia capensis Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Eulalia lobocephala Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Eulalia microphylla Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Eunice adriatica Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Palola siciliensis (Grube, 1840) (original description)
Eunice capensis Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Marphysa capensis (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Eunice depressa Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Marphysa depressa (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Eunice hamata Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Marphysa hamata (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Eunice macrobranchia Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Eunice macrochaeta Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Eunice nigricans Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Eunice schemacephala Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Eunice teretiuscula Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Marphysa teretiuscula (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Euphrosine polybranchia Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Euphrosine capensis Kinberg, 1857 (original description)
Eupomatus dipoma Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Hydroides dipoma (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Galeoloria accepted as Galeolaria Lamarck, 1818 (basis of record)
Gastrolepidia Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Gastrolepidia clavigera Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Glycera diodon Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Hemipodia simplex (Grube, 1857) (original description)
Glycera lancadivae Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Glycera macrorhiza Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Hemipodia simplex (Grube, 1857) (original description)
Glycera microdonta [lapsus by Schmarda, 1861 for intended G. micrognatha] accepted as Glycera micrognatha Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Glycera micrognatha Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Glycera monodon Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Hemipodia simplex (Grube, 1857) (original description)
Glycera ovigera Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Glycera sphyrabrancha Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Glycera tridactyla Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Gnathosyllis Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Syllis Lamarck, 1818 (original description)
Gnathosyllis diplodonta Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Hemilepidia Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Hemilepidia erythrotaenia Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Polynoe erythrotaenia (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Hemilepidia tuberculata Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Hermella bicornis Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Idanthyrsus bicornis (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Hermella capensis Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Gunnarea gaimardi (Quatrefages, 1848) (original description)
Hermella macropalea Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Idanthyrsus macropaleus (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Hermella quadricornis Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Paraidanthyrsus quadricornis (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Hesione proctochona Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Hesione picta Müller in Grube, 1858 (original description)
Heteronereis australis Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Platynereis australis (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Heteronereis fasciata Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Nereis (Nereis) riisei Grube, 1857 accepted as Nereis riisei Grube, 1857 (original description)
Hyboscolex Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Hyboscolex longiseta Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Hypogaeon heterostichon Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Anteus heterostichon (Schmarda, 1861) accepted as Thamnodrilus heterostichon (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Hypogaeon orthostichon Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Megascolides orthostichon (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Auckland for Polynoe aucklandica Schmarda, 1861
Cape of Good Hope for Syllis gracilis Schmarda, 1861
Jamaica for Aulophorus discocephalus Schmarda, 1861
Port Jackson for Cirrosyllis didymocera Schmarda, 1861
Table Bay for Hyboscolex longiseta Schmarda, 1861
Syntype NHMW 3Zoo-20503, geounit Table Bay, identified as Mastigonereis podocirra Schmarda, 1861
Syntype NHMW 3Zoo-2179, geounit Table Bay, identified as Mastigonereis podocirra Schmarda, 1861
Holotype NHMW 611, geounit Cape of Good Hope, identified as Syllis crassicornis Schmarda, 1861
Cotype NHMW 613, geounit Cape of Good Hope, identified as Syllis gracilis Schmarda, 1861
Schmarda (1861: 114) used the variant spelling Lumbrinereida [sic] for the family name, and credited himself with ... [details]
Not stated in the original description. [details]
Not stated in the original description. [details]
Not stated in the original description. [details]
Not stated in the original description. [details]
Original diagnosis by Schmarda (1861: 59): "Branchiae ternae aut quaternae, rarissime plures, dorsales breves ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Schmarda (1861: 76): "Proboscis maxillis carens. Tentacula filiformia 4, nonnunquam etiam ... [details]
"Tentacula tria, cirri tentaculares et branchiae moniliformes. Maxillae duae, dentibus duobus" (Schmarda, 1861: 69). [details]
Original diagnosis by Schmarda (1861: 108): "Dorsum convexum antice bruneo-caerulescens, postice bruneo-viride. ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Schmarda (1861: 45) "Corpus viride-griseum. Branchiae cephalicae crassae ejusdem coloris, ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Schmarda (1861: 41): "Corpus flavo-rubescens. Branchiae cephalicae pallidiores, breves; ... [details]
Original diagnosis by Schmarda (1861: 43): "Corpus viride-griseum. Branchiae cephalicae griseae, laterales laete ... [details]
"Maxillae nullae. Oculi nulli. Setarum fasciculi corporis latitudinem 2 1/2 - 3 superantes. Tubercula setigera ... [details]
Pacific Ocean: Australia; Galapapos Islands. [details]
Atlantic Ocean. Further details concerning the location not known. [details]
Southeast Atlantic Ocean: Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope (South Africa). [details]
South Africa: Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope. [details]
South Africa: Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope. Japan, Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Indian Ocean, and Red Sea ... [details]
South Africa: Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope. [details]
South Africa: Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope. [details]
South Africa: Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope. [details]
South Africa: Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope. [details]
Need to find the usage source that recorded this. It was not Imajima & ten Hove (1984) who used Serpula (Hydroides) ... [details]
The species seems to be a member of the family Hesionidae Grube, 1850. [details]
The description and drawings of Syllis fusicornis provided by Schmarda (1861: 71), together with the small size of ... [details]
Not stated but 'macroura' means 'long tailed' from Greek macro- (long), and -oura (tail). It is not obvious what ... [details]
Schmarda gives the etymology in a footnote as: "Bhawani, eine Hindugottheit die Gattin Siwas" [Bhawani, Hindu ... [details]
The specific epithet craspidochaetus refers probably to the limbate chaetae of the species. [details]
The specific epithet oligobranchus refers probably to the reduced number of branchiae of the species. [details]
The specific epithet sphaerachaetus refers to the knobbed tips of some of the chaetae of the species. [details]
Not stated, but in the description for Eupomatus dipoma Schmarda (1861: 29, plate 21) describes in Latin "Operculum ... [details]
The name of the genus Gnathosyllis is composed by the Greek prefix gnatho-, meaning 'jaw', and the name of the ... [details]
The specific epithet diplodonta is composed by the Greek prefix diplo-, meaning 'double', and the Greek word donta, ... [details]
not stated, but apparently from Greek Hybos, a hump, and Scolex a worm. Both words are masculine. [details]
The specific epithet podocirra is composed by the prefix poda, derived from the Greek word pous and meaning 'foot', ... [details]
The specific epithet clavigera, is a Latin adjective, inflection of claviger, formed by clava ('club' or 'cudgel') ... [details]
Not stated. Clearly named for the form of the dorsal chaetae, with Palea from Latin for chaff, and a widely used ... [details]
Not stated. Antipodes is from Greek, from ἀντί (antí, “opposite”) + πούς (poús, “foot”). ... [details]
Not stated, but 'caeruleus' is Latin for sky blue. In reality the radiolar fan of Pomatoceros caeruleus is a ... [details]
Not stated. Tetra means four and ceros means horn, thus there is a structure forming four horns present (as ... [details]
Schmarda named 'tilosaula' from Greek words meaning tube and fibrous (thus fibrous tube), and the Latin diagnosis ... [details]
The specific epithet brachychaeta is composed by the Greek prefix brachy-, meaning 'short', and the Latin noun of ... [details]
The specific epithet brevis is a Latin adjective meaning 'brief' or 'short', and refers to the relatively short ... [details]
The specific epithet closterobranchia is composed by the prefix clostero- derived from the Greek word kloster and ... [details]
The specific epithet crassicornis is composed by the Latin adjective crassi, plural of crassus and meaning 'dense', ... [details]
The specific epithet fusicornis is composed by the words fusi, the genitive of the Latin noun fusus and meaning ... [details]
The specific epithet gracilis is the Latin adjective for 'slender', 'slim' or 'thin', and refers to the body of the ... [details]
The specific epithet lineata, feminine of the Latin adjective lineatus and meaning 'lined', refers to the middle ... [details]
The specific epithet macroura is composed by the Greek prefix makrós, meaning 'long', and the Greek noun oura, ... [details]
The specific epithet polycera is composed by the Greek prefix poly-, meaning 'many' or 'much', and the Greek word ... [details]
Not specifically stated in the original description. The specific epithet macrocephala is a Latin adjective meaning ... [details]
The specific epithet plagiostoma is composed by the Greek adjective plagios, meaning 'oblique', and the Greek noun ... [details]
The name Trichosyllis is formed by the prefix tricho- derived from the Greek word thríks, meaning 'hair' and used ... [details]
The specific epithet sylliformis is composed by the name of the type genus of the family, Syllis Lamarck, 1818, and ... [details]
Hyboscolex is a masculine compound noun, therefore adjectival species-group names should be masculine in agreement. ... [details]
Masculine. Notus is assumed to be masculine (although in Latin Notos/Notus has a different meaning from the Greek ... [details]
Mud under stones, probably at intertidal to shallow subtidal depths. [details]
Syllis gracilis Schmarda, 1861 is a junior primary homonym of Syllis gracilis Grube, 1840, a species valid and in use. [details]
Current knowledge is that Schmarda (1861) combined different but related intertidal species from two places in his ... [details]
Schmarda's Colobranchus tetracerus (from "Küste der Bretagne, im Sande") is figured with prominent prostomial ... [details]
Erected for an apparently unrelated group of (eventually) nine species, with type species unstated. All except two ... [details]
The genus Cirrosyllis was established in Hesionidae by Schmarda (1861), to include six new species: Cirrosyllis ... [details]
locality Caucathale nähe von Cali [Cauca valley near Cali] [details]
"Trinkomalie and der Ostküste von Ceylon auf Steinen" [Trincomalee on the east coast of Ceylon], Sri Lanka, ... [details]
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, in sand at the limits of the tide. [details]
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. [details]
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. [details]
Coast of Illawarra, New South Wales, Australia, Tasman Sea (gazetteer estimate -34.56°, 150.87°). [details]