WoRMS source details

Vieitez, J.M.; M.A.; Alós, C.; Parapar, J.; Besteiro, C.; Moreira, J.; Nunez, J.; Laborda, J.; and San Martin, G. (2004). Annelida Polychaeta I. Fauna Iberica. Ramos, M.A. et al (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, Madrid, Vol. 25:1-530 [sections separate authorship not recognised here].
Vieitez, J.M.; M.A.; Alós, C.; Parapar, J.; Besteiro, C.; Moreira, J.; Nunez, J.; Laborda, J.; and San Martin, G.
Annelida Polychaeta I. Fauna Iberica. Ramos, M.A. et al (Eds.)
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, Madrid, Vol. 25:1-530 [sections separate authorship not recognised here]
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). Recommended citation is as Vieitez et al. The text is continuous, not in authored chapters
Polychaeta I updates our current knowledge of the Polychaete Annelids from the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, through a description of the general morphological characters and most relevant aspects of the biology of the species of this taxonomic group. As a group that, to date, numbers almost a thousand species in our coasts, we did not consider it opportune to include a detailed account of all said species, however we do include identification keys of the different families as this is the most important taxonomic category to understand the great morphological variability that exists among this group of segmented marine worms. This volume also contains a detailed taxonomic review and an in-depth bibliography of the families Phyllodocidae, Hesionidae, Pilargidae, Nereididae, Nephtyidae, Paralacidoniidae, Chrysopetalidae y Pisonidae, in addition to keys of the different taxons to the species level. For each of the 129 cited species belonging to the above-mentioned families, we offer a detailed description of the species, accompanied by the corresponding iconography that highlights its most important anatomical characteristics, aspects of its biology, and its geographic distribution.
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2013-11-07 21:18:31Z
2014-04-17 02:01:03Z

Aglaophamus agilis (Langerhans, 1880) (redescription)
Aglaophamus malmgreni (Théel, 1879) (redescription)
Aglaophamus rubellus (Michaelsen, 1896) accepted as Aglaophamus agilis (Langerhans, 1880) (redescription)
Ancistrosyllis groenlandica McIntosh, 1878 (redescription)
Ancistrosyllis hamata (Hartman, 1960) (redescription)
Arichlidon reyssi (Katzmann, Laubier & Ramos, 1974) (redescription)
Bhawania goodei Webster, 1884 (redescription)
Ceratonereis (Composetia) costae (Grube, 1840) accepted as Composetia costae (Grube, 1840) (redescription)
Ceratonereis (Composetia) hircinicola (Eisig, 1869) accepted as Composetia hircinicola (Eisig, 1869) (redescription)
Ceratonereis (Composetia) vittata Langerhans, 1884 (redescription)
Chaetoparia nilssoni Malmgren, 1867 (redescription)
Chaunorhynchus Chamberlin, 1919 accepted as Ceratocephale Malmgren, 1867 (additional source)
Chaunorhynchus andaman (Hylleberg & Nateewathana, 1988) accepted as Ceratocephale andaman Hylleberg & Natewathana, 1988 (new combination reference)
Chaunorhynchus loveni (Malmgren, 1867) accepted as Ceratocephale loveni Malmgren, 1867 (new combination reference)
Chaunorhynchus pacificus (Hartman, 1960) accepted as Ceratocephale pacifica (Hartman, 1960) (new combination reference)
Chrysopetalum debile (Grube, 1855) (redescription)
Dalhousiella carpenteri McIntosh, 1901 (redescription)
Dysponetus caecus (Langerhans, 1880) (redescription)
Dysponetus gracilis Hartman, 1965 (redescription)
Eteone barbata (Malmgren, 1865) accepted as Mysta barbata Malmgren, 1865 (redescription)
Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780) (redescription)
Eteone foliosa Quatrefages, 1866 accepted as Hypereteone foliosa (Quatrefages, 1865) (redescription)
Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (redescription)
Eteone siphodonta (Delle Chiaje, 1830) accepted as Mysta siphodonta (Delle Chiaje, 1830) (redescription)
Eteone spetsbergensis Malmgren, 1865 (redescription)
Eulalia bilineata (Johnston, 1840) (redescription)
Eulalia brunnea (Hartmann-Schröder, 1963) (redescription)
Eulalia clavigera (Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) (redescription)
Eulalia expusilla Pleijel, 1987 (redescription)
Eulalia mustela Pleijel, 1987 (redescription)
Eulalia tripunctata McIntosh, 1874 (redescription)
Eumida longicirrata Hartmann-Schröder, 1975 represented as Eumida (Eumida) longicirrata Hartmann-Schröder, 1975 (redescription)
Eumida punctifera (Grube, 1860) (redescription)
Eumida sanguinea (Örsted, 1843) (redescription)
Eunereis longissima (Johnston, 1840) (redescription)
Glyphohesione klatti Friedrich, 1950 (redescription)
Gyptis mediterranea Pleijel, 1993 accepted as Neogyptis mediterranea (Pleijel, 1993) (redescription)
Gyptis propinqua Marion & Bobretzky, 1875 (redescription)
Gyptis rosea (Malm, 1874) accepted as Neogyptis rosea (Malm, 1874) (taxonomy source)
Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776) (redescription)
Hesionidae Grube, 1850 (identification resource)
Hesionides arenaria Friedrich, 1937 (redescription)
Hesionides gohari Hartmann-Schröder, 1960 (redescription)
Hesionura coineaui (Laubier, 1962) (redescription)
Hesionura elongata (Southern, 1914) (redescription)
Hesionura serrata (Hartmann-Schröder, 1960) (redescription)
Hesiospina similis (Hessle, 1925) accepted as Hesiospina aurantiaca (M. Sars, 1862) (redescription)
Heteronereis schmardaei Quatrefages, 1866 accepted as Neanthes nubila (Savigny, 1822) (status source)
Inermonephtys inermis (Ehlers, 1887) (redescription)
Leocrates atlanticus (McIntosh, 1885) accepted as Dalhousia atlantica McIntosh, 1885 (redescription)
Leocrates claparedii (Costa in Claparède, 1868) (redescription)
Litocorsa stremma Pearson, 1970 (redescription)
Lugia pterophora (Ehlers, 1864) (redescription)
Lycoris pulsatoria Savigny, 1822 accepted as Nereis pulsatoria (Savigny, 1822) (status source)
Micronephthys maryae San Martín, 1982 accepted as Micronephthys longicornis (Perejaslavtseva, 1891) (redescription)
Micronephthys sphaerocirrata (Wesenberg-Lund, 1949) (redescription)
Micronereis variegata Claparède, 1863 (redescription)
Mystides borealis Théel, 1879 (redescription)
Namanereis littoralis (Grube, 1872) (redescription)
Neanthes agulhana (Day, 1963) (redescription)
Neanthes bioculata (Hartmann-Schröder, 1975) (redescription)
Neanthes caudata (sensu Delle Chiaje, 1827) accepted as Neanthes acuminata (Ehlers, 1868) (redescription)
Neanthes fucata (Savigny, 1822) (redescription)
Neanthes heteroculata (Hartmann-Schröder, 1981) (redescription)
Neanthes kerguelensis (McIntosh, 1885) (redescription)
Neanthes nubila (Savigny, 1822) (new combination reference)
Neanthes rubicunda (Ehlers, 1868) (redescription)
Neanthes succinea (Leuckart, 1847) accepted as Alitta succinea (Leuckart, 1847) (redescription)
Neanthes virens (M. Sars, 1835) accepted as Alitta virens (M. Sars, 1835) (redescription)
Nephtys assimilis Örsted, 1843 (redescription)
Nephtys caeca (Fabricius, 1780) (redescription)
Nephtys ciliata (Müller, 1788) (redescription)
Nephtys cirrosa Ehlers, 1868 (redescription)
Nephtys hombergii Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 (redescription)
Nephtys hystricis McIntosh, 1900 (redescription)
Nephtys incisa Malmgren, 1865 (redescription)
Nephtys kersivalensis McIntosh, 1908 (redescription)
Nephtys paradoxa Malm, 1874 (redescription)
Nephtys pulchra Rainer, 1991 accepted as Aglaophamus pulcher (Rainer, 1991) (redescription)
Nereimyra punctata (Müller, 1788) (redescription)
Nereiphylla castanea (Marenzeller, 1879) (redescription)
Nereiphylla paretti Blainville, 1828 (redescription)
Nereiphylla pusilla (Claparède, 1870) (additional source)
Nereiphylla rubiginosa (Saint-Joseph, 1888) (redescription)
Nereis (Lycoris) gisserana Horst, 1924 accepted as Neanthes gisserana (Horst, 1924) (status source)
Nereis falsa Quatrefages, 1866 accepted as Nereis splendida Grube, 1840 (source of synonymy)
Nereis funchalensis (Langerhans, 1880) (redescription)
Nereis gisserana (Horst, 1924) accepted as Neanthes rubicunda (Ehlers, 1868) (status source)
Nereis lamellosa Ehlers, 1868 (redescription)
Nereis pelagica Linnaeus, 1758 (redescription)
Nereis perivisceralis Claparède, 1868 (redescription)
Nereis pulsatoria (Savigny, 1822) (status source)
Nereis rava Ehlers, 1868 (redescription)
Nereis schmardaei (Quatrefages, 1866) accepted as Neanthes nubila (Savigny, 1822) (status source)
Nereis splendida Grube, 1840 (redescription)
Notophyllum foliosum (Sars, 1835) (redescription)
Ophiodromus flexuosus (Delle Chiaje, 1827) accepted as Oxydromus flexuosus (Delle Chiaje, 1827) (redescription)
Ophiodromus pallidus (Claparède, 1864) accepted as Oxydromus pallidus Claparède, 1864 (redescription)
Ophiodromus pelagicus Rioja, 1923 accepted as Oxydromus pelagicus (Rioja, 1923) (redescription)
Paleanotus chrysolepis Schmarda, 1861 (redescription)

 Depth range

Intertidal to about 63-66 m.  [details]


Mediterranean Sea: Monaco; Naples; Adriatic Sea; Black Sea. NW Atlantic Ocean: Iberian Peninsula (Galicia). [details]


Western Mediterranean Sea: Gulf of Naples (Italy); Balearic Islands; Mediterranean coast of Spain. Gibraltar Strait ... [details]


Sandy substrates. [details]


Among algae, on hard and detritic substrates, coralligène, on shells of Pinna nobilis, on rocky bottoms with ... [details]


Usually treated as a junior homonym, arising from a long standing treatment as the original name of a nereidid (eg ... [details]