WoRMS source details
Desbruyères, Daniel; Laubier, Lucien. (1988). Exploitation d'une source de matière organique concentrée dans l'océan profond: intervention d'une annélide polychète nouvelle [Exploitation of a concentrated organic matter source in the deep sea: role of a new polychaetous annelid]. Compte rendu hebdomaidaire des séances de l'Académie des sciences. 307(6): 329-336.
Desbruyères, Daniel; Laubier, Lucien
Exploitation d'une source de matière organique concentrée dans l'océan profond: intervention d'une annélide polychète nouvelle [Exploitation of a concentrated organic matter source in the deep sea: role of a new polychaetous annelid]
Compte rendu hebdomaidaire des séances de l'Académie des sciences
307(6): 329-336
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb)
It is generally admitted that benthic assemblages of the deep ocean are very strongly limited by the scarcity of the food coming from the euphotic layers as small particles. Nevertheless, long period exposures of artificial substrates enriched in concentrated organic matter reveal the occurrence of several species displaying remarkable features. Among them, a large polynoid (polychaetous annelid, Aphroditoidea) bearing parapodial branchiae represents a new species strongly related to a few species recently discovered within the faunal assemblages linked with submarine hydrothermal vents and hypersaline seeps.
Peinaleopolynoe Desbruyères & Laubier, 1988 (original description)
Peinaleopolynoe sillardi Desbruyères & Laubier, 1988 (original description)
Peinaleopolynoe sillardi Desbruyères & Laubier, 1988 (original description)
Holotype MNHN UB 631, geounit North East Atlantic, identified as Peinaleopolynoe sillardi Desbruyères & Laubier, 1988