WoRMS source details
Chatton, E. & E. Brément. (1910). Sur trois ascidicoles du genre Aplostoma Canu: Aplostoma magellanica n. sp., A. hibernica (T. et A. Scott), A. sacculus n. sp. [On three ascidicoles of the genus Aplostoma Canu: Aplostoma magellanica n. sp., A. hibernica (T. and A. Scott), A. sacculus n. sp.]. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France. 35(3-4):80-92, figs. 1-5.
Chatton, E. & E. Brément
Sur trois ascidicoles du genre Aplostoma Canu: Aplostoma magellanica n. sp., A. hibernica (T. et A. Scott), A. sacculus n. sp. [On three ascidicoles of the genus Aplostoma Canu: Aplostoma magellanica n. sp., A. hibernica (T. and A. Scott), A. sacculus n. sp.]
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France
35(3-4):80-92, figs. 1-5.
Available in Wilson Copepod Library (non-digital)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
Aplostoma hibernica (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895) accepted as Haplostomides hibernicus (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895) (additional source)
Aplostoma megallanica Chatton & Brément, 1910 accepted as Tranestoma magellanica (Chatton & Brément, 1910) accepted as Haplostomella magellanica (Chatton & Brément, 1910) (original description)
Aplostoma sacculus Chatton & Brément, 1910 accepted as Haplosaccus sacculus (Chatton & Brément, 1910) (original description)
Tranestoma gibbera Chatton & Brément, 1910 accepted as Haplostoma gibberum (Schellenberg, 1922) (original description)
Aplostoma megallanica Chatton & Brément, 1910 accepted as Tranestoma magellanica (Chatton & Brément, 1910) accepted as Haplostomella magellanica (Chatton & Brément, 1910) (original description)
Aplostoma sacculus Chatton & Brément, 1910 accepted as Haplosaccus sacculus (Chatton & Brément, 1910) (original description)
Tranestoma gibbera Chatton & Brément, 1910 accepted as Haplostoma gibberum (Schellenberg, 1922) (original description)