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Andronov, V.N. (1976). Novye vidy roda Tharybis (Copepoda, Tharybidae) iz yugo-vostochnoi Atlantiki. [New species of the genus Tharybis (Copepoda, Tharibidae) from the south-east Atlantic.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal. 55(12):1903-1905, figs. 1-2. (19-xi-1976, Russian with English summary).
Andronov, V.N. (1976). Novye vidy roda Tharybis (Copepoda, Tharybidae) iz yugo-vostochnoi Atlantiki. [New species of the genus Tharybis (Copepoda, Tharibidae) from the south-east Atlantic.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal. 55(12):1903-1905, figs. 1-2. (19-xi-1976, Russian with English summary).