Amphipoda name details
Carolobatea novaezealandiae (Dana, 1853) sensu Chilton, 1909
742898 (
unaccepted > misapplication
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
Chilton, C. (1909). The Crustacea of the Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand. <em>In: Chilton, C. (ed.). The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, Wellington.</em> 601-671. [details] 
Horton, T.; Lowry, J.; De Broyer, C.; Bellan-Santini, D.; Copilas-Ciocianu, D.; Corbari, L.; Costello, M.J.; Daneliya, M.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Fišer, C.; Gasca, R.; Grabowski, M.; Guerra-García, J.M.; Hendrycks, E.; Hughes, L.; Jaume, D.; Jazdzewski, K.; Kim, Y.-H.; King, R.; Krapp-Schickel, T.; LeCroy, S.; Lörz, A.-N.; Mamos, T.; Senna, A.R.; Serejo, C.; Souza-Filho, J.F.; Tandberg, A.H.; Thomas, J.D.; Thurston, M.; Vader, W.; Väinölä, R.; Valls Domedel, G.; Vonk, R.; White, K.; Zeidler, W. (2024). World Amphipoda Database. Carolobatea novaezealandiae (Dana, 1853) sensu Chilton, 1909. Accessed at: on 2025-03-14
original description
Chilton, C. (1909). The Crustacea of the Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand. <em>In: Chilton, C. (ed.). The Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, Wellington.</em> 601-671. [details] 
basis of record Webber, W.R., G.D. Fenwick, J.M. Bradford-Grieve, S.G. Eagar, J.S. Buckeridge, G.C.B. Poore, E.W. Dawson, L. Watling, J.B. Jones, J.B.J. Wells, N.L. Bruce, S.T. Ahyong, K. Larsen, M.A. Chapman, J. Olesen, J.S. Ho, J.D. Green, R.J. Shiel, C.E.F. Rocha, A. Lörz, G.J. Bird & W.A. Charleston. (2010). Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Crustacea: shrimps, crabs, lobsters, barnacles, slaters, and kin. <em>in: Gordon, D.P. (Ed.) (2010). New Zealand inventory of biodiversity: 2. Kingdom Animalia: Chaetognatha, Ecdysozoa, Ichnofossils.</em> pp. 98-232 (COPEPODS 21 pp.). [details] Available for editors
status source Barnard, J. L. (1972). The marine fauna of New Zealand: algae-living littoral Gammaridea (Crustacea, Amphipoda). <em>New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin.</em> 1-216. [New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir n° 62].
note: Chilton (1909a), insisted that he had specimens from New Zealand and identified it with Carolobatea schneideri (Stebbing 1888) to which it took priority. There is so little resemblance between Carolob...
[details] Available for editors
basis of record Webber, W.R., G.D. Fenwick, J.M. Bradford-Grieve, S.G. Eagar, J.S. Buckeridge, G.C.B. Poore, E.W. Dawson, L. Watling, J.B. Jones, J.B.J. Wells, N.L. Bruce, S.T. Ahyong, K. Larsen, M.A. Chapman, J. Olesen, J.S. Ho, J.D. Green, R.J. Shiel, C.E.F. Rocha, A. Lörz, G.J. Bird & W.A. Charleston. (2010). Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Crustacea: shrimps, crabs, lobsters, barnacles, slaters, and kin. <em>in: Gordon, D.P. (Ed.) (2010). New Zealand inventory of biodiversity: 2. Kingdom Animalia: Chaetognatha, Ecdysozoa, Ichnofossils.</em> pp. 98-232 (COPEPODS 21 pp.). [details] Available for editors

status source Barnard, J. L. (1972). The marine fauna of New Zealand: algae-living littoral Gammaridea (Crustacea, Amphipoda). <em>New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin.</em> 1-216. [New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir n° 62].
note: Chilton (1909a), insisted that he had specimens from New Zealand and identified it with Carolobatea schneideri (Stebbing 1888) to which it took priority. There is so little resemblance between Carolob...
Chilton (1909a), insisted that he had specimens from New Zealand and identified it with Carolobatea schneideri (Stebbing 1888) to which it took priority. There is so little resemblance between Carolobatea and Paracalliope despite their vaguely confamilial position that it is difficult to understand why Chilton identified Dana's species with Stebbing's unless he misread a figure to the upper right of Dana's drawing of 0. novi-zealandiae as belonging with the group; that figure bears a resemblance
to a gnathopod of a Carolobatea. The question now remains whether Chilton did indeed have any species of Carolobatea from New Zealand or whether by a peculiar circular process occurring over many years of study he identified marine paracalliopes with carolobateas without re-investigating the literature.