WoRMS ID Keys are online polytomous or multi-state identification keys, intended to easily determine the name of a specimen.
They can be generated for any taxonomic group, at any chosen level.

Such a polytomous key has the advantage that an overview of all possible characteristics is available at any time during the identification process, allowing users to start with selecting the most obvious characteristics. By selecting characteristics and their values, the remaining set of characteristics relevant for the further identification is narrowed down, leading to a final identification of the species.

WoRMS editors can compile their own identification keys through a user-friendly online interface. The Data Management Team provides support during this process. Preferably, global keys are created, as these can help scientists to quickly share their knowledge on species identification worldwide.
In addition, the digital spread of aggregated information can be easier and more readily accessible compared to retracing the paper-trail.

The date of the last update is clearly stated. This way, users can take into account the fact that recently published species might not yet be included in the available ID-key

The ID Keys module is an adaptation of NeMys, originally developed by Tim Deprez.

Keys available in the following GSDs (contexts)

World of Copepods Database

World Echinoidea Database

Hans De Blauwe site

World List of Lophogastrida, Stygiomysida and Mysida

Nemys: World Database of Nematodes

World Ophiuroidea Database

World List of Tanaidacea