Go to http://www.perl.org, download & install Perl (Windows/Mac OS X/Linux).
Step 2: Install the SOAP::Lite (with the CPAN shell)
>perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install SOAP::Lite
Step 3: Copy/paste the following code in a file 'Aphia_webservice_Perl.pl'
Step 4: Run the script from the command line
>perl -f Aphia_webservice_Perl.pl
#this should output '127160'
Download this example.
Calling the WoRMS webservice from Perl
Step 1: Install PerlGo to http://www.perl.org, download & install Perl (Windows/Mac OS X/Linux).
Step 2: Install the SOAP::Lite (with the CPAN shell)
>perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install SOAP::Lite
Step 3: Copy/paste the following code in a file 'Aphia_webservice_Perl.pl'
use SOAP::Lite; my $endpoint = qq{https://marinespecies.org./aphia.php?p=soap} ; my $tns = 'http://aphia/v1.0' ; my $method_urn = $tns ; my $soapaction = $tns ; my $sObj = SOAP::Lite->new(uri => $soapaction, proxy => $endpoint) ; my $response = $sObj->call(SOAP::Data->name('getAphiaID')->attr({ 'xmlns' => $method_urn}) => SOAP::Data->name('ScientificName' => 'Solea solea')) ; print $response->result, "\n";
Step 4: Run the script from the command line
>perl -f Aphia_webservice_Perl.pl
#this should output '127160'
Download this example.